Caregiver Manifesto - And Go...


Well-Known Member
Directly to jail, or at least to a 250.00 fine. What are your thoughts on the Caregiver Manifesto.
Applied Logic tells me this is how they will be cutting out the CGs by arresting them and giving them felonies.
is this a joke?what kind of idiot is making these laws? many MMJ patients can't smoke weed and need to use edibles and other extracts.
Cannabis arrests are up 17% since the MMMA was voted in and it will probably go up another 17% or more once these new bills take effect. This is a revenue stream for the corrupt state and the police which have become armed robbers with badges. Add in the for profit justice system and we are all targets.
Why do you guys think the video was removed? It could be nothing but it sure seems suspicious to me.
Why do you guys think the video was removed? It could be nothing but it sure seems suspicious to me.

I'm sure that it was Michigan state police or Michigan politicians had it taken down through the DMCA, maybe the clip of the two cops bragging about all the money they seize from innocent people. But it's the internet and nothing is ever gone.

Hope you all got your Manifestos 'properly filled out'.
And rest assured it applies to all USABLE MARIHUANA.
You can count on that like a dead dog during a raid.
fear mongering? its simple. label all infused products as your own, stay within limits, pull your label off after delivery, geesh.
deliver "kits" instead of cooked goods if you must. Focus on quality buds and patients already know what to do with them, I dont provide infused products to my up to five patients, never have, never understood the weights, till carruthers cemented my reasons for apprehension.
4210, which modified the MMM Act, clearly indicates the Manifesto must list all 'usable marihuana'.

It does not say it must list all 'usable marihuana equivalents'.

The Michigan Supreme Court has also clearly defined what is and what is not 'Usable Marihuaha'.
And that definition is centered around the "Dried Flowers".
Don't take my word for it. You'll believe it soon enough when people start asking about an Attorney because they were arrested or given a 250.00 fine because they didnt have their flower listed on their Manifesto.
Can you say "Paperz Plez!"?

Sure, I knew you could.

4210 told us we can have infused products and oil. Infused products for sale must have a manifesto.

the rest of it is for commercial entities, not cg's, did you read the same 4210 as me?? lol

If a cg does not visit a dispensary, and does not provide medibles to their patient NO MANIFESTO IS CALLED FOR.

quote the part thats says different- you know, to put an end to this concern
Directly to jail, or at least to a 250.00 fine. What are your thoughts on the Caregiver Manifesto.
Applied Logic tells me this is how they will be cutting out the CGs by arresting them and giving them felonies.

I support your efforts, but why propagate false information like this? you know this applies to commercial entity sales/transport and medibles, not buds, caregivers and patients.

I agree with perhaps them cutting out the cg's part, maybe with felonies, but not this one aye?
That is not false information Chem. 4210 effects and the Transport effects CGs sir. The CG Manifesto is strictly for CGs.

And the new laws pertain to "Useable Medical Marihuana". The Michigan Supreme Court has clearly ruled Dried Flower and Leaves, as Usable Marihuana.

What you try to say if false information is clearly not false information. It is in the MMM Act now. Not 4209.

You had better read 4210 a few more times. New Transport laws effect EVERYONE.
the burden is on you sir. quote this particular part and I will learn. Repeating what you say does not make it true.
the manifesto is for edibles, and commercial entities only. I did read it, over and over and over, see NO cg bud manifesto.
Being a well versed advocate this should be no issue whatsoever to you, pull it up, and ....PLEASE QUOTE THIS MANIFESTO PROOF NOW and we can move on.

I am sorry if I missed this part but please dont bother repeating it without proof, we all need it, you say you have it, show us please