
Holy shit, I think I may have just gotten slightly dumber. No one is talking about promoting pistols and BB guns, nutjob. We are talking about how a race of people or minorities for that matter are subject to prejudicial policing. There is a very very very small number of situations in which a person should be killed. They don't even shoot people in the EU when they have a knife. Black people are getting much, much smarter with interactions with police. Yes, they are recording and being a watch dog of sorts when they see someone of color get pulled over because they have to be. Police lie and if it wasn't for people recording shit now a days, this would be a mystery. There is no law that says you must respect a cop. You just like to believe there is. Your parents might have fucked you over by telling you police are your friends, but mine didn't and for that I'm truly thankful. You're in a weed forum and support cops, what a joke. Go suck a fart out of trumps ass.
I get your point on our public officials' level of preparedness; a little understanding of human psychology goes a long way. But..

Previous generations were brought up to respect, and to a certain extent, fear law enforcement. "Yes officer, no officer." I remember being told this as a kid. I grew up in a tough city too.

We're living in the age of entitlement; current generations question authority, challenge cops trying to do their job, and are far less respectful in general. I fear this is going to escalate unless African Americans reverse this way of thinking. Cops are not your enemies. And by default, you should respect them as they do their jobs. Don't want trouble? Sit down, mind your own business, and don't get involved. And if you're a lawbreaker, well don't get caught or surrender with hands visible. The moment you decide to challenge, you become a threat.

It's regretful, but this is a black thing, not a cop thing.
Well, I can't speak for the whole generation but I'm apart of the 90s kids now 20 in this new age. I was always taught to question everything, but I know my boundaries and know how to weigh options and read emotions. Problem is though, when you go to the hospital with a broken arm or gunshot wound and you are erratic, it doesn't matter. They will treat you because that is their job, you can question the type of medication you're recieiving, you can complain if you think they are being too rough, you can record them if you think you aren't be treated well or see an instance of abuse etc. medical professionals are held accountable for their patients. We should hold the police to the Same standards, but more often than not they get off easily. Sad stuff is going on I just read about an inmate that died of severe dehydration whilst in jail for only 9 days awaiting trial. That's despicable, unnaceptable. Our checks and balances of the justice system as a whole needs to be revisited. Luckily my few run ins with the police have been smooth and pleasant experiences, but I understand the fear in people that is translating into ignorance, irrationality, and in some cases disrespect. It's hard to reverse a way of thinking when you keep seeing these terrible headlines on the news, you know?
Luckily my few run ins with the police have been smooth and pleasant experiences, but I understand the fear in people that is translating into ignorance, irrationality, and in some cases disrespect.

Don't forget blatant, generational racism...there is that, also.
So by default, we should teach kids to question authority? To carry bb gun pistols and brandish them when challenged by law enforcement? We should let kids wander where and when hey want? We should but our noses into other people's business, including times when law enforcement is involved? I can go on. And this isn't "old white Trump voter" talking. I just think blacks have it wrong with cops. Stay out of the shadows, try to do the right thing, and have some basic respect for law enforcement.

Hasty generalization, don't you think?
If those pesky blacks would only mind their manners and stop creeping around in shadows this whole mess would work itself out, am I right??

So, while you are hanging around the precinct fantasizing about tossing cop salads, do you jack off right there or wait until you get home?

and he got out of his car to interact with officers for what reason? It's unfortunate, but the whole minding your own business thing sounds like it would have made a difference .

Attack and insult me if you like, it's ridiculous though..
and he got out of his car to interact with officers for what reason? It's unfortunate, but the whole minding your own business thing sounds like it would have made a difference .

Attack and insult me if you like, it's ridiculous though..

When you are approached by the police it is indeed your business, and its your right to react. I don't know much about the Charlotte incident as of yet since I don't watch the news too much these days, but from what I hear what happened was despicable, and instead of begging the question, we should be handing out accountability to those involved.
Holy shit, I think I may have just gotten slightly dumber. No one is talking about promoting pistols and BB guns, nutjob. We are talking about how a race of people or minorities for that matter are subject to prejudicial policing. There is a very very very small number of situations in which a person should be killed. They don't even shoot people in the EU when they have a knife. Black people are getting much, much smarter with interactions with police. Yes, they are recording and being a watch dog of sorts when they see someone of color get pulled over because they have to be. Police lie and if it wasn't for people recording shit now a days, this would be a mystery. There is no law that says you must respect a cop. You just like to believe there is. Your parents might have fucked you over by telling you police are your friends, but mine didn't and for that I'm truly thankful. You're in a weed forum and support cops, what a joke. Go suck a fart out of trumps ass.

The bb gun reference is for the 13 year old kid who was shot after he brandished it when challenged. Okay you're right, cops are the enemy, they want to kill black people. Arm yourselves with dash cams and body cams..
The bb gun reference is for the 13 year old kid who was shot after he brandished it when challenged. Okay you're right, cops are the enemy, they want to kill black people. Arm yourselves with dash cams and body cams..

It seems you'd rather trust the police blindly, its very ignorant, but ignorance is bliss, and you will be comfortable until something happens to you. Whether you're white black or purple I would not always expect the best from law enforcement, and all the fallacies you've presented during a two page argument really makes you look like a fool. I like to have conversations with people without adding insult to injury, but you're insulting yourself with your outdated views.

You are like the generation before we found out the world was round, yelling at those "millennials" about questioning things too much and how the world is indeed flat, lol.
It seems you'd rather trust the police blindly, its very ignorant, but ignorance is bliss, and you will be comfortable until something happens to you. Whether you're white black or purple I would not always expect the best from law enforcement, and all the fallacies you've presented during a two page argument really makes you look like a fool. I like to have conversations with people without adding insult to injury, but you're insulting yourself with your outdated views.

You are like the generation before we found out the world was round, yelling at those "millennials" about questioning things too much and how the world is indeed flat, lol.

I have two degrees, one in psychology. I just happen to think blacks have it wrong on this. Cops are not out to get you.
I have two degrees, one in psychology. I just happen to think blacks have it wrong on this. Cops are not out to get you.
Don't say I never gave you and @Flaming Pie anything.

Here is example of a case where the police showed they were not racist because only one of the three were black. The other two were (((white))). If they had not gone out of their way to make trouble by registering and stirring up our negros they never would have died. They had no business being there - two were even from out of state. If they had adjusted their attitude, they might be alive today.
"outdated views." lol

Is your new way working better? Your new way of "basic disrespect" is affecting things, for sure. Blame someone else.. yeah it's the cops.