I was just told by a clinic that I am not able to get them to sign me up as my own grower without them signing me up for an LP, who i then have to buy seed from to grow, all the while the legal genetics i produced for myself under mmar are not legal anymore and no LP sells seeds. She also told me that the doctor wouldn't sign me up to grow at home and i had to buy LP cannabis.
It's a huge problem with access if what she told me is accurate. The acmpr patients can't grow without LP seed and no LP sells seed yet because they don't want to have patients growing at home. She laughed nervously when she told me this and her body language went awkward. It's frustrating to try and stay on the level and be told you can't. She was baiting me to join the clinic and use and LP under the guise that eventually one of them would produce seed and then allow me to purchase and grow my own but she would support my right to grow which was just not ever going to come to fruition.
I have a feeling the new program is not for me and these fake clinic/snake oil salesmen doctors/administrative gatekeepers are as morally corrupt as used car salesmen.