RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

ohh so how does not having to pay 250,000 bucks for heart attack blow?.. least i won't have my kids playing off my medical bills or have to re mortgage my house
strange, my father had 2 MIs and he's not in debt at all...still has his house...and just bought one of those fancy lexus hybrid over-priced pos. how the hell did that happen?
How convenient that the Trump audio leak from 2005 comes out the same day as the wiki leaks of Hillary's campaign manager. Also shortly after the leaks of the Clinton foundation emails.

Btw, what two grown men talk about behind closed doors does not concern me.

What Hillary plans to do this country concerns me.
How convenient that the Trump audio leak from 2005 comes out the same day as the wiki leaks of Hillary's campaign manager. Also shortly after the leaks of the Clinton foundation emails.

Btw, what two grown men talk about behind closed doors does not concern me.

What Hillary plans to do this country concerns me.
Feeble argument. The character of a President matters. This tape shows Trump's lack of it. You will see how much it matters to Americans soon.

Funny how you never mind the coincidences stemming from Vlad and Julie's actions or releases.

You are a mendacious robot.
Election developments move quickly after latest Trump embarrassment
Tags: trump trumps clinton
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"It's OVER, Johnny....it's O-V-E-R!!"
How convenient that the Trump audio leak from 2005 comes out the same day as the wiki leaks of Hillary's campaign manager. Also shortly after the leaks of the Clinton foundation emails.

Btw, what two grown men talk about behind closed doors does not concern me.

What Hillary plans to do this country concerns me.
until they start digging up bodies of little children under Trump's house, none of these pissant things they "find" about Donald even fucking remotely compare to clinton's skeletons. you'd need a costco to hold hillary's skeletons, and a sam's club to hold bill's.
How convenient that the Trump audio leak from 2005 comes out the same day as the wiki leaks of Hillary's campaign manager. Also shortly after the leaks of the Clinton foundation emails.

Btw, what two grown men talk about behind closed doors does not concern me.

What Hillary plans to do this country concerns me.
no worries...I doubt Trump would want to grab you by the pussy. Your face and weight is not to his liking. He would be disgusted with you.
until they start digging up bodies of little children under Trump's house, none of these pissant things they "find" about Donald even fucking remotely compare to clinton's skeletons. you'd need a costco to hold hillary's skeletons, and a sam's club to hold bill's.

  1. the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness.
    "he suffered from bouts of insanity"
    synonyms: mental illness, madness, dementia; More
    • extreme foolishness or irrationality.
      plural noun: insanities
      "it might be pure insanity to take this loan"
      synonyms: folly, foolishness, madness, idiocy, stupidity, lunacy, silliness;
      "it would be insanity to take this loan"

Not surprising that another wing nut can't follow a thread. Oddball referred to something that Obama said about Clinton during their run against each other in 2008 as if everybody should "just know". I asked Oddball what he said for clarification.

If you want to talk about Obama's accomplishments I suggest you shove it up your ass and keep it there.

If you think about it it starts with Obama throwing Hillary a dog bone to become sec of state ,, was she not working for Obama,,
When Americans died in Bengaze ??? or her plotting the sale of american Uranium rights to the Russians ??? what about her Email scandal

Just shows with Obama how deep the corruption runs in your Government, and is sickening to the world let alone most citizens that actually care

Everyone is scared of Trump and why ?? because he is a man and ran for president out of his own pocket , cannot be influenced , so the big boys are doing what ever to make sure he does not win ..

If you think about it,, he is one of the last people that will be of the people not of the rich that have influenced by there donations changes of laws, taxes and new products like your beloved GMO's ..

You don't get it When the Clinton's left the white house they were bankrupt who do you think set them up the Banks ??? or some elites corrupt people with a scheme to get what they want through who they want
Just so happens Clinton and the Clinton foundation was a perfect front for corruption ..

Maybe you should read up on how Iceland cleaned up there banker corruption, and how they are doing well today .. by throwing everyone one of them in jail

Usa cannot keep doing what there doing its fucking obvious to everyone in the world
when are the people going to decide take back there country ??? when its to fucking late

Everything is a lie and fake from your stock market to jobs there is no fucking jobs, wages aare cut in half and another job added by giving another person half the wage they took

You think your going to do good this way or it shows job rate increased this month .

There are people working 2 - 3 part time jobs to make ends meet how fucked up is that ?? and you think your economy is doing well ?? sorry truth is its not ..

Only product leaving your country is whats growing in my back yard as for any else sorry we just do not make that any more ..

And that is the problem in USA just have to look at your trade Deficit if its any indication on what goods people want from us out in the world

Example why in the fuck would i buy 120 dollar pair of jeans made in USA when i can buy 6 - 7 exact same pair of jeans for less must be the red white n blue stitching that raised the price for that one pair of jeans lol

You wonder why American cars are being built in mexico ??? cause if it was all built in USA that bottom end car would eventually cost half a million dollars of garbage ..
and be another stock piled product when the likes of toyata , Nissan Volkswagan etc become the affordable , more dependent and most importantly more efficient choice for the average american that needs to count his pennies

Like i said Trump may not be the best candidate as president but if i was to put either Hillary or trump in charge of my FARM
i guarantee you I would pick Trump his business record way out performs Hillaries
and that is what USA needs

If you think for one min Hillary is going to be the savor of you all your sadly mistaken
Someone that will bring back work to everyone and not Bull shit with some make belief graphs

REMEMBER the Clinton's were Impeached and you want to bring her back into office WTF
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If you think about it it starts with Obama throwing Hillary a dog bone to become sec of state ,, was she not working for Obama,,
When Americans died in Bengaze ??? or her plotting the sale of american Uranium rights to the Russians ??? what about her Email scandal

Just shows with Obama how deep the corruption runs in your Government, and is sickening to the world let alone most citizens that actually care

Everyone is scared of Trump and why ?? because he is a man and ran for president out of his own pocket , cannot be influenced , so the big boys are doing what ever to make sure he does not win ..

If you think about it,, he is one of the last people that will be of the people not of the rich that have influenced by there donations changes of laws, taxes and new products like your beloved GMO's ..

You don't get it When the Clinton's left the white house they were bankrupt who do you think set them up the Banks ??? or some elites corrupt people with a scheme to get what they want through who they want
Just so happens Clinton and the Clinton foundation was a perfect front for corruption ..

Maybe you should read up on how Iceland cleaned up there banker corruption, and how they are doing well today .. by throwing everyone one of them in jail

Usa cannot keep doing what there doing its fucking obvious to everyone in the world
when are the people going to decide take back there country ??? when its to fucking late

Everything is a lie and fake from your stock market to jobs there is no fucking jobs, wages aare cut in half and another job added by giving another person half the wage they took

You think your going to do good this way or it shows job rate increased this month .

There are people working 2 - 3 part time jobs to make ends meet how fucked up is that ?? and you think your economy is doing well ?? sorry truth is its not ..

Only product leaving your country is whats growing in my back yard as for any else sorry we just do not make that any more ..

And that is the problem in USA just have to look at your trade Deficit if its any indication on what goods people want from us out in the world

Example why in the fuck would i buy 120 dollar pair of jeans made in USA when i can buy 6 - 7 exact same pair of jeans for that price 100 bucks

You wonder why American cars are being built in mexico ??? cause if it was all built in USA that bottom end car would eventually cost half a million dollars of garbage ..
and be another stock piled product when the likes of toyata , Nissan Volkswagan etc become the affordable , more dependent and most importantly more efficient choice for the average american that needs to count his pennies

Like i said Trump may not be the best candidate as president but if i was to put either Hillary or trump in charge of my FARM
i guarantee you I would pick Trump his business record way out performs Hillaries
and that is what USA needs

If you think for one min Hillary is going to be the savor of you all your sadly mistaken
Someone that will bring back work to everyone and not Bull shit with some make belief graphs

REMEMBER the Clinton's were Impeached and you want to bring her back into office WTF

No Americans have died from bengaze ( knock off muscle cream )
deplorable too

Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump


You keep believing your media stats like its the real true thing lol your just another brain washed puppet believing what ever they tell you
just like odds in Vegas there is always a upset who knows maybe these odds the elites are betting millions its a game ..
And someone when its all over is going to cash in big :)

No Americans have died from bengaze ( knock off muscle cream )
i realize now your just a troll


Four Americans died in the 2012 Benghazi attack: Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs. Stevens is the first U.S. ambassador killed in an attack since Adolph Dubs was killedin 1979.

If you think about it it starts with Obama throwing Hillary a dog bone to become sec of state ,, was she not working for Obama,,
When Americans died in Bengaze ??? or her plotting the sale of american Uranium rights to the Russians ??? what about her Email scandal

Just shows with Obama how deep the corruption runs in your Government, and is sickening to the world let alone most citizens that actually care

Everyone is scared of Trump and why ?? because he is a man and ran for president out of his own pocket , cannot be influenced , so the big boys are doing what ever to make sure he does not win ..

If you think about it,, he is one of the last people that will be of the people not of the rich that have influenced by there donations changes of laws, taxes and new products like your beloved GMO's ..

You don't get it When the Clinton's left the white house they were bankrupt who do you think set them up the Banks ??? or some elites corrupt people with a scheme to get what they want through who they want
Just so happens Clinton and the Clinton foundation was a perfect front for corruption ..

Maybe you should read up on how Iceland cleaned up there banker corruption, and how they are doing well today .. by throwing everyone one of them in jail

Usa cannot keep doing what there doing its fucking obvious to everyone in the world
when are the people going to decide take back there country ??? when its to fucking late

Everything is a lie and fake from your stock market to jobs there is no fucking jobs, wages aare cut in half and another job added by giving another person half the wage they took

You think your going to do good this way or it shows job rate increased this month .

There are people working 2 - 3 part time jobs to make ends meet how fucked up is that ?? and you think your economy is doing well ?? sorry truth is its not ..

Only product leaving your country is whats growing in my back yard as for any else sorry we just do not make that any more ..

And that is the problem in USA just have to look at your trade Deficit if its any indication on what goods people want from us out in the world

Example why in the fuck would i buy 120 dollar pair of jeans made in USA when i can buy 6 - 7 exact same pair of jeans for less must be the red white n blue stitching that raised the price for that one pair of jeans lol

You wonder why American cars are being built in mexico ??? cause if it was all built in USA that bottom end car would eventually cost half a million dollars of garbage ..
and be another stock piled product when the likes of toyata , Nissan Volkswagan etc become the affordable , more dependent and most importantly more efficient choice for the average american that needs to count his pennies

Like i said Trump may not be the best candidate as president but if i was to put either Hillary or trump in charge of my FARM
i guarantee you I would pick Trump his business record way out performs Hillaries
and that is what USA needs

If you think for one min Hillary is going to be the savor of you all your sadly mistaken
Someone that will bring back work to everyone and not Bull shit with some make belief graphs

REMEMBER the Clinton's were Impeached and you want to bring her back into office WTF

anyone care to condense this ^^^^^
Its a rambling set of conspiracy theories Here is a condensed list. I may have missed some though
  • al-Qaeda does not exist, and is a fictitious false enemy group created by the US Government in order to generate a fear campaign against a common enemy in order to justify numerous military actions by the US Military.
  • The Chardon shooting was staged by businessman Dan Gilbert and Ohio Governor John Kasich as a cover story for some kind of fracking related activity going in in Youngstown (This same theory has also been proposed with Gilbert replaced by Charles Koch).
  • In 1933, a group of business leaders tried to convince a Marine Corps General named Smedley Butler to lead a fascist coup d'etat against Franklin Roosevelt. While initially dismissed as crazy it turns out something along these lines actually were attempted in "The Business Plot", though according to most historians while there was a "conspiracy" the republic was not in much danger from it (due to the conspirators being incompetent and having an idiotic plan that didn't even have close to enough manpower to make it work).
  • The Tea Party and/or the Occupy Movement were comprised entirely of people shipped in by the respective conservative and liberal establishments.
  • Jon Huntsman is a pawn of the Chinese Communist regime
  • The Soviet Union engineered the overthrowing of Nicolae Ceauşescu
  • The United States engineered the overthrowing of Nicolae Ceauşescu
  • The NSA has been spying on Americans and many others. Unfortunately, this turned out to be true after the PRISM project was revealed in 2013.
  • The liberal media, as in liberals, have taken over most media enterprises from where they brainwash the public into voting Democratic. MUHAHAHA.
  • Liberals have taken over public schools from where the indoctrinate children with Marxism.
  • (Insert current US President here) will run a third term/cancel the next election
  • The 2014 Sydney Siege was a false flag attack to justify Australia's participation in the war against ISIS and the curtailment of more civil liberties at a domestic level. The perpetrator of the siege was in fact was a secret Satanist and not a Muslim extremist, and the hostages were all crisis actors.
  • ISIS was created by the US and Israel in order for both countries to overthrow the Assad government of Syria.
  • Cultural Marxism that Jews Marxists own and run Hollywood, the media, and academia in the U.S.A. and around the globe.
  • The 70,000 refugees from Syria accepted annually into the USA (soon to be increased to 100,000) are not genuine refugees but part of an Obama-inspired plot for the Islamization of America.
  • Donald Trump's run for POTUS is a ploy to help Hillary Clinton get elected.[27]