Oregon Elite Seeds

god damned usps lost an envelope of seeds heading my way recently..leaving an east coast state going to a state 1 hour north..shipped half way across the country instead, then "fell off the truck" when being sent back.. have checked the unchanged tracking so many times over 2 weeks i've memorized the 22 digit tracking #
oh well, i'll have to trust em again for the BW drop..and plenty other nefarious fuckin carryins on
Sometimes they won't even update tracking. I had a package and it was in Washington for a week or so I thought from the tracking. Then usps just shows up with it while the tracking said it was in Washington still. Just keep faith in the bean fairy and she will hopefully bring ur goods home and slip them quietly into ur mailbox while u sleep.
Very true. I remember I needed to go on unemployment at one point. 210$ every 2 weeks after busting my ass with 50 60 hr work weeks. Wasnt even enough to pay my rent. That was about the time I realized I needed to to be self employed if I ever wanted to get paid what I thought was a fair wage. The system isn't set up for anyone to get ahead unless ur rich and crooked.
Very true. I remember I needed to go on unemployment at one point. 210$ every 2 weeks after busting my ass with 50 60 hr work weeks. Wasnt even enough to pay my rent. That was about the time I realized I needed to to be self employed if I ever wanted to get paid what I thought was a fair wage. The system isn't set up for anyone to get ahead unless ur rich and crooked.
Yeah I remember those days back when I lived there, I was getting about 150 per week, still not enough to even cover rent. Live in a cardboard box but you could still have a few boxes of saltines! Tell you what though, I'd take that now. After all my years of working, I dont get shit now, zero
Yeah I remember those days back when I lived there, I was getting about 150 per week, still not enough to even cover rent. Live in a cardboard box but you could still have a few boxes of saltines! Tell you what though, I'd take that now. After all my years of working, I dont get shit now, zero
Yeah I hear that. I'm always greatful for what I got these days. Even if it's not the best at least I got good smoke and a place to smoke it with saltines to eat lol
Could I some money in advanced prior to ordering before the drop that way you have in hand and can ship out extremely quickly ???

Almost like having store credit or gift card
That would be nice but then again it wouldn't be fair to everybody else because then everybody would want to do it
So your seriously cool with $600 dollar plus blank money orders in the mail? I have lost 3 over the years. Shit sucks. Its not Toby. Itll be the USPS when one of the employees catches on to the addy with money going to it.

I'll be on the table waiting for CC or Paypal then ill throw a couple G's his way. Until then I am lucky enough to know most of the breeders and or alternative places to scoop. Except bigworm :( . I do miss out on the killer freebies OES gives though. I am mostly just mad I can't hang and post orders from here with you all. Lol

One last thing, i did read the email as money order to him with in 3 days. Still when you do more than grow weed for a living, it is hard to get a money order and to usps in 3 days. See i work 7am to 7pm. Hard to get to a 9-5 shipping facility and have a job. Just making a point.
OES will do bank tranfers and the money order doesn't have to be blank you could make it out to Happy Dabber if you would like that way only he can cash it
@deeproots74 will there be in house gear going back into stock? I didn't see anything in the email but I could swear I remember toby saying he has some more he just hasn't put it up on the site yet.
Yes he does it will be included on this next drop ( Seeds of Compassion, Cannarado, Big Buddy) just waiting to get gear from Danknomics, scapegoat, Mota rebel, and shoreline. Then after that there will be another drop that consist of Sin City, DVG, Red Eyed, Trichome Jungle and CSI. OES will also be the new vendor for Melvanetics. He also will be adding this month Mosca Genetics, Dusted Buds, Archive, Space aged and a few others
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Yes he does it will be included on this next drop just waiting to get gear from Danknomics, scapegoat, Mota rebel, and shoreline. Then after that there will be another drop that consist of Sin City, DVG, Red Eyed and CSI. OES will also be the new vendor for Melvanetics. He's also will be adding this month Mosca Genetics, Dusted Buds, Archive, Space aged and a few others
looks like i'll be parting ways with short stack of franklins soon..
looks like i'll be parting ways with short stack of franklins soon..
Same here..It reminds me of a old passed hippy friend. We went to a gem store and he dropped like 5 bills when we just started to make it. His words were "These stones are so much prettier than that cash." That's how I feel about seeds in my fridge these days. The good always die too young. God damn shame.
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Just spoke to OES he's heading to the High Times Cannabis Cup October 7th - 10th when he returns his October new breeder list consist of: Seeds of Compassion, Scapegoat Genetics, Melvanetics, Madd Farmer, Mosca Negra, Space aged, Big Buddy, Mass medical strains and he's restocking breeders he has. Drops will start to happen this week along with restocks