putting powered milk on pot plants

i know a lot of farmers that actually got rid of there dairy cows and just grow cheese strands . its like a apple cider machine crush the plant to make milk. if you think this is real then put milk onto your plants lol
i was here before most of you guys----just something i saw --and wanted to share--ive grown weed for 40 yrs and i dont need the bullshit ive found on this site---everyone has a smart ass answer--like most people who talk alot and say nothing--the same is here alot of mouth with no info coming from it!!
Had you been growing weed for 40 years you would have never asked that dumb shit, sorry pal. get out of here with that shit
Was holding my tongue yesterday...Thats the dumbest fucking thing anyone has ever asked. IF you been growing for 40 years and you ask shit like that, you're a fucking idiot. See ya later, won't be back over here in dummy land
i was here before most of you guys----just something i saw --and wanted to share--ive grown weed for 40 yrs and i dont need the bullshit ive found on this site---everyone has a smart ass answer--like most people who talk alot and say nothing--the same is here alot of mouth with no info coming from it!!

The only things I would do with "powdered" milk is --------
Use it as an "emergency" Ca source. till I got something better.
Mix it and spray it on for PM. Again, "till I got something better"

That's about all it will do in the long run. Too many other things that would actually rot, in milk, if used heavily or long term!

I would think that someone with 40 years of growing under their belt would know these things.......I mean, researching and experimenting is the key to actual knowledge.
VNSMKR-----------------eat shit and die buddie---i was here when mossy started this site.you need to respect your elders---im a 65 yr old ass kicker so talk ya shit---i helped test mossys seed way back in the begining.oh yea --until someone told you to use malasses you probabably talked the same shit!come on down to carolina sometime and ill show you how its done.
yes i just found it today---i noticed it last night on youtube but didnt expect so much crap about it.seems it has been tried .i just had asked if anyone had heard of it.seems this place isnt for conversation anymore. wasnt planning on trying it--but you dont learn if you dont ask!!!
It`s good for one thing

it stops your plants smelling like weed for sure not doubt about that

they`ll smell like rotten milk in a few days so no one will go looking for them, lol