You are a simple-minded fool.
The man lays out the exact time line for the deletion of federal records. They get a subpoena, Cheryl mills calls combetta, combetta asks how to strip names from emails, he realizes later he fucked up, uses bleachbit, tries to delete postings about stripping data.
The director agreed with that.
Every person who committed the crime of improper handling and deletion of federal records was given immunity but refused to testify.
I am so disgusted with our government. The supreme court, the IRS, the FBI and many other departments have been shown to be blatantly political and/or corrupt and willing to operate outside of their own rules to either excuse or allow unconstitutional behavior.
The government long ago stopped serving the people and now exclusively serves itself along with special interests. And it is getting bad to the point of being obvious to the average citizen that takes a minute to pay attention.
And everyone who is for Hillary is aiding and abetting the corruption.
Which is so weird to find on a weed growers site, you would think a lot of people here would be for freedom and independence rather than crony capitalism, corruption, and a government that lies with no consequences.