How does God orchestrate such a perfect Symphony?

Lol!!!! Then what exactly do you expect me to understand by posting that link? Do you expect there to be some magical evidence that will be my savior? I'm smoking marijuana, medical grade so I know there's no mold. But I am schizophrenic so maybe you should just ignore the truth of which I speak lol!!!!
plse stop calling urself schizophrenic!!!!madness is as madness does...wld it b fair to say e whole white house is schizo cause they have killed more pple than e number of thoughts in ur head.?{love urself and ul love everyone}..and that is sanity{love}.
plse stop calling urself schizophrenic!!!!madness is as madness does...wld it b fair to say e whole white house is schizo cause they have killed more pple than e number of thoughts in ur head.?{love urself and ul love everyone}..and that is sanity{love}.
i mean it bro...i love you...and i love stop using that s word...or i wont talk to u again.
am I insensitive that I feel more for his dog?
He made HIS choice, but the dog was just there with his buddy, the dog perished along with him, that's incredibly sad.
dude,all that lives is born to die{led zepp}best band EVER by the way...YOU...all the parts of u which were born will face the natural order of birth and death.....BUT.....there is something...a fundamental essence of consciousness if u will.....which is unborn,uncreated and not of time....and that you are and always will eternal dance of shiva and shakti.....i cant use words to explain this....did the best i cld...ganja god shiva bless u!
dude,all that lives is born to die{led zepp}best band EVER by the way...YOU...all the parts of u which were born will face the natural order of birth and death.....BUT.....there is something...a fundamental essence of consciousness if u will.....which is unborn,uncreated and not of time....and that you are and always will eternal dance of shiva and shakti.....i cant use words to explain this....did the best i cld...ganja god shiva bless u!
Love the quote and yes they are the four greatest artists ever to come together. I do disagree with you on one thing though is that the study of psychology and psychiatry is ignorant, science is a product of the intellectual faculties of the mind and is separate from the ego, the ego is an infectious disease where as the intellect is a powerful tool. There is an actual disease "schizophrenia " it has very specific symptoms and I do in fact have this disease, it is always more empowering to face the truth than to resist it. Read the book you will seriously appreciate it I can tell just by your posts it's right up your alley.
i ant read right nw too long on e comp ...sunni why 11 seconds???????????????????/'

i aint get this later.......wait all u yo?, in another plane of existnce right mxzykptkln....c i got that right....still typin yo?...who can do that huh?
damn im gone sorry bro il catch up tmrw...cant formulate words why?....distorts my verbal serious bro.

when i take it...weed...this is i allright?...i cant fucking type or think? yo?
i just put this and try not think!!!!thats the key......stop thinking .

sometimes, I think God doesn't even know what He is doing. I could be wrong.
Gaia is along for the ride .
It doesnt orchistrate anything its a byproduct of existence
Google "great anthropic principle"
God may not even perceive us
Or ITSELF for that matter
I do understand what you are saying but it brings a question to my mind, what is the video game comprised of?

Physicist are saying that existance hypothetically could be the running of historical simulation programs written by our future selves to map and explore multiple potential historical outcomes
In short our lives are digital and the matrix is real are you an NPC?
Also God is real, final boss
Got allot of leveling up to do, and at least another 140 million years of dialog and story line
If we could just get the singularity cheat to work, we could script ourselves to max level and unlock all the weapon categories to begin?....

Well, to the best of my recollection, no one ever has the choice to be born. That is something determined by outside forces. One day, your number comes up and you appear. For quite awhile after that, you don't really have any control over what to do, where to go, how things work. It's only after a long time that you become aware enough to start formulating theories on how life works, why we are here -if ether even is a specific reason, what happens AFTER this existence ends, etc.

And, if you live a really, really , REALLY long time (my grandma was 104), then you start to go lose your memory of all those complicated things that you spent so much time trying to get just become helpless like you were when you first came into the world....and then you die. And when you die, you look different. You don't look like you're asleep. You look...gone. Gone where? -no idea...but wherever you go, the body you had when you were alive will look different when you're dead - It looks uninhabited. Which really makes me question what we really are. Are we just our physical bodies? Or, are our physical bodies just for transportation around the physical world? If this isn't our final existence, then why is it our "middle" existence? What is the purpose of a preliminary life before the next one? Why not just the one? What gives us the right to believe that our individuality will be maintained throughout eternity in some other form, when none of us have any idea why we're here to begin with?

I like to think of humanity as one of the many "work crews" that helps to evolve the planet -like the dinosaurs were before us. Different life forms appear and disappear over just a blink of geologic time. One hundred years to live is considered a long life by human standard...but doesn't even register on a geologic standard of a long time. And none of the life derived from this planet can ever take dominion over it. It has dominion over us. And the Sun has dominion over the Earth. Oddly enough, the hydrogen molecule has dominion over the Sun! Once the hydrogen is gone, so is everything! It's just like gasoline in the gas will run out. That little molecule has dominion over everything we can ever know in this world! Amazing, isn't it?

Nothing we can know in the physical world is infinite. And yet we like to tell ourselves that we have a way of understanding how infinity works...."When we die, this happens...or that happens... We're going to see grandma again...We will be like we are now, but we won't ever get sick or get old...etc." These are comforting thoughts....

....I'm only certain that the living can look at a dead body of someone they knew in life and see how it looks different -because I have experienced that a few times. However, I don't know if the dead can look at life and see anything.