The Republicans are running for cover and trying to save what is left of their party. Too fucking bad. It is what you get for elevating this Trump creature to the level he has risen.

You are all culpable. So you had better learn to gerrymander even better fuckers - because America has your number.

It is a distinct pleasure knowing that, no matter where you are, you are fucked in the larger sense. I feel your screams. I like them. Fuck you - you were well aware of who he was.

I think from now on if my son every acts like a total asshole and idiot, I will tell him not to be a trump.
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i'm not a perfect person, but this is just a distraction and bill clinton is worse. i'm NOT quitting.
"I don't even wait..."

What a turd. What kind of a man is going to sit around with a bunch of youngsters and feel so insecure that they have to do this kind of shit? His penis must be so unfortunate.

Vulgar. That is what he is in every way.
politicians hold elected office.
something hillary has only done once.
Let me introduce you to you ~3 mo. ago:
<EDIT: added for the double down aspect>
instead, now you are trying to blame obama for having the audacity to inherit the record deficits of bush, who inherited hillary clinton's surplus.
she [Hitlery] was president from 1992 until 2000 and handed bush a surplus.
you just had a meltdown telling me not to blame bush for the massive deficit he left to obama, now you are blaming clinton for the republican legislation he signed into law, and which would have been signed into law by bush anyway?
wow. you are a hypocrite beyond all belief.
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