From seed to harvest


Well-Known Member
Depends on how big you want the plant. First the plant will veg. Usually light will be on for 18/6. When ever you want it to flower, change light to 12/12. Have ?'s?

Alpine farmer

New Member
it really depends on the type of strain , how big (tall/bushy) you want you plant

i started 8 seedlings 2 days ago.

1 has broke the surface


Well-Known Member
how long should it take? I've heard 6months and I've heard 2months

6months is discouraging...
well that really depends...but we can put some time brackets on it..
first off veg time is entirely up to you, lets say you veg for 1 month...
indicas flower shorter, 6-9 weeks
sativas on the other hand flower long, 10-14 weeks
people mostly grow indoors indicas or indicas dominated strains, mainly because of the shorter flowering period and their shorter and bushier stature...
so as you can see theres no one answer to your question written in stone...i harvested my white widow 2 weeks ago and sowed it 01.06, so it was 3 months in my case...


Well-Known Member
Bio, Yea vegging for a month then flowering would be your best bet. Your plants should grow to atleast be a foot tall maybe bigger. Idk it all depends on what you want to do.


Active Member
do they grow faster under 24/0?

I want to use a 400w hps

but i have no money,

which cfl's do people use to grow? Just the claimed 100w nvision type you can find at hdepot?

Alpine farmer

New Member
people use 23w 42w 85w 105w, just depends on what you got in your area.

im useiing some 23w at the moment

im going to get 8 42w for side lighting(2 lights each side of plant)

and 2 85w or 3 42w for top lighting.

just depends if all my plants sprout or not.

cfls are good for veg but not so good for flowering.


Active Member
cfls confuse me because I had one that says it was 100watts but i'm not sure if that just means its a 23 watt cfl thats a bright as a 100w?

i don't know if the ones at normal stores are the ones people use for horticulture


Active Member
how long should it take? I've heard 6months and I've heard 2months

6months is discouraging...
U have stages ov growth, Firstly germination from the seed sprouting to it being a seedling about a week,veg stage iz 2nd ,thats up to the individual persons requirments, U could even go straight into the 3rd stage,Flowering12/12 hours light/dark. U could veg em for 2-6 weeks,obviously they'll b bigger plants,Also the type ov plant, wich there r many,indica's will flower faster than sativa's,depends on the sort ov buzz u want off your plant.U can even go 12/12 from seed and have ya plants done in 7-10 weeks, also auto-flowering varieties flower irraspective ov dark period,18-20 lights on recommended for auto's, So basicly some ov it iz in your hands,but some ov it iz nature and can't b chaged( shame but good things r worth waiting 4 !!!! especialy growin ya own herb then dryin it an curin it then tasting that end product,now thats a buzz ov its own . good luck