"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Maybe in the voters' eyes. And if so, then fine.

Otherwise, bullshit.
So then what do you believe would disqualify someone from holding public office?

You don't care what someone believes as long as the voters will vote for them? And you don't believe that will have any obvious adverse consequences?
NASA doesn't,

racist birther.


The temp data stations NASA uses. The NASA temperature data is based on NOAA GHCN (Global Historical Climatology Network) data.

There's a lot of blue there. The grey, 50% of the earth's land surface, is missing at key spots such as Greenland, Africa and Antarctica.
you sound like gingrich now.

facts are facts, whether people believe them or not.

lies are lies, whether or not racist shitheads like you mistake them for facts.

Shitheads like you just argue in circles, Andy. Facts are definitely facts, but the public should not have your opinion of "facts" imposed upon them nazi style.
Wrong, facts are not democratic, facts are objective

Hey Pada, since you think there should be certain scientific belief requirements placed upon political candidates, then what about individual voters?

Hell, by your argument, it's not a big step to say that voters should be required to believe certain things in order to have the right to vote. I mean, if you deem them too stupid to vote, then we can't let them vote, right?

And what about citizenship? Shouldn't all US citizens be required to toe the line in their scientific beliefs too? I mean hell, fuck 'em if they won't vow allegence to science, right?

The temp data stations NASA uses. The NASA temperature data is based on NOAA GHCN (Global Historical Climatology Network) data.

There's a lot of blue there. The grey, 50% of the earth's land surface, is missing at key spots such as Greenland, Africa and Antarctica.
Science deniers are getting desperate when they have to so obviously cherry pick data to cast doubt on the settled science that establishes anthropogenic global warming as an urgent issue. Your clumsy attempt is really funny.
Na man, no Watchtower today, thanks.
That graphic you posted. Completely science denier cooked up bullshit. What you posted was intentionally cherry picked data to seemingly prove a point when in fact all it did was showed how an info graphic can be distorted in order to lie to the audience.

Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position. It is a kind of fallacy of selective attention, the most common example of which is the confirmation bias.[1][2] Cherry picking may be committed intentionally or unintentionally. This fallacy is a major problem in public debate.[3]
ISIS was conjured up out of the desert.

iraq was secured in 2009.

we are back at war in iraq.

our sacrifices were squandered in iraq.
That graphic you posted. Completely science denier cooked up bullshit. What you posted was intentionally cherry picked data to seemingly prove a point when in fact all it did was showed how an info graphic can be distorted in order to lie to the audience.

Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position. It is a kind of fallacy of selective attention, the most common example of which is the confirmation bias.[1][2] Cherry picking may be committed intentionally or unintentionally. This fallacy is a major problem in public debate.[3]

Dude, the earth is 1.7 degrees warmer since 1880, CO2 isn't a pollutant and mostly comes from natural sources, the Antarctic ice sheet is growing by billions of tons, man made climate change is literally a theory, polar bears are fucking and multiplying growing the population, NOAA has been caught manipulating data and scientists are demanding they remain transparent to taxpayers.

Urmeeguurd the world is ending. That's Jehovah's Witness shit.