RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

Yea and his "cleanup" cost me and you 10 trillion dollars. Well worth it if you don't care that your kids will be speaking Chinese Or Arabic in 25 years and if you don't convert they just kill them
That would be "clean up after George Bush", not "his (Obama's) cleanup" . Typical wingnut memory loss shown here. So, let's try this using kiddy talk:

George made mistakes. He made a big mess in the economy. Barack cleaned up after George but the mess was so bad it took a long time.

Did you know that the US ran a budget surplus only once in the past 50 years? A democratic president was in charge at the time, Bill Clinton. George Bush took office and the country went right back into deficit spending, increasing the defict ever year while he was in office. Obama took office and has cut the deficit for the past six years in a row. If you want to reduce our debt to the Chinese, maybe you should support another Democratic President. Trump sure as hell isn't going to do that. He's all for cutting taxes and raising spending which is exactly how George Bush tanked the nations economy.
The magazine has been described as "the bible of American conservatism".[24]

Stuff that tampon back up your ass pussy.

"National Review", LOL....talk about an admission of racism! "So, I was reading an interesting story about Clinton in the weekly KKK NEWSLETTER....derp-da-dee-flerp-derp..."

download (92).jpeg

Also, I'm stealing "Stuff that tampon back up your ass pussy" for a future greeting card - cheers!
That would be "clean up after George Bush", not "his (Obama's) cleanup" . Typical wingnut memory loss shown here. So, let's try this using kiddy talk:

George made mistakes. He made a big mess in the economy. Barack cleaned up after George but the mess was so bad it took a long time.

Did you know that the US ran a budget surplus only once in the past 50 years? A democratic president was in charge at the time, Bill Clinton..

Only because he sold us out to the Chinese.
Quoted for truth right here..

I cast vote in this poll for Clinton. At least she accepts the reality of human induced climate change, even if she has weak ass policies in regards to fracking. At least she's on THIS plant. IRL, I missed my window to register to vote in my new home of Colorado (I think anyway), so no vote cast for me for this presidential election.

you can register to vote until october 24th here.

All I'm going to say is she stepped up her commercial game after the debate. The media is biased. Tupac said it in Only God Can Judge Me. "The media is full of dirty tricks". Either way you get a Zoinist controlled pupett? Welcome to America where you can choose what kind of slave you are. Either one will start ww3 and undoubtedly dismantle the current government and rebuild it as a communist dictatorship.
They will try for sure which is the only real reason I would prefer Trump because he won't go after assault rifles and that is the only way we will have freedom I don't give a fuck about dying just that someone will pick up my rifle and keep fighting. Oppression has never ended only for white people for a short time after the first American Revolution and that's why we have the second amendment not to hunt.
I'll take that question for $1,000 and the win !

Among about a dozen laws covering the topic of handling sensitive information we can start with this on the books law.

Violation of LIFETIME non disclosure agreement taken as sec of state.

look it up,its on the federal law books,even allowing her zero classified info clearance lawyers to view the material is a felony crime .
not a lawyer, are you?
Oppress any women today?

A fucking vile slave to patriarchy squeals like a fucking imbecile. Trump is a fucking hideous asshole.

"Craig was treated to the same Trumpian wordplay, but got an added treat. Trump referred to me as “that cunt.”

Craig, a calm Iowan, asked Trump what was wrong with the story. He explained that The Inquirer would run a correction if the paper had made an error.

Trump snapped that he didn’t read the story."
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