RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


Well-Known Member
Man, you are so behind on current events.

Not sure how much you actually are aware of. Did you suck Hillary's asshole during college? Lost touch after that?

It would make alot of sense.
your can't even keep mold off of plants in your house, but you think it is OK for a child with vulnerable, developing lungs is safe there?

your kid should be taken from you. you are endangering little miss housekeeping's health.


Well-Known Member
trump is the law and order candidate.

if he found out that @Flaming Pie was growing a federally illegal, schedule 1 narcotic in a house with a small child, throwing mold spores into the air to destroy her tiny lungs, he would send the CPS in so quick it would make your head spin.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the Clintons never were forced to return items they stole from the Whitehouse, never had to re-hire the Whitehouse travel office staff they illegally fired, Bengazi never happened, none of the myriads of offenses actually occurred. As Hillary said, it's all a vast right wing conspiracy, until the cum stained blue dress surfaced.
Too funny this.

Trump is literally charged with defrauding people who trusted him to teach them how to make money in the real estate market and who took some of these people for thirty thousand dollars that were charged on credit cards after hard sales pitches that fraudulently claimed Donald Trump developed the course content. Trump is literally scheduled for a trial that charges him with sexual assault of a child. Trump has literally declared bankruptcy at least four times and in 1995 lost one billion dollars. Trump even managed to "forget" that his foundation had to be certified to meet specific accounting standards in order to solicit donations, especially when those funds have been abused, literally, by using the fund to pay for lawsuits against Trump's business, politcal donations, personal purchases, and corrupting a Florida official. The list of actual charges against Trump and his misogynist and racist policies literally documented in writing are many.

Yet you breathe fire over Bill's actions and repeat accusations agains Ms Clinton that have been proven wrong.

So, absolutely, the paper got it right when it said that Trump is in no way an equal to Clinton. Clinton is absolutely qualified to be President of the US and Benedict Donald is not.

Whatever happened to your family, I'm sorry for them. Arson is a difficult crime to prove, so I'm sure you are innocent of it.


Well-Known Member
Hillary and UBS swiss banks.

The Borowitz Report)—Governor Chris Christie, of New Jersey, called Donald J. Trump a “genius” on Monday for his controversial plan to burn down the White House to collect insurance money.

Appearing on Fox News, Christie said that Trump’s scheme to collect fire-insurance payments on the White House would “make a serious dent” in the national debt.

“It’s not just the White House,” Christie told Fox’s Sean Hannity. “That building is chock-full of priceless antiques, paintings, and rugs, all of which, when burned, would fetch a pretty penny.”

The New Jersey governor said that Trump’s “totally genius business acumen” would set him apart from all previous Presidents. “We’ve had forty-plus occupants of the White House, and not one of them ever considered the business advantages of burning it down,” Christie said.

Christie called criticism of the plan to burn down the White House “typical media bias,” and said that Trump was moving forward with plans to see “how much he could get” for burning down the Lincoln Memorial.

Andy Borowitz


Well-Known Member
Too funny this.

Trump is literally charged with defrauding people who trusted him to teach them how to make money in the real estate market and who took some of these people for thirty thousand dollars that were charged on credit cards after hard sales pitches that fraudulently claimed Donald Trump developed the course content. Trump is literally scheduled for a trial that charges him with sexual assault of a child. Trump has literally declared bankruptcy at least four times and in 1995 lost one billion dollars. Trump even managed to "forget" that his foundation had to be certified to meet specific accounting standards in order to solicit donations, especially when those funds have been abused, literally, by using the fund to pay for lawsuits against Trump's business, politcal donations, personal purchases, and corrupting a Florida official. The list of actual charges against Trump and his misogynist and racist policies literally documented in writing are many.

Yet you breathe fire over Bill's actions and repeat accusations agains Ms Clinton that have been proven wrong.

So, absolutely, the paper got it right when it said that Trump is in no way an equal to Clinton. Clinton is absolutely qualified to be President of the US and Benedict Donald is not.

Whatever happened to your family, I'm sorry for them. Arson is a difficult crime to prove, so I'm sure you are innocent of it.
"Literally" Trump has never been convicted of any of those allegations, or even been charged. Clinton has used her long history of lies, corruption, cover ups, and abuse of power to avoid prosecution. You lie when you say the accusations have been proven wrong. Typically, you make accusations disparaging my character because you know your lies are unbelievable. Clinton may very well win the election. This would be good for me financially, but will crush you and your children.