Oregon Elite Seeds

that 3 day stuff fucks with inventory , sum stoner gets 10 packs of dbl bucks in his cart & invoice to send m/o on a midnite Limited BW drop & then never answers his email for 3 days (knowing he didn't have the cash ) , so the guy who waited all nite refreashing his browser never had a chance at them .
Anyone just get the OES email? Damn! No CC and you gotta get that shit to him in like 3 days. Be inconvenienced and then be inconvenienced. And if you dont, fuck you because my system is outdated.

Cart before the horse i see.....


I am sure some of you Toby nut huggers are gonna get all but sore but, it is true.
What he said was you have to get it mailed out to him within 72 hours. Then of course it will take 2 to 3 days to get to him if you want your seeds fast you need to get your money to him fast or you can wait for a month to get your seeds which I doubt you want to do
The problem the guy has is medical so its tough on him to go buy money orders and then to a post office for a priority mail envelope....that's why he needs CC option.....click of the button type deal .
I feel for that guy and anyone else with a disability most definitely in this situation. That has got to be a pain in the ass to get a money order in that situation. Anyone completely able just complaining about having to get off their ass, my statement is geared towards. I love the cc when it works, I won't ever deny that lol.
I don't see the issue with money order. If anyone is that bent out of shape over money order let me know so I can scoop up the gear u leave on the table

So your seriously cool with $600 dollar plus blank money orders in the mail? I have lost 3 over the years. Shit sucks. Its not Toby. Itll be the USPS when one of the employees catches on to the addy with money going to it.

I'll be on the table waiting for CC or Paypal then ill throw a couple G's his way. Until then I am lucky enough to know most of the breeders and or alternative places to scoop. Except bigworm :( . I do miss out on the killer freebies OES gives though. I am mostly just mad I can't hang and post orders from here with you all. Lol

One last thing, i did read the email as money order to him with in 3 days. Still when you do more than grow weed for a living, it is hard to get a money order and to usps in 3 days. See i work 7am to 7pm. Hard to get to a 9-5 shipping facility and have a job. Just making a point.
So your seriously cool with $600 dollar plus blank money orders in the mail? I have lost 3 over the years. Shit sucks. Its not Toby. Itll be the USPS when one of the employees catches on to the addy with money going to it.

I'll be on the table waiting for CC or Paypal then ill throw a couple G's his way. Until then I am lucky enough to know most of the breeders and or alternative places to scoop. Except bigworm :( . I do miss out on the killer freebies OES gives though. I am mostly just mad I can't hang and post orders from here with you all. Lol

One last thing, i did read the email as money order to him with in 3 days. Still when you do more than grow weed for a living, it is hard to get a money order and to usps in 3 days. See i work 7am to 7pm. Hard to get to a 9-5 shipping facility and have a job. Just making a point.
Yeah I am cool with it under certain circumstances like double bucks dropping. I feel you homie, I love the cc and understand your point. usps is pretty sketchy. My dry sift tumbler was lost with those fools for like a month then it just magically appears at my door like wtf I was just happy they decided to drop it off unsmashed. They have even smashed boxes of mine and still delivered it leaking nutes and all with a letter along the lines of sorry we fucked your shit up our bad. Great group of people that usps is.
god damned usps lost an envelope of seeds heading my way recently..leaving an east coast state going to a state 1 hour north..shipped half way across the country instead, then "fell off the truck" when being sent back.. have checked the unchanged tracking so many times over 2 weeks i've memorized the 22 digit tracking #
oh well, i'll have to trust em again for the BW drop..and plenty other nefarious fuckin carryins on