everyone..please post your pics.


Well-Known Member
Im very interested in the hydroponics and aeroponics systems available out there. I just want to see the other systems that people use whether they built them themselves or they bought em online.I thought this would be the best way for me to learn as i learn from seeing things in action all put together. If you can do this for me it would be very helpful to me i am new to this but posted here well cause of the forum name.lol

If you can also tell me why you picked the system that would be even more sweet!


Well-Known Member
dwc, styrofoam ice chests! put the net pots in the ice chests lids. Lol, thats my next grow, now its dwc in rubbermaid container, first grow ever, bought everything halfway thru as i read more on this site. Learning grow, dwc forgives all it appears, aslo with what i learned growing dwc i put together a bubbler cloner with a coffe pot and a airstone. 5 for 5 clones. I learned: big hid light, cool tube and fans, get a tent, and superthrive is at home depot. I using stealth hydros nuts that can with the deluxe dwc bubbler ( 4 pkant) and they appear to be working allright. No comaparison and i beaat the plant to death pretty much but it budding thickly. Oh yeah outa 4 seeds 3 were male, crappy bag seed i threw in a pot in my kitch herb garden for fun and it grew. next grow gonna rock, might just ditch this and go!


Well-Known Member
dwc, styrofoam ice chests! put the net pots in the ice chests lids. Lol, thats my next grow, now its dwc in rubbermaid container, first grow ever, bought everything halfway thru as i read more on this site. Learning grow, dwc forgives all it appears, aslo with what i learned growing dwc i put together a bubbler cloner with a coffe pot and a airstone. 5 for 5 clones. I learned: big hid light, cool tube and fans, get a tent, and superthrive is at home depot. I using stealth hydros nuts that can with the deluxe dwc bubbler ( 4 pkant) and they appear to be working allright. No comparison and i beaat the plant to death pretty much but it budding thickly. Oh yeah outa 4 seeds 3 were male, crappy bag seed i threw in a pot in my kitch herb garden for fun and it grew. next grow gonna rock, might just ditch this and go!
You basically described every plan I have once my 1st (soil) grow is done flowering, well minus the tent. I got 5 males outta 6 using CFLs and playing the guessing game. From what I've learned here I came to the same ideas you're employing... so yeah we're on the same track it seems... I started mine with bag seed in oh let's see.. a diet coke can, a cover for stacks of CDs, and whatever else I had kicking around and sat them in my window. I wish I knew how the styrofoam would work out, I fear some sorta vapour coming off the lid under some hid light and giving me toxic buds. Can you toss up a pic of the mr coffee cloner? I was gonna make one outta some tupperware container but I do have an old coffee pot laying around, too bongsmilie


Active Member
I have a really basic quazi style hydro set up that a ex pro grower told me about. It take ten minutes to make and does amazing things when given the right water/nutes/light and all that. all it is= a 5 gallon fish tank, or anything that can hold water. I am using a 2 gallon plastic bin and it works perfectly. just fill that bin up with hydroton rocks, after they are rinsed and all. then get a circulating pump from your local fish store, $10, and an airstone, $2. smallest pump they will have will work, just one thats rated to move 5 gallons of water. then get a net pot, or even a regular pot will work, just has to have holes. what my buddy used to do was cut a 2 liter bottle in half and drill holes in the bottom of it. then place the pot in the tub with all the hydro rocks, put some rocks in the pot too. put your sprouted plant in a rockwool cube and put that in the pot with hydro rocks under the cube for root mass space. put the airstone connected to the pump in the bottom of the tub. put ph balanced water and nutes in the tub and it will fill up the pot and rockwool. make sure you have the airstone and pump or the roots will drown, they need the oxygen. kind of hard to explain so when I go over to my grow location i will take a picture and post it.most likely this evening. then fill up the nute mix, PH BALANCED WATER this is important for hydroponics. fill it up to the top of the rocks. dont worry about having visible water because it usually evaporates before algae can be made, but to be safe i keep my water level below the rocks to keep it dark. let me know if you have questions but this is a great way to learn hydro, with great results. I have yielded 3 ounces on average from this form one plant. i suggest GH nutes, the flora series and finish it with kool bloom. best building blocks and most control of NPK for your plant.



Well-Known Member
Im very interested in the hydroponics and aeroponics systems available out there. I just want to see the other systems that people use whether they built them themselves or they bought em online.I thought this would be the best way for me to learn as i learn from seeing things in action all put together. If you can do this for me it would be very helpful to me i am new to this but posted here well cause of the forum name.lol

If you can also tell me why you picked the system that would be even more sweet!
I am a VERY big advocate of people doing their own work and research to find out just what kinda of system they want and how they will maintain it.

But because i think that you just might actually have looked around but still are unsure of what you want to do and besides asking us to post pics and write an essay of why we picked our system you seem genuinely interested.

I use EBB & Flow its easy to set up you can buy almost if not everything at wally world or the big orange store. E&F is very forgiving to the new grower.

My advise is to continue looking in the hydro section here reading and researching what kinda of systems are out there and what YOU want to build. You have to build it AND maintain it not us.

There are many ways to do this and all of then will kick your ass if you have not done your home work. Hydro is not for the faint hearted it takes some dedication to make it work.


Do it yourself = Greater reward

Keep us updated


Well-Known Member
:idea:lol, my coffee can bubbler cloner. :leaf:Take empty coffee can, pop some holes in the roof (half in or so), pop another hole and slide in an airtube with a airstone attached to the bottom, and a small 5 dollar air pump. :leaf: Turn on, i used superthrive for some of the clones some i did nothing but just stick in for a week i got 100% success plus the biggest good is the fact i can lift the lid and check the progress whenever i feel like it. I a lazy stoner so really any container will work i suggeest something bigger as you can get more clones. Cant find my camera sorry. Cloning is some exciting shit. The posibilities now seem endless,lol.:fire:


Well-Known Member
Chettybear-id like to see some pics of oyur system im kinda newer to this so seeing is a little better than hearing for me.i think i get it though.

Eharmony- thank you for the explanation of the dwc.this has gotten my attention and hearing of you doing it and very cheaply has gotten rid of some of my doubts about it.my biggest question with the dwc is maintenance. It seems like it can kinda be a bitch if you need to change the water as you have to lift the top of the system up where the plants are located.I know you can put a valve at the bottom to drain it but how effective is it overall with maintenance and everything?

Earl-aeroponics has sparked my interest the most out of everything.It seems that aeroponics when done right can really have some good outcomes. My question would be what is your schedule for turning the water on and feeding the roots.It also seems these types of systems can be made easy.What type of system would i use to fit in a grow tent though as this is where ill be growing and space is kinda limited?

sparkafire-yes i believe the best way to learn is by doing also but i am deployed oversea's right now with the army and cannot start my own grow for another 3 months. I do wish i could do it right now but it is quite impossible.But still thank you for letting me know what system you are using and i am very interested.Thanks to everyone here ive learned so much and will continue to do so till i return to the states and almost guarantee my success.I will be posting a grow log when i do finally start!


Well-Known Member
sparkafire-yes i believe the best way to learn is by doing also but i am deployed oversea's right now with the army and cannot start my own grow for another 3 months. I do wish i could do it right now but it is quite impossible.But still thank you for letting me know what system you are using and i am very interested.Thanks to everyone here ive learned so much and will continue to do so till i return to the states and almost guarantee my success.I will be posting a grow log when i do finally start!

LOL IN THE ARMY!!! GEEZ DOnt they still drug test ???? :wall:

Thank you for all you are doing over there! I am sure you are looking forward to getting home.

I am really glad now i didn't give you my cut and paste answer for newbs that want free info.:oops:

Keep doing what your doing both overseas and in your research my ARMY friend you will be most successful at both.

And not to piss on your parade but in Somalia 150 ARMY personnel could not do what myself and 20 other Marines could do everyday running the airfield over there. :wall:

I know I know I too pointed and laughed also :hump:

Semper Fi my ARMY friend keep it safe and all limbs intact!! I owe you a beer if you get out So cal's way.


Well-Known Member
:idea:lol, my coffee can bubbler cloner. :leaf:Take empty coffee can, pop some holes in the roof (half in or so), pop another hole and slide in an airtube with a airstone attached to the bottom, and a small 5 dollar air pump. :leaf: Turn on, i used superthrive for some of the clones some i did nothing but just stick in for a week i got 100% success plus the biggest good is the fact i can lift the lid and check the progress whenever i feel like it. I a lazy stoner so really any container will work i suggeest something bigger as you can get more clones. Cant find my camera sorry. Cloning is some exciting shit. The posibilities now seem endless,lol.:fire:
I need to start a new batch before I go onto cloning anyways seeing as I'm flowering my one girl. my 1st attempt at cloning failed miserably (partially cause it was trying to clone a broken top) turned out to be male anyways though so oh well.


Well-Known Member
sparkafire- yes they still drug test.lol but there are ways around everything you know how it is.
so your a marine huh...yeah i was gonna go that route but for some damn reason i joined the army.hey at least im still doing something. I am so excited to get back home been here 9 months even though its been a cake walk the whole your family shit gets messed up when your gone so long you know how it is.
thank you for the kind words and if you ever have a chance to buy me a beer ill send one back your way!

monkguy-thank you for the pics they were awesome and sorry about hearing your door getting kicked down and placed robbed thats some bullshit. best of luck to you!