Putin’s Troll Army Caught Rigging Twitter To Pretend Trump Won #TrumpWon

iran only supports freedom fighters according to reagan. he negotiated with iran the best. you'd suck the dick on his withered corpse out of latent homosexual curiosity.

I`m sorry you feel that way. The world does not revolve around former Presidents, dead or alive.
Its not a conspiracy nor a theory. Just your willful ignorance.
Stick to the important issues lackey.

-who is on coke?
-who is racist?
-which diarrhea laden cock was smoked by which party today?
-institutional racism
-which party wants to invade who?
-who is more racist of the Dems and Pubs?
-which one will give you more rights based on their interpretation?
-institutional racism

Willfully ignore the monopoly that makes any of this possible and instead, sit around arguing the results of the monopoly mechanism and who you want to vote for that can manipulate the mechanism to your liking. As you sit and inhale your cancer sticks, keep thinking the taxes from those go to cancer research for smokers as originally stated.

Now, go back to toting your line. I will have a milkshake with that, go clean the machine or I will get corporate involved.

how is the view from your single wide trailer when you are birthering the first black president, who you refer to by racial slurs?
Two chalupa's please. When are ya'll gonna bring back the Diablo sauce?

shouldn't you be asking your racist hero, donald trump?

he's the clinically obese septuagenarian who eats only fast food and has never used his gym membership, ever.

probably a lot like your chunky girlfriend.
Its not a conspiracy nor a theory. Just your willful ignorance.
Stick to the important issues lackey.

-who is on coke?
-who is racist?
-which diarrhea laden cock was smoked by which party today?
-institutional racism
-which party wants to invade who?
-who is more racist of the Dems and Pubs?
-which one will give you more rights based on their interpretation?
-institutional racism

Willfully ignore the monopoly that makes any of this possible and instead, sit around arguing the results of the monopoly mechanism and who you want to vote for that can manipulate the mechanism to your liking. As you sit and inhale your cancer sticks, keep thinking the taxes from those go to cancer research for smokers as originally stated.

Now, go back to toting your line. I will have a milkshake with that, go clean the machine or I will get corporate involved.

What the fuck are you oozing out your juvy, bitch ass? If any meaning can be divined out of that fucking discharge it's a job for shit ball or flaming pus.

Two chalupa's please. When are ya'll gonna bring back the Diablo sauce?

You're a fucking bon vivant (of struggleville)
shouldn't you be asking your racist hero, donald trump?

he's the clinically obese septuagenarian who eats only fast food and has never used his gym membership, ever.

probably a lot like your chunky girlfriend.

Why can't you make a chili cheese burrito? You have chili, cheese and tortillas. So sad and pathetic.
Those weren't brought up. He put out there that the media could be trusted but we all know they have there own agenda they're a business they're there to make money. That's all I'm saying. Like there reporting of the Iraq war was alot of hogwash cuz I was there. I really blame the media for the way Muslims are treated in America.
The "media" is trapped in a life or death struggle for survival. They give us what we want to watch, I don't blame them. It is nice to have a job. I blame us more than I blame them. It is tough being an intellectual in the lee of Idiocracy.