
where was this??? Where did a 13 year old brandish a B B gun when challenged by the police ?
Columbus Ohio. Police responding to an armed robbery report, 13 year old Tyre King shot and killed, when ordered to stop he brandished a gun which turned out to be a replica bb gun. Very sad..
Good people disobey bad laws.

Also, "blacks" do not think in lockstep do they ? IMHO, It would be better if you saw people as individuals, all capable of holding their own opinion.

I do not respect people who claim to have more rights than others or who would enforce immoral laws for money. Therefore I do not respect police, since they all swear to enforce EVERY law, and it is blatantly obvious that some laws are immoral and wrong.
At times you can speak with some sense . It is a shame you don't support civil rights and can't be trusted around 13 year olds.
Good people disobey bad laws.

Also, "blacks" do not think in lockstep do they ? IMHO, It would be better if you saw people as individuals, all capable of holding their own opinion.

I do not respect people who claim to have more rights than others or who would enforce immoral laws for money. Therefore I do not respect police, since they all swear to enforce EVERY law, and it is blatantly obvious that some laws are immoral and wrong.

Good points thanks
At this point I don't know whether to believe it's a race thing, or really just a lack of proper training and accountability thing. My mother is an ER doctor and always mentions how Un-accountable the police are who have the choice and the right to take someone's life and it be completly justifiable. Most people who have to deal with the public must get an associates at least on the matter. That would include being educated
At this point I don't know whether to believe it's a race thing, or really just a lack of proper training and accountability thing. My mother is an ER doctor and always mentions how Un-accountable the police are who have the choice and the right to take someone's life and it be completly justifiable. Most people who have to deal with the public must get an associates at least on the matter. That would include being educated on public relations, sociology, psychology, mental health and more. The people who are around to protect us, take a crash course for 6 months and are given a gun. Not to mention the CCA and the rise of people in prison after it became for profit but that's another matter.

Most PDs now require 4 year degree and can't make SGT without masters.
Most PDs now require 4 year degree and can't make SGT without masters.
It seems like the latter, most PDs require GED or a high school diploma. Some are now requiring at least some college or an associates.

And I live in the south so I'm positive it's just being 21 and having a high school diploma as well as passing the physical stuff.


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Good people disobey bad laws.

Also, "blacks" do not think in lockstep do they ? IMHO, It would be better if you saw people as individuals, all capable of holding their own opinion.

I do not respect people who claim to have more rights than others or who would enforce immoral laws for money. Therefore I do not respect police, since they all swear to enforce EVERY law, and it is blatantly obvious that some laws are immoral and wrong.

Unfortunately only black lives matter,...aint that right Charloett ?
It seems like the latter, most PDs require GED or a high school diploma. Some are now requiring at least some college or an associates.

And I live in the south so I'm positive it's just being 21 and having a high school diploma as well as passing the physical stuff.

Every department has its own criteria.
Maybe start a facts post in the OP that gets updated? Fact #1: The police were NOT there for Scott, they were there looking for someone else that had warrants.

talk about back from the dead.

i thought for sure you bowed out permanently after the whole "obama is a kenyan muslim FAG" thing i caught you doing.
There was no gun; cops used a throw down.

His family is being truthful.

Don't ask me how I know.

What was the book title ?? Where is the book. People would have seen the throw away and the book getting lost. these witnesses said they saw what happened.

Maybe they had a Hillary moment and forgot. Maybe it was Scott`s Staff that had the novel ?
What was the book title ?? Where is the book. People would have seen the throw away and the book getting lost. these witnesses said they saw what happened.

Maybe they had a Hillary moment and forgot. Maybe it was Scott`s Staff that had the novel ?

You are very naive.
The bb gun reference is for the 13 year old kid who was shot after he brandished it when challenged. Okay you're right, cops are the enemy, they want to kill black people. Arm yourselves with dash cams and body cams..
Lol nah some people still have some common sense and are making there departments wear them. I wonder why they are forced to wear it? Maybe because they have hidden to much from the public view?

Most PDs now require 4 year degree and can't make SGT without masters.
I don't know about most.... I could've walked in open arms to the LAPD or probably the NYPD, hell the Chicago PD even. I know there is a few, but I doubt it's MOST.
Oh yes the string of shootings where
"unarmed black men" were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time, or worse, they were targeted because they were black.

Racism, inequality, rights, whatever you want to call it, it's been around for decades. Out of the major ethnicities, what ethnicity has the highest high school drop out rate? The highest incarceration rate? The highest violent crime rate? You don't think decades of statistics wouldn't affect how you'd handle a call?

I'm sorry folks but what I see is excuse making with little owning up to who's starting shit in the first place. Get your kids off the street, teach them manners, teach them that courtesy matters, have some yourself. Try affecting the statistics by talking to that friend, family member, or child about doing the right thing.

You may hate reading this as much as I hate writing it. This Black Lives Matter movement is the biggest crock of shit in modern times. Supporters of this movement are simply fueling racism.

Affect the numbers and see what happens. Ignore the numbers and see what happens.
Oh man I love it when someone points this out. Do black neighborhoods do worse in school, sure. Are they incarcerated at a higher rate, sure. Do they commit a high amount of crime, sure. As a psychologist you should understand urban development. What happened when urbanization started? White families, who could afford to ( blacks couldn't because whites were racist, and therefore blacks didn't hold as many good jobs), moved out of the cities and into the suburbs, leaving families of color behind. Fast forward to now and we now know a few things. 1) The cia dumped crack into black communitites and did it successfully. and 2) There is still systemic racism. We have communities who are under-funded tremendously for their schools and and even basic infrastructure. Why when I drive through LA, Beverly Hills is nice, so is Hollywood (manageable at least) then you make your way to compton or even inglewood. These neighborhoods resemble detroit. When the government doesn't care about you, why should you give a shit about them? You act like black people have had it easy. You act like the civil rights act changed things instantly. White people have been "on top" for a very long time and we still suck. Shit we have the two worst candidates in the history of our elections, both are white btw. So how in the fuck do expect a group of people who have been shit on in every way possible to "have their shit together". You expect me to believe that a group of people (minorities) hate the cops only because they can't take responsibility for themselves? It couldn't be that this has been happening forever and now we have good enough communication to put it in our faces all day.
Maybe they had a Hillary moment and forgot. Maybe it was Scott`s Staff that had the novel ?

Maybe you are a bigoted misogynistic lump that desperately tries grabbing and clinging to ANY straws that involve 'the others' being at fault in a given situation?

Curious: Do women let you fuck them? I only say "fuck" because the way you describe, categorize, and demean females is indicative of someone with frightening intimacy issues.