Second Opinion on my Opinion


Well-Known Member
I have studied enough example pics that by now you would think I could figure it out :)

To me these look 50/50 cloudy/clear

Agree? Or do these impatient eyes deceive2016-10-02 11.36.26.jpg 2016-10-02 11.33.58.jpg me?
Looks like 50/50 to me...All depending on what you are wanting tho...I myself prefer to wait for some amber to show and I am not seeing any and I am also seeing some firm white pistils and red pistils that haven't withdrawn back. Wait for the Amber and for the red pistils to draw in...It will be apparent when you see actually is quite obvious when that happens!

Like Lordhooha said give it a week at least!

Thanks - How long to wait wasn't my question just making sure I am deciphering clear vs. cloudy since to my eyes so many seem to start off cloudy but I probably missed seeing the transition.
It is really hard to read trichs from a pic.. close to 50/50.. easier to read when they are cloudy turning amber..