What's in your retail cannabis?

So you're born again? Sure you haven't used them often... I got several bridges I can sell you that a bug free area that you can grow under... Maybe we can blame shops in the US and border guards that let people bring in pesticides into Canada while where at it. Its not the growers fault the're just the playah.

It's not the bugs, it's the PM in BC. How much Nova you sell?

Pot kettle black something.....

Like I said it's a last resort. I've used Nova before in veg. I inoculated the entire facility. No more PM. In the early 90's I used Avid before I knew better. The hydro store was more than happy to sell me that carcinogen. There are many options now a days other than prohibited chems.

No nova anymore just Potassium Bicarbonate.

Baking soda, milk, h202, bacillus subtilis, low humidity All tools. But you need to know when and how to use them. They work but it's not as simple as a fungicide. You don't sell Nova behind the counter? Your an exception.

At the end of the day its up to the dispensaries to test the products they sell in an unregulated market/system, hence why so many people want to grow their own. The more people grow in smaller garden for their own consumption the more clean cannabis there will be in the market from those smaller growers.

No it's up to the consumer to do their due diligence. The need to educate themselves on how and where there meds come from. We can't rely on the producers or our government, they tell us what we want to hear, not the truth.

Baking soda, milk, h202, bacillus subtilis, low humidity All tools. But you need to know when and how to use them. They work but it's not as simple as a fungicide. You don't sell Nova behind the counter? Your an exception.


People use nova way too much, its actually not working that good in some instances.. I've been pushing Potassium Bicarbonate for a while and so far its a hit as long as they spray it once a week. Took me giving out 2x50lb bags broken down into 500gm containers for people to finally see that it works. One thing is you need or should use any wetting agent with the PB as it'll work better. Peroxide and stuff like Serenade doesn't really work that well, tested it many times as alternatives, no go...
No it's up to the consumer to do their due diligence. The need to educate themselves on how and where there meds come from. We can't rely on the producers or our government, they tell us what we want to hear, not the truth.


No, if the dispensaries are buying black market weed its up to them to have each pic tested.
People use nova way too much, its actually not working that good in some instances.. I've been pushing Potassium Bicarbonate for a while and so far its a hit as long as they spray it once a week. Took me giving out 2x50lb bags broken down into 500gm containers for people to finally see that it works. One thing is you need or should use any wetting agent with the PB as it'll work better. Peroxide and stuff like Serenade doesn't really work that well, tested it many times as alternatives, no go...

I'm more of an ounce of prevention, type of grower. I DONT WAIT UNTIL THINGS GO OFF THE RAILS. An IPM is key. Personally I rotate bacillus subtilis, SM90, and h2o2 for my PM prevention. Once my veg building was inoculated with Nova, preventative was all that was needed. 4 years without PM with 1 Nova treatment.. Sanitation is key as well, after every harvest your room must be sanitized. I burn sulphur in my empty rooms, then h2o2 the shit outta it.

This has nothing to do with LP's. The horse is dead hippy, move along.....please link your source that LP's use products that aren't recommended for human consumption, or their product has been tested and failed, then sold. You can't, it's never happened.

He is not smart enough to do that. It's a lost cause!!!
Most things are this way. Corporations are all about volume and profit, not quality. It's been that way for much longer than I've been alive and I've walked this earth for 48 years...49 soon.

That's part of the whole reason I grow my own now. It's a hell of a lot cheaper, and I know exactly what goes into it. But that's the same with my little spice garden as well. Grab one of my basil leaves fresh off the stalk and taste it. You won't believe it.

And about the worst you're going to get is a couple of atoms of extra nitrogen...but being as the atmosphere is made up of 80% nitrogen, I don't think you'll be bothered by it too much.
ANYONE WHO BELIEVES THE GLOBE AND MAIL need their head examined!!

That paper like all papers is USELESS and they only tell glorified BS stories!

But this is Itsmehigh after all...

AVID can put you in a wheel chair. Need a HAZMAT SUIT to apply it!!!
Anyone who uses it CAN GROW properly.
There are so many other CLEAN ways of control.
An acomplished grower doesn't rely on pesticides or fungicides for success.. Chemicals are just another tool in our tool boxes, and should be a last resort. Just because there are products that HC allows doesn't mean they are being used. I've grown for years without using chemicals. Have I used them? Yes, but they are a last resort. I have many other tools in my toolbox, that I prefer to use first.

i agree. i knew a guy who uses chemicals for the first part and let's irt flush out. he said he dips the baby's in something-i don't know what-and it leaves the plant in 6 weeks. i am not sure what it was because i don't know a lot about growing.
he grows very good quality but i would like to test his stuff....but he turned out to be an ass completely so w don't talk anymore
i agree. i knew a guy who uses chemicals for the first part and let's irt flush out. he said he dips the baby's in something-i don't know what-and it leaves the plant in 6 weeks. i am not sure what it was because i don't know a lot about growing.
he grows very good quality but i would like to test his stuff....but he turned out to be an ass completely so w don't talk anymore

Depends on the chemicals. Some are for ornamental usage only so there have been no long term human studies done, some are for food crops but you have to use them at a certain time from cropping. Also vegetables can be washed off cannabis can't. Also when it says 4 week residual that's the 1/2 life of the chemical the full residual of the chemicals/carrying agent could be way longer.
Depends on the chemicals. Some are for ornamental usage only so there have been no long term human studies done, some are for food crops but you have to use them at a certain time from cropping. Also vegetables can be washed off cannabis can't. Also when it says 4 week residual that's the 1/2 life of the chemical the full residual of the chemicals/carrying agent could be way longer.
any other happy news? haha
we had his stuff for about a year....hmmmmm
Whatever my mate uses for his batch of herb. He smokes his own. So I'll doubt he's slathering on anything too toxic.

Mine is just soil. Coir. Worm castings. And soil bacterial booster.

Haven't really learned too much about nutes just yet.