First grow a disaster! (I think) Pics.

Yeah....but the first type auto's are smallish....lately these new super auto's have come and grow like a normal plant.
I have some auto seeds heavily based with rudy genes and they don't get 24 inches or so max.
The taproot determines flowering in ruderalis. Bigger pots or hydro extends the veg time. Nutrients and when and what to feed plays a role to. I get what your saying but even small ones can be pushed hard. The dude has it down to a science.
looks to be quite the woody mix in that soil.
too much forest byproducts, jacks ph (especially with chelated nutes).
not to mention it sequesters nitrogen as well.
your problem is most likely in the soil mix.
stupid question, but did you put drainage holes in those buckets?

Yes, the buckets have a lot of drainage holes and clay beads in the bottom
What the breeder says for finish time doesn't mean shit, go by what the plant looks like. Every pistil on the plant is snow white it's not done,not close feed it. The plant needs nitrogen even in flower believe it or not the lack of nitrogen reduces the plant's ability to take up phosphorus. When nitrogen is at optimal levels, the plant's ability to use phosphorus from the soil is improved. Starving it is only going to reduce your yield whether it's your 1st or 1000th grow. Some people like and will argue a fade at the end of flower is good, but not that yellow that far from finish.

Do you have holes in those buckets and good drainage?

Yes, lots of holes and about 3 inches of clay beads, I always empty the run off
Ok i'm just gonna put this out there, don't grow auto's they are tiny plants compared to photo's if you going for yield per plant autos not gonna be your cup of tea.

Yes, this is something I learned after I already started! I jumped right in without much research and thought autos sounded easier, but turns out you actually have more control with photos. Definitely going to change it up next time.
well shit, then I bow to your superior growing skills and knowledge.
You may want to make sure you got your facts straight before arguing.
You can read your "grow-bible"
i'll stick to horticulture facts, how nutrients are used, and the biochemistry involved.
Either way, if you truly think those plants are "normal"
then I have nothing more to say.

and if your plants look like that, then you have been growing poorly for damn near 40 yrs.
if you honestly think that adding nitrogen can be detrimental then that's just unfortunate.
I never said anything about adding EXTRA nitrogen.
you said to avoid nitrogen altogether, which is bad advice.
plants grown under HPS lights do tend to stretch and develop large inter nodal distances for and old style HPS grow that does look normal. some of us believe that spectrum is important and like short bushy plants but 40 years ago HPS street lamps were the best option. now we have T5s, induction lights, and CMH bulbs that provide a much better spectrum for plant growth and will produce bushy, more natural looking plants that do not look like industrial hemp. "some people have 40 years of experience. others have 1 year of experience repeated 40 times" there is a lot of useful information in the horticultural community that is not seen in "stoner chat rooms" the GE spxx cmh bulbs look very interesting and will work on HPS magnetic ballast
I don't advise topping autos after only your first grow.(i myself don't advise topping autos in general but that is just me) Try some photoperiod strains before jumping to autos. Do some research on LST and SOG and try that for your next go at it. It isn't a disaster. You'll get something out of them. better than nothing or a plant full of bud rot (had that before) (much rather have a low yield smaller plant than a full rot plant) You will get better. Whoever said not to feed your plant nitrogen in flower is dead wrong.
I don't advise topping autos after only your first grow.(i myself don't advise topping autos in general but that is just me) Try some photoperiod strains before jumping to autos. Do some research on LST and SOG and try that for your next go at it. It isn't a disaster. You'll get something out of them. better than nothing or a plant full of bud rot (had that before) (much rather have a low yield smaller plant than a full rot plant) You will get better. Whoever said not to feed your plant nitrogen in flower is dead wrong.

Thank you for contributing to my education! But seriously, I appreciate experienced people helping me learn.
Marijuana doesn't have a has a fibrous root system...
Wrong. That is plain wrong. It has a tap root. I'm not going to argue this again. Me and @greasemonkeymann already hashed this out.

It is a tap root system with secondary roots. I even provided pics of tap roots. The definition of a tap root is a main feeder root that all other roots come from.

It is a tap root. Clones don't of course.
Wrong. That is plain wrong. It has a tap root. I'm not going to argue this again. Me and @greasemonkeymann already hashed this out.

It is a tap root system with secondary roots. I even provided pics of tap roots. The definition of a tap root is a main feeder root that all other roots come from.

It is a tap root. Clones don't of course.
I think you are confused, marijuana has a fibrous root system, have you ever grown in hydroponics and looked at the roots? There is no tap root there's a fibrous root system in your bucket. A taproot is like a carrot or turnip, one big central root with no real offshoots. Clones have the same root system as seeds, I grow both , and have experience growing both in hydro, aero , and soil.
plants grown under HPS lights do tend to stretch and develop large inter nodal distances for and old style HPS grow that does look normal. some of us believe that spectrum is important and like short bushy plants but 40 years ago HPS street lamps were the best option. now we have T5s, induction lights, and CMH bulbs that provide a much better spectrum for plant growth and will produce bushy, more natural looking plants that do not look like industrial hemp. "some people have 40 years of experience. others have 1 year of experience repeated 40 times" there is a lot of useful information in the horticultural community that is not seen in "stoner chat rooms" the GE spxx cmh bulbs look very interesting and will work on HPS magnetic ballast
um, huh?
did you quote the wrong person?
good information, just not sure where it pertains to what I was saying...
I think you are confused, marijuana has a fibrous root system, have you ever grown in hydroponics and looked at the roots? There is no tap root there's a fibrous root system in your bucket. A taproot is like a carrot or turnip, one big central root with no real offshoots. Clones have the same root system as seeds, I grow both , and have experience growing both in hydro, aero , and soil.
hahahahahahha ohhhhhh man....
we did this argument a lil while ago..
I think it's symantics
although I do agree that it's a fibrous one as well.
I LOVE you guys..
I think you are confused, marijuana has a fibrous root system, have you ever grown in hydroponics and looked at the roots? There is no tap root there's a fibrous root system in your bucket. A taproot is like a carrot or turnip, one big central root with no real offshoots. Clones have the same root system as seeds, I grow both , and have experience growing both in hydro, aero , and soil.

It is not like a carrot. A carrot is just one type of tap root. It is a tuber. You are confused thinking all tap roots are like carrots.
If it has cotyledons it has a tap root.
All roots on cannabis come from the main feeder root. Those are secondary roots that then make tertiary roots.

First cannabis makes a tap root as fibrous roots cant go deep.
spire_zpsa6518e36.jpg spire_zpsa6518e36.jpg
Wrong. That is plain wrong. It has a tap root. I'm not going to argue this again. Me and @greasemonkeymann already hashed this out.

It is a tap root system with secondary roots. I even provided pics of tap roots. The definition of a tap root is a main feeder root that all other roots come from.

It is a tap root. Clones don't of course.
not to beat an old horse my man...
but I recently harvested some from seed, and I STILL don't see a taproot...
but I love ya allllll the same..
I honestly think it's because the definition of "taproot" in my head, and my reasoning, resembles a carrot/radish/dandelion.
so I suppose it's all about what one's interpretation of it is.