MI new era cannabis regulations

I wish that's what was happening and it would just end up another AG crop but that's a fairy tale. Once this is turned over to corporations they will make sure to keep control through their government puppets. They will try to keep the schedule high for control and lock up anyone that doesn't follow their rules and cut into their profits. The only way to get this freed from them is through a ballot initiative written by people and not corporations and their bought and paid for politicians.
We will see.
Milegalize is preparing for another round. Maybe they will get it right this time, if so, itll pass right about the time 4209 is being rolled out. What better way to give them the finger?
Talk from insiders says they would like to get rid of CG's and personal grows. If they can't I'm sure they will start monitoring them more closely and lower the number of plants that you can grow or both.
That is the police unions who said that..which should be pretty obvious to anyone that looks. Now they have out legislation on board..no tax revenue from the cg/patient system.
Since he admitted he would have voted for these bills I'm not sure what your point is..

My point is this,any man who will stay awake until 1am ( on a regular basis ) in order to make sure a new patient is able to have compassion care they urgently need appears to be operating from an ethical standing,not financial gain .

Having had this doctor treat family for several years now I'm positive his choices are made based on what he believes will allow more patients better access to health care.
My point is this,any man who will stay awake until 1am ( on a regular basis ) in order to make sure a new patient is able to have compassion care they urgently need appears to be operating from an ethical standing,not financial gain .

Having had this doctor treat family for several years now I'm positive his choices are made based on what he believes will allow more patients better access to health care.
Enema (great handle by the way...Zappa Rules) that is very well said. Well put. Truthful and righteous.
Enema (great handle by the way...Zappa Rules) that is very well said. Well put. Truthful and righteous.

yep frank was the man for sure,I'm listening to his Jazz From Hell album right now .

for the last month or better I've been trying to figure out how to play the Transylvania Boogie & having a hella hard time, some of the shit he wrote had no business ever being transcribed for guitar but he did it any way & its a bitch to learn, most people are clueless as to exactly how hard it is to play evepn his least complicated sounding vamps,the chord progressions are fucking insane trying to figure out how he picked without boxing himself in,its very frustrating to say the least.

last year I spent about 6 months trying to figure out how to play the Be Bop Tango before I ripped my hair out n gave up,guitar players like Steve via & bucket head get tons of credit for being guitar masters when most the shredding they do is using simple pentatonic scale at high speed,which looks cool but not complicated if you have fast fingers,where as franks solos are all over the place & no matter what you find you've picked yourself into a dead fucking end,jimi Hendrix or Clapton couldn't play half the shit he wrote,the longer I study him the more I'm in awe of his style .
Could be he has some funky tuning he uses. I have one i use that makes hitting certain chords and playing through there scales much easier.
Since he admitted he would have voted for these bills I'm not sure what your point is..

He is a doctor. I would be offended if he didn't support these bills. Shouldn't a doctors goal be safe access to medicine for patients? A doctor does not have the responsibility to support recreational use or profiteering. The patient should always come first. Doctor Bob Townsend has shown me that the patients come first.

Now that the bills have been passed, cancer patients can now be legally treated with concentrates. In the near future, the patients will be able to obtain medicine through a dispensary without fear of arrest.

This is a great thing in regards to patients and concentrates.
Bringing concentrates back into the mix is the only good aspect I'm convinced about regarding these bills. But then again, why would concentrates ever been prohibited in the first place? Politicos jerk our chains, then expect us to have gratitude for feeding us bread crumbs back. Something is not right about that, yet many fall for it, like that guy who is stoked he's 'allowed' to grow his own (for now).

Examine what has happened regarding dispensaries and growing rights in AZ, NJ, MA and RI and you'll begin to better understand where we may be heading longterm.
He is a doctor. I would be offended if he didn't support these bills. Shouldn't a doctors goal be safe access to medicine for patients? A doctor does not have the responsibility to support recreational use or profiteering. The patient should always come first. Doctor Bob Townsend has shown me that the patients come first.

Now that the bills have been passed, cancer patients can now be legally treated with concentrates. In the near future, the patients will be able to obtain medicine through a dispensary without fear of arrest.

This is a great thing in regards to patients and concentrates.
These bills will not help patients. They will use patients to enrich fat cats law enforcement and politicians
These bills will not help patients. They will use patients to enrich fat cats law enforcement and politicians

In a manner of opinion... most patients I speak with want dispensaries. Yes, it will enrich the fat cats, there is no denying that, but at least we are still allowed to grow, the patient/caregiver system is still in place, and concentrates and infusions are now legal.

When it comes to other people's money, it is none of my business. The only thing I am concerned with is the dispensaries complaining that they have no room for profit due to the patient/caregiver system still being in place. That is a worry for another day.

I am thrilled that I can start making oil for patients again without fear.

Keep your eye on the ball, we are already getting screwed by other laws, like the new e-cigg vaporizer laws. There is a potential that all new vaporizers, newer than somewhere around 199something, will be banned. Chew on that for a while...
So who here would relinquish their caregiver rights to work for a "legal" grow? The law reads that you must be a caregiver for two years (until 2018) but can longer be a caregiver to be a commercial medical grower. That also applies to those employed by legal grows. I personally don't know how to grow hydro to the degree I grow in dirt organically but if some big investor came in and offered me a contract...what should I do? What would you do? How much would it cost for you to throw your patients to the wayside to grow for the money? Or is the black (grey) market where its at?
100k salary with benefits. My patients would not be simply thrown away tho, just transfered to another good caregiver.