Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

Aye, they are cool. PRetty chilled out almost hippy like. They love to walk across countries lol. They are walking across Portugal this time. Last time they walked across the UK, prior to that Italy, Spain, and a cycle across Austria (we joined them on that one).
much better than driving and not really seeing the country for sure. or like the tossers at gigs holding up ipads and phones. just enjoy the show ffs.
Family are all having a siesta. Bored and Drinking Cruz campo beer so thought I'd upload a few random pics. I must be bored as it takes about 5 minutes to upload per pic....v slow wifi here, pretty much like the whole of Spain...Just slow.
Something unlike Spain.... Engineers dream day 17 flower just before I left. Quick off the mark me thinks.
And a pic from our holiday gaff at Sunrise.
Nights are long and lots of waking up and thinking....ffs, its only that time. Kids bless em are actually sleeping like troopers. Yin 2 hasnt actually woken up once through the night. Last night Yin 1 fell out of bed. We even joined two singles together and he managed to traverse both and fall onto a marble floor....never seen the wife jump out of bed so fast in my life. He only started crying when i picked him up though so it was more of a shock than anything for him. I mind of falling out bunk beds when i was little. Kids are floppy when sleeping:)
funny how kids are bouncy things when they're small eh. I was forever falling off stuff. They stuck two kids next to me on the bus seat to kindergarten after I fell asleep and took a header lmao. I was always up at 5 and knackered again by time for school.

sleep's overated anyway man. cousin of death and all that...
Nights are long and lots of waking up and thinking....ffs, its only that time. Kids bless em are actually sleeping like troopers. Yin 2 hasnt actually woken up once through the night. Last night Yin 1 fell out of bed. We even joined two singles together and he managed to traverse both and fall onto a marble floor....never seen the wife jump out of bed so fast in my life. He only started crying when i picked him up though so it was more of a shock than anything for him. I mind of falling out bunk beds when i was little. Kids are floppy when sleeping:)
Well nothing funny about kids rolling off on the marble floor, but have to say I did giggle a bit. Sorry Yin 1 :). Wish I could sleep more, my average night these days is 2 hours worth then Im up, sort of sick of that crap. Still say you are missing out without some huge cones over there DST ;). Only a few days left eh
I went 3 days without because of the surgery and thought that would happen, but I was still high from all previous intakes. Like Willie Nelson's "Roll me up and smoke me when I die."

Hahaha. I am lucky to get a couple of joints in each day at the moment so detox was instant. Haven't had any wax recently and have a couple of iceolator bongs at home left so haven't been getting too monged of late. Need to sort that out:)
im lucky if i get 7 hrs. up at 5.30 and bed at ten lol. I hope yin #2's arm is getting better, my #1 is off shcool today with a dicky tummy and bulling isues, mums gona sort it at school. Its a few bloody boys traking the mick cuz she wears trousers ffs. Nothing like the ridicule I got as a kid but stilll wanna kill someones child lol.
im lucky if i get 7 hrs. up at 5.30 and bed at ten lol. I hope yin #2's arm is getting better, my #1 is off shcool today with a dicky tummy and bulling isues, mums gona sort it at school. Its a few bloody boys traking the mick cuz she wears trousers ffs. Nothing like the ridicule I got as a kid but stilll wanna kill someones child lol.
Sorta works like this: parents are cunts = kids are cunts
I have felt that way several times and thought about beating up some parents for it.
Fortunately I didnt as everyone is a snitch cop caller these days.
im lucky if i get 7 hrs. up at 5.30 and bed at ten lol. I hope yin #2's arm is getting better, my #1 is off shcool today with a dicky tummy and bulling isues, mums gona sort it at school. Its a few bloody boys traking the mick cuz she wears trousers ffs. Nothing like the ridicule I got as a kid but stilll wanna kill someones child lol.
Thats horrible mate. Poor wee h. Knowing lgp she'll whoop some ass.:)