Open Show n' Tell 2016

I need a sativa that has no possibility of indica influence. Nothing is giving me that uplifting heart racing I want anymore.
I think youll have to go travelling matey to africa/asia for a untouched sativa nowadays get a big bag full for pennies,closest thing ive had in years was called "champagne haze"out of rookies cafe in the dam this july,i cant find it in any seedbanks ive looked at online.
it was lemon/lime with a mental peppery taste top notch shit,im still trying to hunt some beans wanna grow that shit.
I think youll have to go travelling matey to africa/asia for a untouched sativa nowadays get a big bag full for pennies,closest thing ive had in years was called "champagne haze"out of rookies cafe in the dam this july,i cant find it in any seedbanks ive looked at online.
it was lemon/lime with a mental peppery taste top notch shit,im still trying to hunt some beans wanna grow that shit.
Real seed company has some nice landrace sats. These are the real deal....
Any1 else heard of or tried champagne haze.?????
it was second on the menu after mango kush blew the mango out the water..:peace:
I wouldnt forget about Ace Seeds either. They have some solid landraces. They are probably 1st actually in the top 3 I listed.
They got the old Hazes. Never heard of Champagne Haze
dont ever trust ace seeds.... this is their " durban poison"DSC_9004.JPG
unfortunately they mislead lots of people with random genetics. my collective was going to breed the durban but when it started smelling like og kush and diesel we knew somthing was up....same with their magenta paki......not even close unfortunately.
my collective is into landrace breeding heavily. we have so far procured 13 landraces including sinai peninsula from egypt and jordanian landrace to name a couple.

everyones pics are looking amazing! that purp is incredible!!
i recommend either traveling or finding friends willing to smuggle seeds. we have a member coming back from nepal and vietnam this week. Hopefully bringing some gems back with him. Our whole idea is to openly honestly breed land races with pics of it actually occuring video etc. and preserving some of these awesome lines.
i recommend either traveling or finding friends willing to smuggle seeds. we have a member coming back from nepal and vietnam this week. Hopefully bringing some gems back with him. Our whole idea is to openly honestly breed land races with pics of it actually occuring video etc. and preserving some of these awesome lines.
I would be difficult to flower a 14+ week strain for me, but I would find a way!
im sorry to hear about your back man, i have problems in that area as well but nothing compared to what it sounds like you deal with. I encourage everyone around to get out and see the world if and ever they can!
im sorry to hear about your back man, i have problems in that area as well but nothing compared to what it sounds like you deal with. I encourage everyone around to get out and see the world if and ever they can!
I never cared really or thought about all that till I had too much time on my hands.
After a friend moved to VN and tells me about it and videos I realize my little world here in Cali is so different from most of the world
we have a variety that came to us in seed form labeled "ellis krippy" this beast stretches 4 weeks and looks like itl go forever...still flowering the first round of clones from seed moms....all the seeds produced females so the origins are vague as well as the monacious or diacious nature of the variety. But one things for sure...its equilateral and burns your eyes smelling it
we have a variety that came to us in seed form labeled "ellis krippy" this beast stretches 4 weeks and looks like itl go forever...still flowering the first round of clones from seed moms....all the seeds produced females so the origins are vague as well as the monacious or diacious nature of the variety. But one things for sure...its equilateral and burns your eyes smelling it
Eye burn thats some serious shit!
Yes SE Asian narrow leaves are known for their crazy long flower times. Thats no bullshit for sure, though I have found some Cambodian ones which were on the 10-12 week side.
10-12 isnt so bad IMO