Cutter Electronics: Complete DIY COB kits

£6. Something pr m? Ouch. That's quite steep. UK would be great, shorter shipping. Haven't ruled anything out just yet, perhaps it's time to find out how much I need... Thank you, Brother.
Look this
Also take a look at
They have almost everything
Ebay shop I linked sell 2 meter for 1.2 €.
It is 1 mm diameter, so almost .78 mm^2 .
I you can ask for faster shipping.
At tme they ship extremely fast from 0.1 kg to 30 kg for less then 10 euro
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handling fees suck, Timber has free shipping,
pre-wired kits & no handling fee's.

I believe Cutter would still be the better deal for a 48 COB setup no?

Timber 8x (6 COB 300w) kits @ $629ea + shipping $0.00 = $5,032

Cutter 1x (MAU5-48 COB) kit @ $3599 (US Dollars) + shipping $600 + handling $200 = $4,399

Cutter seems to be still about $600 cheaper even with shipping and handling
unless I'm overlooking something
feel free to correct me
Wouldn't something like 40amp electrical cabling do - like a cooker is connected with? That can be bought at your local DIY store?
Look this
Also take a look at
They have almost everything
Ebay shop I linked sell 2 meter for 1.2 €.
It is 1 mm diameter, so almost .78 mm^2 .
I you can ask for faster shipping.
At tme they ship extremely fast from 0.1 kg to 30 kg for less then 10 euro

The Italian one is perfect with no need to register at a new place and all. Acceptable price and delivery. I can't seem to remember how to calculate the area of a circle. 1mm across, is that >.75mm2? Ready to order some, but now I want to be sure.

@DeMoNeye without going to deep into it, there seems to be a legal barrier against loading anything on less than 1.5mm2 in this shithole... anything.
Just found the formula, but nice to get confirmation on ones math. Thank you so much once more.
You are welcome
Was your country less than 1.5 mm is illigal...
But for ac wire.
Try to take a look at some of your local hi-fi electric shop.
All hi-fi,subwoofEr and stuff like that, are wired with 0.75 or 0.5 mm
All hi-fi,subwoofEr and stuff like that, are wired with 0.75 or 0.5 mm

Maybe where you're at, after a quick look it seems to be the same situation on hifi as on ac. The Italian guys didn't ship here (I think that's what it said lol but it could be because I'm too ugly for all I know. On with the search then...
Maybe where you're at, after a quick look it seems to be the same situation on hifi as on ac. The Italian guys didn't ship here (I think that's what it said lol but it could be because I'm too ugly for all I know. On with the search then...

hifi people seems to like 4mm2, must be a lot better sound quality around here lol
Maybe where you're at, after a quick look it seems to be the same situation on hifi as on ac. The Italian guys didn't ship here (I think that's what it said lol but it could be because I'm too ugly for all I know. On with the search then...
They have everything
About Italian shop.....sure they do not ship to you?it has international shipping ...try to contact them...
I am interested in ordering 2 of the MAU5-24 Grow Kit's, but they want over 600 for shipping and over 200 for "handling" fees, seems way excessive to me, I definitely will not pay that much for shipping and handling fees. There a current discount code that works?
Hi Linky
PM me with your address or location for shipping and I will put a quote together for you
Given the 140mm pin heatsink, cob holder, adapter and Angelina reflector, how many and which screws do I need? I believe that the side mounting holes are M4, but I might be mistaken. Please, just got over the weekend to source.

Edit: does anyone know what 18awg is called in Metricsland? A size that fits the cob holder...
top holes for COB are M3, side and top heatsink mount holes are M4
top holes for COB are M3, side and top heatsink mount holes are M4

There was some discussion about the dept of those mounting holes, how deep do they go? 8mm was too long? But that was maybe the 111mm? Read my brain out on the high tech stuff, but the basics is actually more complicated. Thank you for the patience.
There was some discussion about the dept of those mounting holes, how deep do they go? 8mm was too long? But that was maybe the 111mm? Read my brain out on the high tech stuff, but the basics is actually more complicated. Thank you for the patience.
the current heatsinks have 6mm blind holes, so screw length needs to be considered on the basis of the thickness of what your mounting it to
I built a mau5 V kit yesterday and it turned out great even for someone as mechanically hopeless as me. Only issue was I could only get 3mm thick angle locally and it was about a mm too thick to clear the sides of the centre heatsink. I used the included wire and just twisted it and used pliers to put it in the holder.

It came with a PF-P250CC-C140-S-DM driver which is 250w and is pulling 276w at the wall according to my cheap watt meter. Incredibly bright and looks like it will cover 1mx1m no problems and will be good to compare results to the mars pro epistar I just used.