An honest addictions post

Ive seen a lot of stories where people have injuries and end up addicted to pills. Wish there was a safe alternative, with the same goal of "pain management."

I wish I wouldve done sub instead of methadone. I missed my dose yesterday and wasnt feeling nice this morning (Im not on a stable dose, its too low to begin with but im scared to go up.)

I ended up drinking again yesterday just a few shots, quit at 6pm and drank alot of water afterwards. They ended up forgetting to breathalyze me anyway, until the 2nd nurse said something to thd nurse dosing me. I shit you not I grabbed my dose and drank it quick!

Im done drinking now though. Im glad I made this thread, I wont forget who you guys are. Thank you. (The picture is of two cars I cleaned for a photoshoot. I cant believe how different I am under the influence of captain morgan.)
I was hurt in the military right after 9/11. I didn't heal right. I was fed a lot of percs to keep going. Drs had me on all kinds of stuff. Decided it wasn't for me. I went cold turkey. It was hell.

Reason I bring it up is because I could see how a problem could develops. Everyone I know that has been upped to the point of Roxie's and opanas ends up with a problem.

Screw that. Opiates are horrible for pain. The actually make you hurt worse. They cause rebound pain and headaches.

Stay strong and get away from opiates. No good can come from them.
I didnt want to put this in T&T as itd get bent over like a dick with an obese hooker.

I was addicted oxycodone specifically for 4 years, prescribed to my better half so it was free. We used to get so high and play call of duty, I remember times wed be playing and id fall asleep smoking a cig burn myself while my character is running into a wall!!! "Good times."

We moved to a city for COLLEGE, ended up getting addicted to heroin since it was much cheaper (we lost our script.) I have now been 2.5 years clean, on methadone for 3 years. I go 6 days a week, an hour round trip every fucking morning plus it costs 110$\week. I have an awesome job and am lucky for my position there. I recently started drinking daily after work, everything was "fine" until this morning where I got a breathalyzer and failed, meaning I dont get my daily dose.

Im currently tapering, so missing even one dose put me into a slight withdrawl. My mom passed away from alcohol and my dad was a liquorhead himself. (Just made that word up.) Drugs have put my world upside down, dam near litteraly and I am always paranoid about tickets that need to be paid (Cant have random warrant as I grow illegally.)

I dont talk to anyone I grew up with as they all identify with some sort of hustle\drug and I wonder why I talked to them in the first place. Im not normally someone who makes threads like this, Im just in a bad spot and I guess want to see what people have to say whether you been in my shoes or not.

Im @123mg of methadone and going down slowly at 2/mg a week. Please dont bash me, Im really a good person under this cloak of addiction.. Im half drunk now or I wouldnt even post this so please understand where im coming from. Thank you.

ul b fine kind sir!..take ur time with the methadone!...go easy on urself...just love urself man..addiction is a complex issue. factors involved..try a holistic approach..factor in ur mind body and emotional states as well as try and make meaningfull connections with others!...whether plants nature animals or pple!......and get addicted toTHC!...its the only thing in e planet apart from ayuhasca and other entheogens which nature has given us mankind to bliss out on!{its safe,healthy and good for u!}....i finaly quit all opiates.amphetamines,sleeping pills.methadone.even paracetamol 'april this year!...after 30 years of pain and pleasure which only junkies can understand!.....and it was all tnks to ganja god shiva and his sacred herb GANJA!
ul b fine kind sir!..take ur time with the methadone!...go easy on urself...just love urself man..addiction is a complex issue. factors involved..try a holistic approach..factor in ur mind body and emotional states as well as try and make meaningfull connections with others!...whether plants nature animals or pple!......and get addicted toTHC!...its the only thing in e planet apart from ayuhasca and other entheogens which nature has given us mankind to bliss out on!{its safe,healthy and good for u!}....i finaly quit all opiates.amphetamines,sleeping pills.methadone.even paracetamol 'april this year!...after 30 years of pain and pleasure which only junkies can understand!.....and it was all tnks to ganja god shiva and his sacred herb GANJA!
bout that,i wanted to link u this video.plse watch.
and honestly bro...2 hours of tantric sex fuelled by weed beats the high any opiate or amphetamine can give!,sadly i discovered this fact so late in life!damn!...spent my teenage years making out with needles!
Good luck kind did wish you the best and lots of us know exactly what your going through ......quit drinking my man and focus on your taper and getting your life clean as a whistle .....way easier said than done but there's lots of people pulling for you .......I lost a huge part of my life to that shit .......especially hard after loosing my mom when I was young .....GL