"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Lolz, are you zealots still pushing this dead issue? It's time to find a new "cause" for your pathetic lives. Isn't there an endangered smelt or something you can get your panties in a bunch about and shut down some fellow citizens' livelihoods over?

Nobody of consequence gives a shit or believes this hoax. Even a halfwit celebrity like leonardo d'LIBrio running his piehole won't convince anyone.

How's that push for meaningful legislation going, by the way? Any new initiatives to form a committee to study a program to train solar panel repairmen, sometime in the future? You know, your most successful "win" thus far.

Sad little Eco-loons. :(
If you don't know how many states america has & think we have 52 states you shouldn't be able to hold office,somehow our current maniac president thinks america has 52 states ,that worries me more than the global warming shit.
Does will smith or dicaprpio have doctorates in climatology or any other of the earth sciences ? not that I or anybody else knows about,so why are they talking about and giving hard line speaches about an issue they are ignorant about ?

Bobbleheads from Hollywood excite bubblehead radical leftists & that's it,everything I posted here holds more relevance than anything DiCaprio said because its 100% assured I'm not receiving payments,or favors for my comments,Hollywood does nothing for free .

I'm a bit more concerned about Americas rapidly deteroiating relationship with Russia than I am with fucking climate change,idiots are stomping their feet about the climate while Obamas generals are making anti Russian comments that are bringing us closer to war than we ever have been .

You Lefty's stay worried about climate change while normal people worry about the lunatics in office now starting ww3 before Obama leaves office .

show us the neo-nazi tattoo.
Lolz, are you zealots still pushing this dead issue? It's time to find a new "cause" for your pathetic lives. Isn't there an endangered smelt or something you can get your panties in a bunch about and shut down some fellow citizens' livelihoods over?

Nobody of consequence gives a shit or believes this hoax. Even a halfwit celebrity like leonardo d'LIBrio running his piehole won't convince anyone.

How's that push for meaningful legislation going, by the way? Any new initiatives to form a committee to study a program to train solar panel repairmen, sometime in the future? You know, your most successful "win" thus far.

Sad little Eco-loons. :(

aren't you missing out on a klan rally?
idiots are stomping their feet about the climate while Obamas generals are making anti Russian comments that are bringing us closer to war than we ever have been .

You Lefty's stay worried about climate change while normal people worry about the lunatics in office now starting ww3 before Obama leaves office .
First off, let me just start with this: If you think we are closer to war with Russia than we ever haven been then you are either very young or just don't know much. Ever heard of the cold war? Cuban Missile Crisis? We are nowhere near close to war with Russia as we have been in the past.

Does will smith or dicaprpio have doctorates in climatology or any other of the earth sciences ? not that I or anybody else knows about,so why are they talking about and giving hard line speaches about an issue they are ignorant about ?
I'm no doctor or scientist, but what if I went around raising awareness about breast cancer or HIV, but what if I went around spreading awareness of those matters? Would that make me an ass, for spreading awareness? How is what those two are doing any different?
Climate change denial is as silly as flat earth theories or the notion that we didn't land on the moon.

The difference is that many of those who deny climate change stand to make a buck. Their money grab will cost lives. This isn't merely deplorable, it's now criminal.
First off, let me just start with this: If you think we are closer to war with Russia than we ever haven been then you are either very young or just don't know much. Ever heard of the cold war? Cuban Missile Crisis? We are nowhere near close to war with Russia as we have been in the past.

I'm no doctor or scientist, but what if I went around raising awareness about breast cancer or HIV, but what if I went around spreading awareness of those matters? Would that make me an ass, for spreading awareness? How is what those two are doing any different?

lol I lved thru the cold war,bay of pigs,Cuban missile crisis & didn't have to google it as I positive you've had to,and yes this is the 1st time since JFk has a sitting president threatened to attack not only a single nuclear power but the only other nuke super aside from the USA ,the obominator is out of fucking control threatening ww3 over Syria & your talking jibberish .
...and yes I AM personally doing something about it, I'm glad you asked!

Why, just this evening I got my dual circuit heat pump system fully online, it is now taking the very same heat it's removing from my op and putting it into heating my home (and domestic hot water!), reusing it and thus reducing the need for another heat source to do the same. This saves energy and in doing so, directly reduces my carbon footprint.

Okay, one house in suburbia, so what?

I'll tell you what; this is a prototype for how indoor gardening will look in the future. This innovation could eliminate the need for billions of BTu across the indoor cannabis cultivation industry alone, to say nothing of the larger agricultural industry.

That's a lot of BTu. Almost enough to offset Leonardo Dicaprio's private jet.
lol I lved thru the cold war,bay of pigs,Cuban missile crisis & didn't have to google it as I positive you've had to,and yes this is the 1st time since JFk has a sitting president threatened to attack not only a single nuclear power but the only other nuke super aside from the USA ,the obominator is out of fucking control threatening ww3 over Syria & your talking jibberish .
Well if you lived through the Bay of Pigs then you should know just how close we actually came to nuclear war with Russia. We are nowhere near that sort of violence. Geez, the Berlin Wall already came down, man.
What are your thoughts on the link of rising co2 and 100 and something countries outlawing cannabis at the same time as the usa?

Bringing back large cannabis farms around the world would help.
Hemp farms are a good idea. It's not going to change anything by itself but maybe as a part of an overall plan There are a lot of good uses for hemp to replace synthetic fibers. A company in the US makes carpets that can be composted. They work with hotels and such to install the carpets, then replace them when they get worn and compost the old carpets. That kind of change is for the better.
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Arctic is in the North, Antarctic is in the South. Quote me the post I referred to arctic sea ice or used the word fraud. Then speak more of remedial education,would you like a quote?

Earth is 4.5 billion years old. You have gone back 10k years. What were the CO2 levels 250 million years ago?
You are right in that you posted ignorant shit about the antarctic sea ice.
Here is a graphic that avoids eternal requests for CO2 levels over time.


source: http://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/Carboniferous_climate.html

Now answer my question: So tell me, what is your point when you say AGW is just a theory? As in this post:
Dude, the earth is 1.7 degrees warmer since 1880, CO2 isn't a pollutant and mostly comes from natural sources, the Antarctic ice sheet is growing by billions of tons, man made climate change is literally a theory, , .
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lol I lved thru the cold war,bay of pigs,Cuban missile crisis & didn't have to google it as I positive you've had to,and yes this is the 1st time since JFk has a sitting president threatened to attack not only a single nuclear power but the only other nuke super aside from the USA ,the obominator is out of fucking control threatening ww3 over Syria & your talking jibberish .

he never said that.
You are right in that you posted ignorant shit about the antarctic sea ice.
Here is a graphic that avoids eternal requests for CO2 levels over time.


source: http://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/Carboniferous_climate.html

Now answer my question: So tell me, what is your point when you say AGW is just a theory? As in this post:

I am pointing out that the largest ice is expanding. Are you contending that only glacier ice will flood coastal zones catastrophically?
Well, so much for a serious discussion of the technologies available to effect change for the better.

Y'all can go back to trading political inanities now.

The dual circuit heat pump is cool. One house in suburbia means you're walking the walk just like doublejj. I respect that. Celebs that don't? Not so much. I am reducing my footprint as well, but for different reasons.

the indefatigable "but leonardo dicaprio defense!!!!"

well that certainly defeats the mounds of scientific research about migration patterns, temperature averages, massively increased CO2 levels, and the like.

They changed the narrative (from global warming) but have the same goal in mind an international TAX


To save the planet from already in place environmental laws that they refuse to enforce, or just to line their NWO pockets?