Surviving a TRUMP! loss. After the election tips.


Well-Known Member
First off, chill out. Hillary is white.

Nobody is coming for your guns. They probably will stop selling ones with certain features eventually, so do like your white bretheren and get thee to the Walmart and stock up. But nobody is coming for your guns.

You have a choice to make. You can go further down the rabbit hole and buy into the "its rigged" account that we will surely see, or you can just accept it and try to become part of society again. Nobody will blame you. Soon, most of this will be forgotten.

Stop with the youtube for a while. Forget Benghazi. It was never a winning strategy. You will keep on fuming for a while but try not to talk about it all the time. After a while you will start to forget the lies you have come to believe.
First off, chill out. Hillary is white.

Nobody is coming for your guns. They probably will stop selling ones with certain features eventually, so do like your white bretheren and get thee to the Walmart and stock up. But nobody is coming for your guns.

You have a choice to make. You can go further down the rabbit hole and buy into the "its rigged" account that we will surely see, or you can just accept it and try to become part of society again. Nobody will blame you. Soon, most of this will be forgotten.

Stop with the youtube for a while. Forget Benghazi. It was never a winning strategy. You will keep on fuming for a while but try not to talk about it all the time. After a while you will start to forget the lies you have come to believe.
but but but ... emails
So you're suggesting that Alex Jones should be starved of views and clicks? He would deflate and die a slow painful death

Get your 6 months survival supply from Alex for 1000 bucks.
The 6-Month Food Supply contains*:

  • Strawberry Fields Cream of Wheat -- 64 Servings
  • Maple Grove Oatmeal -- 112 Servings
  • Uncle Frank's Italian Lasagna -- 16 Servings
  • Granny's Homestyle Potato Soup -- 48 Servings
  • Traveler's Stew -- 48 Servings
  • Summer's Best Corn Chowder -- 16 Servings
  • Blue Ribbon Creamy Chicken Rice -- 48 Servings
  • Liberty Bell Potato Cheddar Soup -- 40 Servings
  • Traditional Fettuccine Alfredo -- 40 Servings
  • Independence Hall Chicken Noodle Soup -- 16 Servings
  • Cheesy Broccoli & Rice Soup -- 32 Servings
  • Country Cottage Mac & Cheese -- 32 Servings
  • Heartland's Best Mashed Potatoes -- 64 Servings
  • Creamy Stroganoff -- 32 Servings
  • Instant White Rice -- 40 Servings
  • Chocolate Pudding -- 60 Servings
  • Honey Coated Banana Chips -- 32 Servings
  • Orange Energy Drink Mix -- 64 Servings
  • Settler's Whey Powdered Milk -- 96 Servings
Get your 6 months survival supply from Alex for 1000 bucks.
The 6-Month Food Supply contains*:

  • Strawberry Fields Cream of Wheat -- 64 Servings
  • Maple Grove Oatmeal -- 112 Servings
  • Uncle Frank's Italian Lasagna -- 16 Servings
  • Granny's Homestyle Potato Soup -- 48 Servings
  • Traveler's Stew -- 48 Servings
  • Summer's Best Corn Chowder -- 16 Servings
  • Blue Ribbon Creamy Chicken Rice -- 48 Servings
  • Liberty Bell Potato Cheddar Soup -- 40 Servings
  • Traditional Fettuccine Alfredo -- 40 Servings
  • Independence Hall Chicken Noodle Soup -- 16 Servings
  • Cheesy Broccoli & Rice Soup -- 32 Servings
  • Country Cottage Mac & Cheese -- 32 Servings
  • Heartland's Best Mashed Potatoes -- 64 Servings
  • Creamy Stroganoff -- 32 Servings
  • Instant White Rice -- 40 Servings
  • Chocolate Pudding -- 60 Servings
  • Honey Coated Banana Chips -- 32 Servings
  • Orange Energy Drink Mix -- 64 Servings
  • Settler's Whey Powdered Milk -- 96 Servings
The stroganoff. Always the stroganoff. It is a duck n cover fave. Gets the oldsters all sentimental.

It is hard for me to believe that they fall for this obvious shit. But they do.

Now I am going to buy a shitload of those exclusive 1.5 ounce silver coins i hear about on FOX radio. I am afraid inflation will make ham sandwiches spike. Also, derp.
Well I don't think that having a supply of food enough to feed your family is a bad idea, look how fast all the stores got cleaned out during Katrina...

As far as the silver, if the shit really ever hits the fan the only things that will be worth anything is water, food and bullets
First off, chill out. Hillary is white.

Nobody is coming for your guns. They probably will stop selling ones with certain features eventually, so do like your white bretheren and get thee to the Walmart and stock up. But nobody is coming for your guns.

You have a choice to make. You can go further down the rabbit hole and buy into the "its rigged" account that we will surely see, or you can just accept it and try to become part of society again. Nobody will blame you. Soon, most of this will be forgotten.

Stop with the youtube for a while. Forget Benghazi. It was never a winning strategy. You will keep on fuming for a while but try not to talk about it all the time. After a while you will start to forget the lies you have come to believe.

Let me ask this, What features do you think they should ban? And why?
Well I don't think that having a supply of food enough to feed your family is a bad idea, look how fast all the stores got cleaned out during Katrina...

As far as the silver, if the shit really ever hits the fan the only things that will be worth anything is water, food and bullets
Do you spend a lot of time thinking about a world where bullets are that important?
Not really my area of specialty. I would rather concentrate on keeping all guns out of the hands of radicals and the mentally ill. I can't really imagine that eliminating certain features would have any major effect on the shootings in this country.
agree. not my area of specialty either. I dont even think i have any issue until i see someone who has his entire worth in life hitched to his rifles and wants to open carry a high caliber high, capacity weapon. NO gtfoh

The preposterous stupidity of many is seen in the argument that rifles will save them from authority. NO. These are the slavish, obedient fearful bitches that will change their song the minute the feds are saddling up. Oregon style. Those rifles are purely for your lack of character and need for fetish objects. (not referring to hunters, or playahs w gaks)
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agree. not my area of specialty either. I dont even think i have any issue until i see someone who has his entire worth in life hitched to his rifles and wants to open carry a high caliber high capacity weapon openly. NO gtfoh

The preposterous stupidity of many is seen in the argument that rifles will save them from authority. NO. These are the slavish, obedient fearful bitches that will change their song the minute the feds are saddling up. Oregon style. Those rifles are purely for your lack of character and need for fetish objects. (not referring to hunters, or playahs w gaks)
There is a contest on FOX radio. First prize is your dream gun. Dream gun? Wtf?

These guys make money regardless of the outcome of the election. It is better than TRUMP! YOU though. At least the guns have resale value and the food come in handy in a disaster situation. TRUMP! University was the most brazen rip-off ever.
magazine capacity would prevent so many mass murders.
Yeah, it would. I suppose the gun lobby will shit their pants over it. I think ammunition type restrictions make sense. It seems like the designers are tripping all over themselves to say otherwise but i think they are designing to pentrate body armor. That is the kind of benefit that sells ammo to the lunatic fringe.
The lunatic fringe thinks guns will keep the government in check somehow.

Those guns aren't so good against tanks, helicopters or the National Guard.

But we need those guns, just in case.

of what?

i just offered @tampee a whole bunch of money to go fight ISIS. he said his AR15 would do no good against ISIS.

but he needs his AR15 to fight off the full force and might off the united states army. because tyranny.
Not really my area of specialty. I would rather concentrate on keeping all guns out of the hands of radicals and the mentally ill. I can't really imagine that eliminating certain features would have any major effect on the shootings in this country.
That's one thing I can agree with you on.