In 2012, New Yorkers were stopped by the police 532,911 times 473,644 were totally innocent (89 percent).
284,229 were black (55 percent). 165,140 were Latino (32 percent). 50,366 were white (10 percent).
This in itself is crazy, but blacks have no right to hold a shitty attitude towards the police, give me a break. This info was from a quick search, imagine if I looked for harder.
Racial profiling is alive and well, as are other types of profiling. That's just one set of numbers, with similar numbers in many large integrated cities. I get that point.
I've said too much, though I'll say I know things could be better. It's not color, no more than it is the erosion of values as a society. Courtesy and respect are gone for the most part? Who knows, I see glimmers, I hold doors for everyone and I see the surprise in many faces.