Rooftop SE Asia

Since oil and gas is what has paid my bills the majority of my life I thought this was an interesting infographic, then I noticed all the SHIT that it makes. Shit we dont really need.....

  • Enough gasoline to drive a medium-sized car over 450km (280 miles).
  • Enough distillate fuel to drive a large truck for almost 65km (40 miles). If jet fuel fraction is included, that same truck can run nearly 80km (50 miles).
  • Nearly 70 kWh of electricity at a power plant generated by residual fuel.
  • About 1.8 kg (4 lbs) of charcoal briquettes.
  • Enough propane to fill 12 small (14.1 ounce) cylinders for home, camping or workshop use.
  • Asphalt to make about 3.8 L (one gallon) of tar for patching roofs or streets.
  • Lubricants to make about a 0.95 L (one quart) of motor oil.
  • Wax for 170 birthday candles or 27 wax crayons.
But that’s not all. After producing all of the above products, there’s also enough petrochemicals leftover to be used as a base for one of the following:

  • 39 polyester shirts
  • 750 pocket combs
  • 540 toothbrushes
  • 65 plastic dustpans
  • 23 hula hoops
  • 65 plastic drinking cups
  • 195 one-cup measuring cups
  • 11 plastic telephone housings
  • 135 four-inch rubber balls
Since oil and gas is what has paid my bills the majority of my life I thought this was an interesting infographic, then I noticed all the SHIT that it makes. Shit we dont really need.....

  • Enough gasoline to drive a medium-sized car over 450km (280 miles).
  • Enough distillate fuel to drive a large truck for almost 65km (40 miles). If jet fuel fraction is included, that same truck can run nearly 80km (50 miles).
  • Nearly 70 kWh of electricity at a power plant generated by residual fuel.
  • About 1.8 kg (4 lbs) of charcoal briquettes.
  • Enough propane to fill 12 small (14.1 ounce) cylinders for home, camping or workshop use.
  • Asphalt to make about 3.8 L (one gallon) of tar for patching roofs or streets.
  • Lubricants to make about a 0.95 L (one quart) of motor oil.
  • Wax for 170 birthday candles or 27 wax crayons.
But that’s not all. After producing all of the above products, there’s also enough petrochemicals leftover to be used as a base for one of the following:

  • 39 polyester shirts
  • 750 pocket combs
  • 540 toothbrushes
  • 65 plastic dustpans
  • 23 hula hoops
  • 65 plastic drinking cups
  • 195 one-cup measuring cups
  • 11 plastic telephone housings
  • 135 four-inch rubber balls

Hey- you leave my hoola hoop collection out of this!
Few turds on the list
  • About 1.8 kg (4 lbs) of charcoal briquettes.
  • Wax for 170 birthday candles or 27 wax crayons.
  • 39 polyester shirts
  • 750 pocket combs
  • 540 toothbrushes
  • 65 plastic dustpans
  • 23 hula hoops
  • 65 plastic drinking cups
  • 195 one-cup measuring cups
  • 11 plastic telephone housings
  • 135 four-inch rubber balls
So I was 7 for 10 on the Diamonds and Dust seedlings, 2 that popped didnt have an embryo inside and 1 did have but it never grew a tail. So, I planted 3 Blueberry F2's from eastcoastmo in their places. Looks like I will have 2 Chernobyl females and a Sinmint cross female to go with the Conspiracy Kush and Sinfully Sour flowering now (still growing). Also have a Headbanger which is flowering though roots never took off (so it stayed tiny). Either the wind has been gusting this morning or birds tried to land on one of the Chernobyls as it was laid over on side; so I staked everything up with bamboo just in case. I have noticed the birds are back from wherever they migrate to during wet season. So, they are reeking a little havoc. I planted some organic sprouting mix from Donbrennon and thats keeping them occupied enough at the moment.
Took me a bit to get through The majority of this thread haha. But I like what you got going on over there man. Really looking nice. Sorry you had a hard go of it with work, was there myself few years back. Luckily I was single with no kids. Take care bud! And would love to see pic again whenever you're able to!
Cheers for the kind words. Yeah, if I were single no one would have ever heard about this and probably I wouldnt be on here now. Way different ball game when the whole family of wife and kids involved, unfortunately. Yeah will get some pics up when I get myself out of this shithole which means phone back from the pawn shop
So I was 7 for 10 on the Diamonds and Dust seedlings, 2 that popped didnt have an embryo inside and 1 did have but it never grew a tail. So, I planted 3 Blueberry F2's from eastcoastmo in their places. Looks like I will have 2 Chernobyl females and a Sinmint cross female to go with the Conspiracy Kush and Sinfully Sour flowering now (still growing). Also have a Headbanger which is flowering though roots never took off (so it stayed tiny). Either the wind has been gusting this morning or birds tried to land on one of the Chernobyls as it was laid over on side; so I staked everything up with bamboo just in case. I have noticed the birds are back from wherever they migrate to during wet season. So, they are reeking a little havoc. I planted some organic sprouting mix from Donbrennon and thats keeping them occupied enough at the moment.
Of the BST1 and BST2 seeds I had planted for a winter crop, only the two tray jumpers came up. Doesn't that beat all? They haven't done much, but we have had clouds and rain for the last week here in NW Florida. Since I'm still trying to stay a step ahead of the bud rot, and I'm clipping buds twice a week, the seeds are getting more mature with every clipping. I'll try some of the more mature ones the next good planting day.