So I was 7 for 10 on the Diamonds and Dust seedlings, 2 that popped didnt have an embryo inside and 1 did have but it never grew a tail. So, I planted 3 Blueberry F2's from eastcoastmo in their places. Looks like I will have 2 Chernobyl females and a Sinmint cross female to go with the Conspiracy Kush and Sinfully Sour flowering now (still growing). Also have a Headbanger which is flowering though roots never took off (so it stayed tiny). Either the wind has been gusting this morning or birds tried to land on one of the Chernobyls as it was laid over on side; so I staked everything up with bamboo just in case. I have noticed the birds are back from wherever they migrate to during wet season. So, they are reeking a little havoc. I planted some organic sprouting mix from Donbrennon and thats keeping them occupied enough at the moment.