Doc's Dank Seeds


Well-Known Member
smaller glass , a pin or paper clip to suspend the hash up 2" about a gram in a pie shape
lite the small end till it flames then blow out & smomders & place rock glass over the top
place yer cheek at the table top at the glass edge let glass fill with smoke crack the glass 3/4" & at the same time inhale deeply , the straw takes too small of a hit
we'd sit 4 ppl around a table as the glass fills fast with smoke everyone was musical chairs dancing to keep up
if done right y'd exhale nothing as all that cool smaoke stayed :0)


Well-Known Member
smaller glass , a pin or paper clip to suspend the hash up 2" about a gram in a pie shape
lite the small end till it flames then blow out & smomders & place rock glass over the top
place yer cheek at the table top at the glass edge let glass fill with smoke crack the glass 3/4" & at the same time inhale deeply , the straw takes too small of a hit
we'd sit 4 ppl around a table as the glass fills fast with smoke everyone was musical chairs dancing to keep up
if done right y'd exhale nothing as all that cool smaoke stayed :0)
Amazingly fun treat to share with friends! Ive never bothered to go through the routine for just myself, always a social event lol


Well-Known Member
Doc's Exciting seed That gives a Purple Pooch of triple rhinos gonna get soaked along with BW 's fobbin space fruit Farmhouse's black gorilla & Relentless' frosted cherry cookies
I Feel The Need For Purple People ! my last purple was this IMG_20150425_112340.jpg

Phantom Cookies just as she started turning purple , I had another pheno that was all purple but she was fincky as foook leaves looked like shit but bushy this girl was sativa like\
still got 2 seed left doc
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Well-Known Member
Doc's Exciting Purple Punch of triple rhinos gonna get soaked along with BW 's fobbin space fruit Farmhouse's black gorilla & Relentless' frosted cherry cookies
I Feel The Need For Purple People ! my last purple was this View attachment 3794599

Phantom Cookies just as she started turning purple , I had another pheno that was all purple but she was fincky as foook leaves looked like shit but bushy this girl was sativa like\
still got 2 seed left doc
I didn't even know doc had that purple punch