RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

you feed off of BS them stats are lies sure job creations in the hamburger flipping business

i would think a country like russia would have better english language classes. maybe they do and you are just one of those short bus kids.

You're out of your mind. American women cook just fine...I wish my wife would cook less, I'd like to lose 10# before the holidays.

where do you get your info? just make it up as you go along?

Every girl I ever dated could cook. WTF?

He's only recently back in the general populace after years of intensive hospitalization, give him time to run through his various meds....
Fact remains bucky  only one really hurt is you by the truth :) i bet you just love the bushes right i mean look at your name on this site and look how uncle bucky stole

America's ravaged gulf coast, by sealed, noncompetitive bids. In gratitude, in 2007 the company moved its corporate headquarters from Houston to Dubai, thereby avoiding U.S. taxes.

The Bush family was not left off the War on Terror's money train. Uncle "Bucky" earned millions in a war firm sale in 2006.

Other Bush scandals include: the secret meetings of Cheney’s “Energy Council,” followed by systematic weakening of America's environmental laws and staffing of the EPA and other agencies with industry insiders, the attempt to dismantle Social Security, the dumbing down of American education through No Child Left Behind, an inherited budget surplus turned into record deficit by waging two wars while cutting taxes--with the vast majority of benefits going to the super-rich, the torture of prisoners and loss of American goodwill overseas, the bullying of administration whistle blowers such as Joseph Wilson (whose wife was outted as a CIA agent), another taintedelection with Ohio voting irregularities in 2004, the arrest of White House appointees for assorted crimes, the mistreatment of returning war veterans at Walter Reed and other hospitals, and for a grand finale, a leading role in the collapse of the economy through its aggressive deregulation and non-policing of the financial markets.

With so much bad news for Americans to handle over eight years of corruption and incompetence, Karl Rove and other White House insiders took to calling any favorable news events that could help people forget bad news as "page turners." Now President Obama also wants America to turn the page and "look forward" rather than go after wrongdoers from the Bush administration, such as those who ordered torture...as if good government no longer required accountability. But those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
And the bush admin full heartedly supports hillary.

That should tell ya something. They are in bed together.
And the bush admin full heartedly supports hillary.

That should tell ya something. They are in bed together.

no, they just don't want to see the country and earth destroyed by a belligerent fucking crybaby who has meltdown after meltdown.

like most non-brainwashed people.
i would think a country like russia would have better english language classes. maybe they do and you are just one of those short bus kids.


lmao keep thinking that Your brain washed there dude
like american women can cook sorry reality is they left the kitchen to join the work force
they order pizza Via speed texted race to pick up there kid from school then off to Chicago pizza
get home throw the kid in front of the TV, with few slices of pizza and a glass of Pepsi..
get on face book to gossip about anything
lmao keep thinking that Your brain washed there dude
like american women can cook sorry reality is they left the kitchen to join the work force
they order pizza Via speed texted race to pick up there kid from school then off to Chicago pizza
get home throw the kid in front of the TV, with few slices of pizza and a glass of Pepsi..
get on face book to gossip about anything

you russians sure have some crazy ideas abotu what american women are doing.

well, maybe that's flaming pie's strategy to deal with her daughter. but that's only because her daughter is part hispanic, and thus not really worth a shit.
no, they just don't want to see the country and earth destroyed by a belligerent fucking crybaby who has meltdown after meltdown.

like most non-brainwashed people.
Right back at cha, snowflake.

The bushes are evil and corrupt, yet you defend them because they support hillary.

Grow a spine.
Doesn't anyone remember Trump is democrat recently turned republican.. He backed Clinton in 2008..
He is a con man and yes you've been conned....he is only in it for himself... lost a billion in one year..
Four bankruptcies,, four divorces,, multiple affairs .. Doesn't sound genius to me!!
Uncle buck ask your self how on earth will china over pass USA by 2018 ??? and become the the world super power while your GDP has been falling ?? if your job rate is so good then why is it falling????

Or is it another lie ....

You think Hillary is going to correct this or let the land slide continue .. Grab what ever money they can steal from you and every citizen move it to another country to evade taxes and eventually leave USA laughing
There is not one politican that gives a fuck about you not one ..
and any of the ones that did do not live long to talk about it ..
you been living a lie for some time its Ok you need a shoulder to cry one come sit on my knee
Doesn't anyone remember Trump is democrat recently turned republican.. He backed Clinton in 2008..
He is a con man and yes you've been conned....he is only in it for himself... lost a billion in one year..
Four bankruptcies,, four divorces,, multiple affairs .. Doesn't sound genius to me!!
who cares and you point is ??? many christians turn Muslim or change religions ..
Doesn't anyone remember Trump is democrat recently turned republican.. He backed Clinton in 2008..
He is a con man and yes you've been conned....he is only in it for himself... lost a billion in one year..
Four bankruptcies,, four divorces,, multiple affairs .. Doesn't sound genius to me!!

CUCKED. not conned.

trump supporters have been CUCKED! by trump.
Uncle buck ask your self how on earth will china over pass USA by 2018 ??? and become the the world super power while your GDP has been falling ?? if your job rate is so good then why is it falling????

Or is it another lie ....

You think Hillary is going to correct this or let the land slide continue .. Grab what ever money they can steal from you and every citizen move it to another country to evade taxes and eventually leave USA laughing
There is not one politican that gives a fuck about you not one ..
and any of the ones that did do not live long to talk about it ..
you been living a lie for some time its Ok you need a shoulder to cry one come sit on my knee

hillary isn't a politician though. she has only ever held elected office once. she is merely a public servant.

what part of russia are you posting from?
hillary isn't a politician though. she has only ever held elected office once. she is merely a public servant.

what part of russia are you posting from?
What would where in Russia i am posting from??? worry you /

When you would probably fail placing states and cities in your own country in its right locations