Looking for designated grower around ottawa.


Hello guys!
The lp's cannabis is very expensive for sick man that cant work. I looking for designated grower around ottawa ear even lil further I dont mind. Please pm me if you can help.


Well-Known Member
5gpd and 90 days
If your condition is terminal or permanent, I'd be arguing that with regard to the 90 day limit. Is your condition expected change or improve over the next 90 days? If not, there is no justification for requiring you to "visit the doctor" every three months. Hands in the pie at every turn....docs get paid every time you "visit" them...not to mention they could also change your script by the next time you visit...hmmmm....

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
If you were to start growing today, your script would expire before you harvested anything. You might be able to find a DG who is up and running already but 90 days is a very tight window. It would break down to 2 weeks for veg, 8 weeks for flower and 2 weeks for drying and curing. Its possible but really limits your strain selection.


I will get renew for sure, i knoe that. They do that so its all processed for more health card swips. So im not worried about the 90 day thing. But ur completely right and i agree it sucks! Yup only 90 days!


Well-Known Member
I will get renew for sure, i knoe that. They do that so its all processed for more health card swips. So im not worried about the 90 day thing. But ur completely right and i agree it sucks! Yup only 90 days!
If you could get your dr to sign for 12mo then it would be a lot easier, having to send paper work ever 3 months is a bit of a pain in the rear end.
I guess with the lead time you would basically be going from appointment to appointment one after the other :-) Anyone know what happens if your certificate expires while you are waiting for your renewal?


I understand what you guys are said but the thing is the prescription for growing and just buying is different. I talk to the cilinc today and they said they will be happy to write me a growing or for disignated grower prescription. I just have to book a appointment with my doctor. So now i have to find a disignated grower first. Plz if anyone can help that would be great.