Archive Seed Bank


Well-Known Member
Which crosses from that list do you guys think will have the most commercial appeal? Seriously, this drop is incredible. I can afford 4 packs, and I'm having a crazy hard time choosing. I'm looking for yield and potency.

I'm currently leaning towards Heavenly, Face on Fire, the Sweeties and Race Fuel.

higher self

Well-Known Member
Honestly dont need any more OG's but I could pick a 7-8 off the list I want. Just need something that doesn't have the lemon pinesol terps. Gotta do my homework on some of these strains.


Well-Known Member
Seed Vault Of California and Greenline Organics but not for a couple of weeks for online sales.
Yeah but they are not getting the whole list. Archive is friends with the seedbank that posted that list. Furthermore archive stated that certain things will be alone going to that bank.

All the other banks have no idea what they will get.