Doctors being told the norm is 5 grams a day by H/C

Hmmmm...I read thru this thread as I have been interested in how the "New Trudeau" was going to make the switch to Federally legal! And yes I am "old" enough to remember the "old Trudeau" ! Pierre!!!

I am a Yank from down below in a "legal" state! What, we have 4 States and a district that has "legalized" under state laws but still illegal federally! There are 25+ States that are legal medically and 6 on this Novembers ballots for legalization with California being the big push!

This is all evolving slowly! I have heard and read the "alcohol arguments and reasons" for legalization. Now I am not "old" enough to remember prohibition but....way back then during prohibition Dr.'s use to Rx alcohol with all kinds of ailments Alcohol relieved and cured, leading to the ending of prohibition. I don't think the U.S. nor the Canadian Gov't just gave up any control, control, control over Alcohol, post prohibition. I believe the "social acceptance" and diminishments of control evolved over time and so it will likely be so with Cannabis in both the States and Canada!

What I am reading here is, some that want it all right now...Baby steps, let the Gov't and the people learn and accept this "New" vice! And it will become as socially acceptable as Alcohol! And THEN you can grow and consume but there will always be limits from our Nanny state, control, control, control...Govt's!

I actually think that tobacco smoking is less socially acceptable these days than Cannabis use.

Anyhow just some stoned thoughts and observations!

Cheers from the States!
a guy I suggested to try and contact do no harm just got back to me. He was MMAR and the doctor reduced him as I understand to 1 gram a day. If I understood what he told me is accurate, man, that is totally unacceptable. So be cautious if you're going to do no harm...

i find that strange, never had issues with patients that i referred there.
unless the patient did not have supporting documents for his/her health claim!
I tried contacting MCRCI and first day they were closed for lunch (answering service said so) lol and today all I got was message service again. Same thing happened 4 years ago when I first used them for my wife’s aunt. Took them for ever to get back to us. I really hate to support this but that $1500 doctor is looking appealing atm. Shit it cost me $1800 to get my Broncos 302 fully machined and rebuilt to stock specs but someone with real skills.

posted them a web mail from their website and 28 days later still NO reply !
I tried contacting MCRCI and first day they were closed for lunch (answering service said so) lol and today all I got was message service again. Same thing happened 4 years ago when I first used them for my wife’s aunt. Took them for ever to get back to us. I really hate to support this but that $1500 doctor is looking appealing atm. Shit it cost me $1800 to get my Broncos 302 fully machined and rebuilt to stock specs but someone with real skills.
email them your documentation and they'll get back to you...eventually.
we're still waiting and i sent them the info about 2 weeks many roadblocks!
email them your documentation and they'll get back to you...eventually.
we're still waiting and i sent them the info about 2 weeks many roadblocks!

I think I might have to bite the bullet and pay the $1500 which I think is BS, it costs way less to get a private MRI scan. If it takes weeks to get something so simple processed then something is wrong with the set up.

Its funny how this plant brings out the greed in those who never were or would have never been part of the black market.
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You're absolutely right in my view Cannareview. It's been a humbling lesson. I don't know if people outside of the cannabis circle really see what both conservative and liberal governments are really about. They each suck where cannabis is concerned but in different ways. Liberals - corporate greed - I fully believe that. So we need something else in my view. I know of a couple of people who are trying to do more. I won't mention names but there are people getting political. I want to see a new federal party with better cannabis options too. Would you be open to that? I'm curious if any of the members here would embrace a new federal political party that was offering more than the federal conservatives or liberals? I want to put it out there and ask the community. Cheers.
Okay, I heard back from my friend and he was in the MMAR at 30 grams a day and do no harm offered him 1 gram a day. Which is a stop everything and think about this moment for me. That's fucked! I wrote a letter and sent it about all of the concerns in this thread and sent it to both John Conroy as well as Kirk Tousaws yesterday. I hope they act on what I've said. We'll see.
Okay, I heard back from my friend and he was in the MMAR at 30 grams a day and do no harm offered him 1 gram a day. Which is a stop everything and think about this moment for me. That's fucked! I wrote a letter and sent it about all of the concerns in this thread and sent it to both John Conroy as well as Kirk Tousaws yesterday. I hope they act on what I've said. We'll see.
Please keep us informed on the reply. This is totally a block to access
This has to be addressed. I did see a good post froma cbc writer about all these failings that we're seeing in the new system. I sincerely hope john conroy and kirk tousaw act on what I wrote in my letter to them as they have $300,000 to fight the next cannabis permit problems. But if you guys are motivated, I'd ask you to do the same thing and urge them to continue to fight on our behalf for these issues we've raised. Have a good day!
This has to be addressed. I did see a good post froma cbc writer about all these failings that we're seeing in the new system. I sincerely hope john conroy and kirk tousaw act on what I wrote in my letter to them as they have $300,000 to fight the next cannabis permit problems. But if you guys are motivated, I'd ask you to do the same thing and urge them to continue to fight on our behalf for these issues we've raised. Have a good day!
Please post links thanks
I am still injunctioned but I want to make changes to accommodate my situation.

My Primary care practitioner has a specialist lined up for me but I have no idea how that is going to work out.
I think collectively we should make a mental note that it seems like most MMAR people that I am talking to are getting screwed big time when they try to go into the new system. Many are blackmailed - you want me to sign, well then I am only prepared to give you 5 grams a day says the doctor - and I want $500 to do it - don't care what your MMAR amount is. Or even worse than that. Give me $1000 and I'll give you half of your MMAR prescription says another. Fuck that noise! Collectively I think it's a good idea to start talking to john conroy and kirk tousaw (lawyers) and get them to fight for us. My one letter to them won't be enough. You guys have to send them in too. If enough people start shouting red flag red flag, they might help us. Don't forget that in the Allard decision, these lawyers got costs returned. That $300,000k that Jason Wilcox and friends raised is still there in trust if I am not mistaken - waiting to be used to wage war on the federal government. The Feds have said there will be mistakes, and this is going to be one of them if we start fighting back. I have made the decision not to go into the new system as a result of me calling those 19 cannabis prescription places and learning what I learned. What I would like to see is these lawyers take our names and copies of our MMAR and get them to say to the feds, you're screwing the MMAR holders over through the gatekeepers and we think there must be a better way for them to keep their prescription amounts than this BS system that you and your medical associations and yourselves (health Canada) have concocted.