RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

And drug dealers and all manner career criminal ls cash is king with ole Hillary. Latest scandal would be her proped up on God knows what kind of drugs, being feed answers and responses trough an ear piece, and sending signals too the moderator so he can toss her a soft ball to hit with the zinger her staffer's are feeding her. Watch some videos she touches her face with one finger with her right hand. There was also some obviousextra body language and eye contact between the two. I was totally wasted when I watched that rigged shit show and still saw it plain as day

And drug dealers and all manner career criminal ls cash is king with ole Hillary. Latest scandal would be her proped up on God knows what kind of drugs, being feed answers and responses trough an ear piece, and sending signals too the moderator so he can toss her a soft ball to hit with the zinger her staffer's are feeding her. Watch some videos she touches her face with one finger with her right hand. There was also some obviousextra body language and eye contact between the two. I was totally wasted when I watched that rigged shit show and still saw it plain as day


Don't worry Trump will fix lmao