water cooled COBs

hey @Abiqua tell us more about your 2700k

are they solo or mixed with other colors?
80 or 90 cri?
hows the stretch (and what strains?)

considering how icy you have been with me lately. Do a search. And why would you ask me this question after a 2 year old thread. Probably to stir more shit.
I don't want any part of it. My research is still progress I don't need to make statements about what is absolute until I have some actual experience growing the same strain repeatedly, then making conclusions. Patience.
Im not sure you understand how color temp works with LEDS wether its 3000K or 6000K 99% of cobs are based on 440-460nm blue chips, they do not put out UVA or Violet light. and the blue spectrum starts at 400nm visible Violet light IS BLUE LIGHT and infact the 400-440nm is the most beneficial blue region for photosynthesis once you get past around 460-480nm photosynthesis starts to take a bit of a dive. If cobs put out Violet light (not Ultraviolet) that would be awesome in my books, violet is the often missing spectrum perhaps its not as efficient in generating photons for photosynthesis as blue, but for quality a full spectrum at both the red and blue side is important. however some cobs, like the luxeon crispwhite use both violet and blue chips even though they barely get 100 lm/w this is mostly due do the fact that its a high cri with lots of deep reds and half the chips are 410nm violet wich is barely visible thus barely contributes to any lumens. its actual PAR efficiency is probably pretty good and they would definitely make your grow room POP with colors as these cobs were designed for art galleries that brings out some really vivid colors and true whites (perfect for showing off the trichome and purps action)

No, don't confuse R ratings with irradiance.
considering how icy you have been with me lately. Do a search. And why would you ask me this question after a 2 year old thread. Probably to stir more shit.
I don't want any part of it. My research is still progress I don't need to make statements about what is absolute until I have some actual experience growing the same strain repeatedly, then making conclusions. Patience.

Because someone necro'ed the thread yesterday probably.

Nothing wrong with opposing positions or even some philosophical differences. That's the fun part of hobbies.

365-380nm seems to be great for pest control. Plants don't seem to be harmed but I do notice they respire more and have increased water uptake. Needs more data to determine if there is a correlation and then the hunt for an explanation.
Because someone necro'ed the thread yesterday probably.

Nothing wrong with opposing positions or even some philosophical differences. That's the fun part of hobbies.

365-380nm seems to be great for pest control. Plants don't seem to be harmed but I do notice they respire more and have increased water uptake. Needs more data to determine if there is a correlation and then the hunt for an explanation.

assholes are great for pest control.....just emit some noxious gas although I would guess IR would come into play around 819nm.
IMG_20170704_191357836_HDR.jpg IMG_20170704_191340697_HDR.jpgIMG_20170704_191352706_HDR.jpg These plants were done on twin vero 29' retrofitted to run on a single driver per cob in the shell of a rolandro 400 watt cob setup from ebay that burned out the LEDs really fast. I find that stretch is strain related. All these plants were started the same time and they are different strains. the tall ones are Purple pineapple express, short one is mendo purps, medium one in the forefront is Lime green skunk. I been doing this with cobs 2 years and cfls 2 years before that. This is my most successful grow yet on the Vero 29s. 4 month veg time 3000 k 90 cri