Mollasses mollasses?

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
Rm3 I read a few articles you posted by Linda Chalker-Scott. She specializes in urban landscaping. I also read she was fired for incompetence. This is a cannabis cultivation forum not how to plant ornamental trees in the city. You and Dr nick are cherry picking so I'll do the same.
Dr nick all I said was that depending on the methods you choose it changes variables. Your videos prove that there is in fact differences. But I never said which one is better. You're just being an asshole
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Well-Known Member
Rm3 I read a few articles you posted by Linda Chalker-Scott. She specializes in urban landscaping. I also read she was fired for incompetence. This is a cannabis cultivation forum not how to plant ornamental trees in the city. You and Dr nick are cherry picking so I'll do the same.
Dr nick all I said was that depending on the methods you choose it changes variables. Your videos prove that there is in fact differences. But I never said which one is better. You're just being an asshole
Not cherry pickin anything, a myth is a myth, bro science is bro science and MJ forums are full of both

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
Rm3 I read a few articles you posted by Linda Chalker-Scott. She specializes in urban landscaping. I also read she was fired for incompetence. This is a cannabis cultivation forum not how to plant ornamental trees in the city. You and Dr nick are cherry picking so I'll do the same.
Dr nick all I said was that depending on the methods you choose it changes variables. Your videos prove that there is in fact differences. But I never said which one is better. You're just being an asshole
Not sure how providing YOU with info YOU asked for is being an asshole, but Ok,I am an asshole.
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because weed is so different from other plants andrequires things that other plants don't,lol

Ummm. Every plant requires different nutrients at different times. Thats why we give higher nitrogen ratio in veg and higher phosphorus in bloom. Just for example


Well-Known Member
because weed is so different from other plants andrequires things that other plants don't,lol

Ummm. Every plant requires different nutrients at different times. Thats why we give higher nitrogen ratio in veg and higher phosphorus in bloom. Just for example
Which is wrong by the way

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
because weed is so different from other plants andrequires things that other plants don't,lol

Ummm. Every plant requires different nutrients at different times. Thats why we give higher nitrogen ratio in veg and higher phosphorus in bloom. Just for example
i don't feed high Phos to any of my plants and they all get the same bottle of nutes, so there goes your theory.

your theories are based off of forum fodder and myths.


Well-Known Member
Yeppers that's Big Mike from Advanced Nutes admitting the truth and here is some more ,,,

An actual email from the the CEO of DynaGro, with a bit of history 8)

well it's a long story, but to shorten it I'll tell ya it started a long time ago when farmers figured out that they needed to add more P because it was leeched in soil (outdoors) then came the fad of container gardening in the 50's and the fert companies bottled the same ferts the farmers were usin for the folks growin in pots. The leeching thing was about depth of soil which of course is absent on containers. then there is this email from the CEO of DynaGro being honest go figure.

You are correct. We market a high P (Liquid Bloom) as some "believe" they need this. As you have noted, our Foliage-Pro does a great job start to finish. However, it is simpler to give the market what they think they need than to try to reeducate it. There is some evidence to believe that low N helps to convince a plant to stop its vegetative growth and move into its reproductive phase (flowering), but environmental factors are probably more important. P is typically 5th or 6th in order of importance of the six macronutrients. There is little scientific justification for higher P formulas, but marketing does come into play for the vast majority of users who lack any real understanding of plant nutritional requirements. Therefore, the market is flooded with a plethora of snake oil products that provide little benefit and can actually do harm. For example, one exhibitor at a hydroponic trade show had a calcium supplement with 2% calcium derived from calcium chloride. Can you guess what continued application of 2% chloride would do to plants?'\
I hope this answers your question and am sorry for Zina's inaccurate response.
Dave Neal, CEO
Dyna-Gro Nutrition Solutions
2775 Giant Rd.
Richmond, CA 94806
800-Dyna-Gro, Fax: 510-233-0198
[email protected]
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farmers figured out that they needed to add more P because it was leeched in soil (outdoors)

Is this thread not posted under outdoors?

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
You're reaching for anything because you just got handed your ass, you are un willing to admit that you are wrong and just repeating forum crap that you read. we tried to teach you, but some people just like to argue. good luck.


Well-Known Member
@Dr.Nick Riviera every single one of your links was trashtalky garbble from a phD.

id ignore a phd any day of the week if i could prove otherwise from experience lol:sleep:
anyway consider that it's safe follow a practice of feeding beneficial microorganisms to drown out the pathogenic colonies. if you constantly apply microorganisms and a feed stock then the likely hood of you or your plant getting sick is greatly reduced. what would get it sick? poor feeding or shitty soil yea that still matters. i think people are failing to see why microorganisms are in use.

but i can see how hard headed you are about a topic you probably havent practiced.. cmon.. you could at least have had said "i tried it an it i could tell any difference" or "i killed it so idk what happened":joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::wall:

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
@Dr.Nick Riviera every single one of your links was trashtalky garbble from a phD.

id ignore a phd any day of the week if i could prove otherwise from experience lol:sleep:
anyway consider that it's safe follow a practice of feeding beneficial microorganisms to drown out the pathogenic colonies. if you constantly apply microorganisms and a feed stock then the likely hood of you or your plant getting sick is greatly reduced. what would get it sick? poor feeding or shitty soil yea that still matters. i think people are failing to see why microorganisms are in use.

but i can see how hard headed you are about a topic you probably havent practiced.. cmon.. you could at least have had said "i tried it an it i could tell any difference" or "i killed it so idk what happened":joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::wall:
if you're talking about using molasses, yes, i have tried it, which is why I don't use it. some people don't have a green thumb and need to look for other things/boosters/additives to try and compete with competent growers who know better. you keep pounding your head against that wall.


Well-Known Member
if you're talking about using molasses, yes, i have tried it, which is why I don't use it. some people don't have a green thumb and need to look for other things/boosters/additives to try and compete with competent growers who know better. you keep pounding your head against that wall.
no that was supposed to be you haha. i was implying you're too high to find worth while data and it's like you're smacking your head on the wall. internet miscommunication
Not reaching. I just highly suspect the two of you are indoor hydroponics growers. And this is an outdoor thread. I do know from browsing forums there seems to be a huge pissing contest between the two. If you read over my posts again I never said one was better than the other. Both require different methods and both give different results. But the arguments you're bringing up make sense...for indoor growers


Well-Known Member
if you're talking about using molasses, yes, i have tried it, which is why I don't use it. some people don't have a green thumb and need to look for other things/boosters/additives to try and compete with competent growers who know better. you keep pounding your head against that wall.
i understand what you're saying i think. you're just on the side of don't use molasses as a fertilizer or a bud hardener? yea im not argueing against that. youre links are pretty pffft tho