RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


Well-Known Member
Red, there is nothing here for you to argue with. These are facts. They verifiable and don't change.

You are used to truthy want to be and sounds like facts but aren't. Those can be argued with.

These are facts. Trump has been charged and cases accepted by courts that have court dates scheduled in November. There are two states where Trump is charged with fraud, California and New York. The New York Attorney General has filed for charges under RICO statutes.

Try as hard as you like to try to turn this into a more comfortable truthy thing and you just end up looking more of a fool than you already appear to be.
Your both lol and lmfao? Youre not, fucking witless pussy.

Odds as of October 3 at Bovada

  • Hillary Clinton -300
  • Donald Trump +225
Thngs are improving
Next President of the United States of America
Odds as of October 4 at Bovada

  • Hillary Clinton -333
  • Donald Trump +250
  • Other +2000


Well-Known Member
"Literally" Trump has never been convicted of any of those allegations,.
Im going to convict him of being a bloated fucking hideous pussy who somehow believes talking about women's weight is presidential. He's a piece of shit plain and simple.

Trump has settled before being forced to face the law. Fucking half witted weasel

Bro restock your shit picking up bags.

Next President of the United States of America
Odds as of October 4 at Bovada

  • Hillary Clinton -333
  • Donald Trump +250
  • Other +2000
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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Btw, US is the aggressor in the syrian conflict. Look into it.

We are still arming and funding rebel groups to fuck with russia.


Well-Known Member
The US told the embassy to release him to US if he released the documents.
so trump is not even doing as well with white voters as romney did. and he's doing way worse with black and hispanic voters.

Screenshot 2016-10-05 at 12.03.27 PM.png

and the polls that cover his week long meltdown won't even be out for a few more days.

maybe if he tells mor lies and says more racist stuff it'll save him though, eh?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
so trump is not even doing as well with white voters as romney did. and he's doing way worse with black and hispanic voters.

View attachment 3797632

and the polls that cover his week long meltdown won't even be out for a few more days.

maybe if he tells mor lies and says more racist stuff it'll save him though, eh?
You are going to be so crushed. lol

Kaine was so nervous, fidgety, and impatient. Not to mention all he did was character assassination of Trump and glossed over the fact that Hillary really hasn't accomplished anything meaningful in her entire career.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

Russia is considering war with us. Our military has been stripped. So stupid to weaken ourselves when Russia, China, NKorea, and Iran are building themselves up.


Well-Known Member

Russia is considering war with us. Our military has been stripped. So stupid to weaken ourselves when Russia, China, NKorea, and Iran are building themselves up.


download (23).jpeg

Poor naive Pie, tsk tsk tsk....hopefully you'll eventually evolve/educate yourself (college, perhaps, and/or leaving the bible belt?) and look back on this time in your life as just a shameful memory....


Well-Known Member
He defends evil acts every day against women and gays.
the guy you are claiming won the debate thinks rape victims should be forced to carry their rape babies to term, has mandated funerals for fetuses (i am not making that up) and thinks it should be legal to deny service to gay people because they are gay.

he also tried to shut down the biggest provider of health care to women and it caused an HIV outbreak in his own state.

are you literally fucking retarded, pie?


Well-Known Member
the guy you are claiming won the debate thinks rape victims should be forced to carry their rape babies to term, has mandated funerals for fetuses (i am not making that up) and thinks it should be legal to deny service to gay people because they are gay.

he also tried to shut down the biggest provider of health care to women and it caused an HIV outbreak in his own state.

are you literally fucking retarded, pie?
Shhhh, shhhhh...she knows all of this, she has to for fuck's sake; anyone with a functioning BRAIN knows these things...

(Theory: 'flamingpie' is a heavy-gauge troll that believes nothing she types.)