"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

fancy graphs, not sure where ya got them, but I got these from NASA, you know, that one part of the government that uses satellites and such
View attachment 3797660
they seem to conflict each other, and considering that many towns and villages built near the water for DECADES are now having to move...
who do you believe?


regarding your claim on the ice.


and your claims on the acidification of the water, oh, and have ya ever seen a coral reef??
if not, ya might wanna see one soon, cuz they are MELTING because of the PH and temp increase.

As I said...
selectively obtuse.

Study: CO2 “acidification” does not harm Coral

Inconvenient: Giant Coral Reef That ‘Died’ In 2003 Teeming With Life Again

Coral expert prosecuted by Aussie university for noticing that a coral reef still exists

Oops! It may not be ‘ocean acidification’ killing coral after all – common chemical found in sunscreen is poisonous to coral reefs

Expert: Scientists exaggerated coral bleaching story

Study: CO2 “acidification” does not harm Coral

Inconvenient: Giant Coral Reef That ‘Died’ In 2003 Teeming With Life Again

Coral expert prosecuted by Aussie university for noticing that a coral reef still exists

Oops! It may not be ‘ocean acidification’ killing coral after all – common chemical found in sunscreen is poisonous to coral reefs

Expert: Scientists exaggerated coral bleaching story
wow, you win, cuz your font is larger than mine.
I have an ace up my sleeve..
it's so cute how you try to pretend like you are a respectable member when everyone can clearly see what a racist, hate filled loser you are.
No one cares about your indulgent fantasies about others. The important issue at hand is how much faster french fries cook at your new altitude.

that makes me smart.

Free Market in private, Socialism in public; your inconvenient truth.
It makes you a hypocrite actually, the one thing you excel at.
No one cares about your indulgent fantasies about others. The important issue at hand is how much faster french fries cook at your new altitude.

Free Market in private, Socialism in public.
It makes you a hypocrite actually, something you excel at.

remember when you said that you didn't think civil rights was a good idea because it would make racists like you more bitter?
Since you brought up education I though I would correct that for you.

I am not confusing religious dogma and your cause. I am demonstrating the similarities.

I'm actually a big fan of alt energy and energy independence in general. " Fossil fuel industry is trying to make money". I'm glad your superior education affords you such sensible statements. Green energy is trying to make money also.

So lets get down to simplest terms with no name calling or meltdown hissy fits as you've demonstrated in the last couple threads you have interacted with me in. I think our basic disagreement is how to accomplish your goals. I think your goals are noble and want you to accomplish them. With what funding do you wish to accomplish your goals?
Dude, you are the one who started with comparing religious mythology to climate science. It was a completely ignorant and decidedly incorrect analogy. You are still hung up on this idea of a "cause" or a noble goal" as if there is no cost that will be paid by current and future generations if we continue to dump industrial waste products into the atmosphere.

My responses to you have been along the lines of -- "WTF? You must either be kidding or an ignoramus." I'm still not sure which is true. So tell me, in case I misinterpreted your message, why did you post the increased arctic sea ice as evidence that AGW is a fraud?
Dude, you are the one who started with comparing religious mythology to climate science. It was a completely ignorant and decidedly incorrect analogy. You are still hung up on this idea of a "cause" or a "noble goal" as if there is no cost that will be paid by current and future generations if we continue to dump industrial waste products into the atmosphere.

My responses to you have been along the lines of -- "WTF? You must either be kidding or an ignoramus." I'm still not sure which is true. So tell me, in case I misinterpreted your message, why did you post the increased arctic sea ice as evidence that AGW is a fraud?


Arctic is in the North, Antarctic is in the South. Quote me the post I referred to arctic sea ice or used the word fraud. Then speak more of remedial education,would you like a quote?

Earth is 4.5 billion years old. You have gone back 10k years. What were the CO2 levels 250 million years ago?
If the point you're trying to make by asking what the CO2 level 250 million years ago was, is to claim that it was much higher in the past and that all happened without humans around burning fossil fuels, so obviously it can rise naturally, I would agree with you. That's correct, CO2 levels have been much higher in the past and there are natural mechanisms that can cause it to rise, but we know that the current warming trend is not natural. How do we know this? 1. CO2 that is natural, like from volcanoes or thermal vents under the ocean is a heavier isotope of carbon, carbon that enters the atmosphere via pollution when we burn fossil fuels has a signature, we have a pretty good idea how much CO2 is attributable to human energy consumption

Another reason we know the current warming trend is not natural is that we've been collecting accurate scientific measurements of CO2 levels since the 1880s. Since at least 450,000 years ago until then, it had never breached 300 ppm, today it's already past 400 ppm;


In other words, there is no known natural mechanism that can match the rate of the increase from 300 ppm to 400 ppm, indicated by the vertical line on the right side of the graph, in less than 200 years. Natural increases of CO2 emissions are very slow and take a really long time, as you can see, on each of the peaks and valleys, it takes an average of about 45,000 years to go from 180 ppm to 300 ppm. By burning fossil fuels, humanity has done what it takes the planet to do naturally in less than 200 years.

So unless you know of some natural mechanism that can increase the amount of CO2 by 100 ppm in less than a century, you must accept the fact that it can only be attributable to humans

Antarctica has some increases of ice in some areas, but Greenland is losing ice at an unprecedented rate, not exactly sure on the numbers, but more ice is lost in Greenland than is gained in Antarctica. And the sea ice that shrinks and grows with the seasons in the Arctic doesn't affect sea level rise and is measurably thin
If the point you're trying to make by asking what the CO2 level 250 million years ago was, is to claim that it was much higher in the past and that all happened without humans around burning fossil fuels, so obviously it can rise naturally, I would agree with you. That's correct, CO2 levels have been much higher in the past and there are natural mechanisms that can cause it to rise, but we know that the current warming trend is not natural. How do we know this? 1. CO2 that is natural, like from volcanoes or thermal vents under the ocean is a heavier isotope of carbon, carbon that enters the atmosphere via pollution when we burn fossil fuels has a signature, we have a pretty good idea how much CO2 is attributable to human energy consumption

Another reason we know the current warming trend is not natural is that we've been collecting accurate scientific measurements of CO2 levels since the 1880s. Since at least 450,000 years ago until then, it had never breached 300 ppm, today it's already past 400 ppm;


In other words, there is no known natural mechanism that can match the rate of the increase from 300 ppm to 400 ppm, indicated by the vertical line on the right side of the graph, in less than 200 years. Natural increases of CO2 emissions are very slow and take a really long time, as you can see, on each of the peaks and valleys, it takes an average of about 45,000 years to go from 180 ppm to 300 ppm. By burning fossil fuels, humanity has done what it takes the planet to do naturally less than 200 years.

So unless you know of some natural mechanism that can increase the amount of CO2 by 100 ppm in less than a century, you must accept the fact that it can only be attributable to humans

Antarctica has some increases of ice in some areas, but Greenland is losing ice at an unprecedented rate, not exactly sure on the numbers, but more ice is lost in Greenland than is gained in Antarctica. And the sea ice that shrinks and grows with the seasons in the Arctic doesn't affect sea level rise and is measurably thin

OK, thanks. Lets be agreeable that Human CO2 contribution is increasing the PPM and the rate at which CO2 rises unnaturally. What will the PPM be when fossil fuels are depleted? Is another 100ppm safe to assume in the midst of reasonable discussion? I am hoping we agree fossil fuels are about half gone.
OK, thanks. Lets be agreeable that Human CO2 contribution is increasing the PPM and the rate at which CO2 rises unnaturally. What will the PPM be when fossil fuels are depleted? Is another 100ppm safe to assume in the midst of reasonable discussion? I am hoping we agree fossil fuels are about half gone.
I couldn't tell you the answer to that question. I don't know how much fossil fuels are left or left to be discovered. I do know that the amount it has already risen will have pretty serious consequences for the planet, different areas will be affected differently, and if we don't do anything about it, it'll only get worse.
I couldn't tell you the answer to that question. I don't know how much fossil fuels are left or left to be discovered. I do know that the amount it has already risen will have pretty serious consequences for the planet, different areas will be affected differently, and if we don't do anything about it, it'll only get worse.

According to some website I just looked at with a pic of Al Gore in it, we have till 2088 to run out. 72 years. So, in the last 200 years, we are up to 400ppm of CO2 and I have no reason not to believe you. We have 72 years left and there's no reason not to believe that. Lets say volcanoes remain pretty calm and man raises another 100ppm again in the next 72 years to 500ppm. Worst case scenario don't you think?
Literally everything you said was based in opinion. Nothing you said was mired in fact.

The word Enema is in his username and based upon the subject matter he enclosed it would seem that he has some deep seeded fascinations involving DiCaprio and W. Smith.

Does will smith or dicaprpio have doctorates in climatology or any other of the earth sciences ? not that I or anybody else knows about,so why are they talking about and giving hard line speaches about an issue they are ignorant about ?

Bobbleheads from Hollywood excite bubblehead radical leftists & that's it,everything I posted here holds more relevance than anything DiCaprio said because its 100% assured I'm not receiving payments,or favors for my comments,Hollywood does nothing for free .

I'm a bit more concerned about Americas rapidly deteroiating relationship with Russia than I am with fucking climate change,idiots are stomping their feet about the climate while Obamas generals are making anti Russian comments that are bringing us closer to war than we ever have been .

You Lefty's stay worried about climate change while normal people worry about the lunatics in office now starting ww3 before Obama leaves office .
This just goes to show that people who pretend for a living (i.e. actors) shouldn't be allowed to give political advice.

DiCaprio is great in movies. And a fucking moron everywhere else.

Notice we haven't heard Ole Leo offer up any news conferences speaking about Obamas lunitic generals making threatening statements against Russia & China,this maniac general speaks very bluntly how this administration views the world & these radicals here are A OK with it .

I haven't heard any military official speak in such threatening terms against Russia since I was a kid in the 50's,we have much greater problems than this climate change stupidity these guys love to blab about,I fear this muther fucker below & Obama more than I do an iceberg melting .

Then like DiCaprio said, you don't believe that believing in empirical scientific evidence should be a requirement to hold public office. I think that's irresponsible because their job requires that they do, and if they don't, the consequences are huge

Certain occupations depend on people knowing their shit inside and out, I'd argue politician is near the top of that list

People who don't believe in empirical scientific evidence should not be allowed to hold public office. Would you want a history teacher who doesn't believe in the holocaust? A brain surgeon who doesn't believe in biology? A cop who doesn't believe in the Civil Rights Act?

Why doesn't it matter what a politician believes if what they believe will demonstrably harm other people? Would you care if a politician believed in the literal translation of Islam? You would, right? Because that belief is fundamentally opposed to what most people generally accept represent American values. The exact same applies to a politician who believes in a literal interpretation of Christianity or any other unverifiable belief

Since were just tossing out reasons why a person shouldn't be allowed to hold public office one of my 1st issues would be god,how about we deny a citizen elected to office because he does or don't believe in god ?

The entire premise DiCaprio is spewing is utter nonsens,using DiCaprio's logic its perfectly OK to elect a war hawk that has the USA at severe odds with the worlds only nuclear superpower for the 1st time in 3 decades,but if Trump don't buy climate change he shouldn't hold office,of all people here doesn't the shit happening with our administration & Russia right now worry you more than climate change ?

I think you guys not growing up with the cold war has left most without a perspective acknowledging the USA can actually enter a war with Russia,I'm more worried about Russia's severing ties with the USA & modernizing their nukes than climate change,watch Obamas general give a mad mans speach to Russia & china I posted,then tell me if that shit sounds more dire than climate change .