"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

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Tell me more about how you AREN'T a racist and that massive usage of fossil fuels and fracking are NOT responsible for global warming.....also, do you know the one about the shoemaker and the elves??

Because Lou says so is not enough. Watch, You Big Lou are a racist.... see that didn`t work either.

Run somewhere Lou, The temperature is coming for you and you wont survive. Run Lou run.

Back in the 20`s and 30`s yes the fossil fuels were burned without caring. WWII emitted many times more pollutants.

Quick Lou, do something,...anything.
Yes she would. We've already had five mass extinctions.

6 if you count the GOP and those two imbeciles. Thier entire lives have been spent contributing to the world's problems, not helping them. They have no original ideas of their own, no real solutions ,only mindless rhetoric. They lack the simple traits of contributing members of our society.

Having changed nothing and influenced nobody, there will be no legacy after their deaths. No one talk of them, no one will care. Their weak souls will just simply disappear.