RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


Well-Known Member
that was a bad idea!

- posted by unclebuck
LOL, wtf?! The beer & smoke are 'setting in' early, and/or this is a fucked up scene, lol...UB's avatar with that douchebag's name, then the cuck pic...no idea what's going on...

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Well-Known Member
You know what buck fuck you asshole,1st off I'm not a sock puppet,you know full well what happened to my 10 year old account I no longer have access to,you know full well an " accident " took place where my account password was changed by staff & I can't use the account,my decade old account was assassinated & you know full well all about it.

You want to do this then for once stop playing pretend & cut Tue BS,I was never banned my account was assassinated,and when I was forced to create a new account my 1st posts were to inform staff who I was & why I have a new account,info that was quickly passed along to you .

I'm not hiding from staff here,they & you knew who held this account & why immediately,you want to play the " what assurance do I have game" with me let me put it to like this,I didn't create this account & try to slither past staff like a weasle did I ? No I didn't ,I told admins who I was,why my decade old account can never be accessed by me again due to being unable to request a new password ,so why would I start sneaking past staff now when I have NEVER lied to staff when I was a member,or the years I was a moderator here .

My ethics show to be rock solid ,your the one who should be offering assurances but I'm still willing to bet,Hillary wins I leave forever,trump wins you leave forever & its a bet any staff member can enforce easily & you know it .

Deal ?
you literally have had 5 accounts that i know of.

what assurance can you offer not to create yet another sock puppet account?

you sneak around here like a weasel constantly. no honesty, no backbone.


Well-Known Member
You know what buck fuck you asshole,1st off I'm not a sock puppet,you know full well what happened to my 10 year old account I no longer have access to,you know full well an " accident " took place where my account password was changed by staff & I can't use the account,my decade old account was assassinated & you know full well all about it.

You want to do this then for once stop playing pretend & cut Tue BS,I was never banned my account was assassinated,and when I was forced to create a new account my 1st posts were to inform staff who I was & why I have a new account,info you quickly learned .

I'm not hiding from staff here,they & you knew who held this account & why immediately,you want to play the " what assurance do I have game" with me let me put it to like this,I didn't create this account & try to slither past staff like a weasle did I ? No I didn't ,I told admins who I was,why my decade old account can never be accessed by me again due to being unable to request a new password ,so why would I start sneaking past staff now when I have NEVER lied to staff when I was a member,or the years I was a moderator here .

My ethics show to be rock solid ,your the one who should be offering assurances but I'm still willing to bet,Hillary wins I leave forever,trump wins you leave forever & its a bet any staff member can enforce easily & you know it .

Deal ?
this is completely fucked up


Well-Known Member
Lou do you even fucking grow or do you strictly come on here to troll,post your memes,and like your crews posts?
SURE I grow, how dare you! Why, I've had around SIX seeds pop recently and I'm buying a bucket and a lamp very soon!

The REAL question is, do you even LIFT, brah?

But seriously, do you enjoy going through this life as a complete and utter dumbass?


Well-Known Member
i said according to polls...im from Canada.. and hope to god something happens before either fucktard is president.. our prime minister is a pretty boy and has wind blowing between his ears.


Well-Known Member
ever notice how buck will call a new member a sock & use their old username,like with me,I'm really member " Panhead " & I've been here a decade,he calls catfish66 by the old username " red1966", just today he called another member an old userne of "T-bonejack", these are just 3 of about 50 examples of buck knowing members info,I've witnessed him threaten to post members real life info online dozens of times,I've watched him follow the sites best growers in their field from thread to thread,hard core trolling them until they break & leave .

One of the last extremely valued expert growers I had communications with when I was still a moderator was hydroponic legend Al B Fuct,Al sent me a half dozen emails asking & begging for me to please do something to get the unclebuck account to stop trolling the fuck out of him,alas I was powerless to help even though most mods wanted to ban Buck .

I spent years In the hydroponics section mentoring flood & drain guys & trying to carry on the rotating harvest sea of green method Al B Fuct was kind enough to teach me as his apprentice ,all the while watching buck run off dozens of the best growers riu has ever had,he shares members private messages with other members & also posts discussions he's had with members in private messages to him in threads.

Anybody & everybody who disagrees with Buck will be trolled to death,he shares info only he has with members of his little group of sjw's who then use the shared info to ramp up coordinated attacks on members until they leave,I've been here years longer than buck & have watched him go from being an opinionated member to the tyrant troll we see today,with a list of hundreds of the best growers left to leave riu to get away from his non stop trolling .

Search bucks past posts & see how many members he's threatened to go public with personal info & you'll then know why I call him a snitch constantly ,he stands accused of calling or emailing members parole officers as well.
Lol you like your own post,you & I both know this knob job Justin case is your sock puppet ,who joins riu & on day 1 jumps into politics forum with both feet 1st,then automatically sides with the sites leading troll,and uses info supplied by the sites lead troll to attack all the same members you troll 24 hours a day.

in my decade at this site I know the only people who join politics on day one are sock puppet multiple account trolls,your justin-case sock is exposed.

BTW your weaseling again,you've been talking cash shit about betting accounts on the outcome of the election,put your account up if your so positive that rancid cunt KK Klinton is going to win,I've issued this challenge 5 times so far & all you've done is to talk more shit using your sock puppets .

accept the challenge !

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I'm embarrassed for you, wow.....