RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

October fun fest for Hillary is about to shock the world :) Julian is about to publish the best of the best

That gambit is known as the “pay-to-play” scandal. Give the foundation a big fat donation, and Hillary will open whatever door you need opened. In fact, as secretary, she approved a now-famous deal that granted the Russians control over 20 percent of uranium production here in the United States.

Despite all of this, Hillary, as usual, got off scot-free. But while she may think she’s got smooth sailing ahead, she needs to consider the albatross dangling from her neck. The latest emails handed over to Judicial Watch, which sued over spurned or ignored Freedom of Information Act requests, are very revealing. As in “The Rime of the Mariner,” she may well find no wind in her sails when highly damaging Clinton Foundation information is made public. Julian Assange, true to his promise to release new material about the Clintons, did so most recently on the international classified information-leaking website WikiLeaks on August 8.
October fun fest for Hillary is about to shock the world :) Julian is about to publish the best of the best

That gambit is known as the “pay-to-play” scandal. Give the foundation a big fat donation, and Hillary will open whatever door you need opened. In fact, as secretary, she approved a now-famous deal that granted the Russians control over 20 percent of uranium production here in the United States.

Despite all of this, Hillary, as usual, got off scot-free. But while she may think she’s got smooth sailing ahead, she needs to consider the albatross dangling from her neck. The latest emails handed over to Judicial Watch, which sued over spurned or ignored Freedom of Information Act requests, are very revealing. As in “The Rime of the Mariner,” she may well find no wind in her sails when highly damaging Clinton Foundation information is made public. Julian Assange, true to his promise to release new material about the Clintons, did so most recently on the international classified information-leaking website WikiLeaks on August 8.
Another goose egg.

water water everywhere and Republicans are dinks.
October fun fest for Hillary is about to shock the world :) Julian is about to publish the best of the best

That gambit is known as the “pay-to-play” scandal. Give the foundation a big fat donation, and Hillary will open whatever door you need opened. In fact, as secretary, she approved a now-famous deal that granted the Russians control over 20 percent of uranium production here in the United States.

Despite all of this, Hillary, as usual, got off scot-free. But while she may think she’s got smooth sailing ahead, she needs to consider the albatross dangling from her neck. The latest emails handed over to Judicial Watch, which sued over spurned or ignored Freedom of Information Act requests, are very revealing. As in “The Rime of the Mariner,” she may well find no wind in her sails when highly damaging Clinton Foundation information is made public. Julian Assange, true to his promise to release new material about the Clintons, did so most recently on the international classified information-leaking website WikiLeaks on August 8.

Its coming then testicle you can play with your pussy boy
don't mess with mother Russia

While many believe the Russians provided Assange the DNC emails, Assange has remained steadfast in refusing to confirm or deny that Russia is his source. However, a hint about the true source can be traced back to July 10 at 4:30 a.m. That’s when Seth Rich, a DNC staffer who managed a database for the committee, was shot in the back and murdered.

He still had his wallet, watch, cell phone, and credit cards on him when he was found, which appears to make his murder more likely a hit than a robbery. It also casts doubt on Russia as the source of the DNC emails, but they cannot be entirely ruled out. Vladimir Putin could be providing a wide range of flammable information.

On August 10, articles appearing above the fold on numerous political websites had the blogosphere blazing. WikiLeaks sent out a tweet that stunned its Twitter followers: “ANNOUNCE: WikiLeaks has decided to issue a US$20k reward for information leading to conviction for the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.”
Its coming then testicle you can play with your pussy boy
don't mess with mother Russia

While many believe the Russians provided Assange the DNC emails, Assange has remained steadfast in refusing to confirm or deny that Russia is his source. However, a hint about the true source can be traced back to July 10 at 4:30 a.m. That’s when Seth Rich, a DNC staffer who managed a database for the committee, was shot in the back and murdered.

He still had his wallet, watch, cell phone, and credit cards on him when he was found, which appears to make his murder more likely a hit than a robbery. It also casts doubt on Russia as the source of the DNC emails, but they cannot be entirely ruled out. Vladimir Putin could be providing a wide range of flammable information.

On August 10, articles appearing above the fold on numerous political websites had the blogosphere blazing. WikiLeaks sent out a tweet that stunned its Twitter followers: “ANNOUNCE: WikiLeaks has decided to issue a US$20k reward for information leading to conviction for the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.”

And they think she`s fit to lead as President.
Its coming then testicle you can play with your pussy boy
don't mess with mother Russia

While many believe the Russians provided Assange the DNC emails, Assange has remained steadfast in refusing to confirm or deny that Russia is his source. However, a hint about the true source can be traced back to July 10 at 4:30 a.m. That’s when Seth Rich, a DNC staffer who managed a database for the committee, was shot in the back and murdered.

He still had his wallet, watch, cell phone, and credit cards on him when he was found, which appears to make his murder more likely a hit than a robbery. It also casts doubt on Russia as the source of the DNC emails, but they cannot be entirely ruled out. Vladimir Putin could be providing a wide range of flammable information.

On August 10, articles appearing above the fold on numerous political websites had the blogosphere blazing. WikiLeaks sent out a tweet that stunned its Twitter followers: “ANNOUNCE: WikiLeaks has decided to issue a US$20k reward for information leading to conviction for the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.”
Russia is in tatters bitch.
Russia has no allies bitch.
The rouble is still over 60 bitch.

Get lost witless asshole.
Feeble argument. The character of a President matters. This tape shows Trump's lack of it. You will see how much it matters to Americans soon.

Funny how you never mind the coincidences stemming from Vlad and Julie's actions or releases.

You are a mendacious robot.
Lol. Hillary. Character. Lmao!
and now all Hillary supporters scurry worried that if assange says what he said he will do not only will Hilaries carrier end all her supporters will look like fools

For Hillary, the “fix” appears to be in universally, but freedom of the press gives Assange more power than all other news outlets currently carrying her water. She’s a candidate not without a significant amount of baggage to begin with, and she’s a poor campaigner. She needs all the help she can get, and no trouble. If WikiLeaks posts something in October so devastating that Hillary becomes completely compromised, it may be too late for her to bow out of the race. Instead, she’ll have face a McGovernesque loss.

It can be safely assumed the Russians do have a very large data dump that could ruin both Clintons, and they could have passed it along to Assange.

While we as conservatives should find this a fitting end to Hillary Clinton’s political career, Putin is by no means a friend of the United States. It’s clear that he is cold, calculating, and longs for the halcyon days of the U.S.S.R., as few as they may have been. Putin may be thinking it will be easier to deal with Trump than with Hillary.

He likely envisions a meeting not unlike the one at which Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev ate President John F. Kennedy’s lunch in Vienna. Back then, JFK opined, “It’s going to be a cold winter.” If the Russians give Assange all they have on Hillary, the result could be a career-ending October surprise and a very cold and endless winter for Hillary Rodham Clinton.
and now all Hillary supporters scurry worried that if assange says what he said he will do not only will Hilaries carrier end all her supporters will look like fools

For Hillary, the “fix” appears to be in universally, but freedom of the press gives Assange more power than all other news outlets currently carrying her water. She’s a candidate not without a significant amount of baggage to begin with, and she’s a poor campaigner. She needs all the help she can get, and no trouble. If WikiLeaks posts something in October so devastating that Hillary becomes completely compromised, it may be too late for her to bow out of the race. Instead, she’ll have face a McGovernesque loss.

It can be safely assumed the Russians do have a very large data dump that could ruin both Clintons, and they could have passed it along to Assange.

While we as conservatives should find this a fitting end to Hillary Clinton’s political career, Putin is by no means a friend of the United States. It’s clear that he is cold, calculating, and longs for the halcyon days of the U.S.S.R., as few as they may have been. Putin may be thinking it will be easier to deal with Trump than with Hillary.

He likely envisions a meeting not unlike the one at which Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev ate President John F. Kennedy’s lunch in Vienna. Back then, JFK opined, “It’s going to be a cold winter.” If the Russians give Assange all they have on Hillary, the result could be a career-ending October surprise and a very cold and endless winter for Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Are you fucking joking? Far too fucking dull to even glance over,.

Bloated jackass, no one gives a fuck about your imaginings and fears
and now all Hillary supporters scurry worried that if assange says what he said he will do not only will Hilaries carrier end all her supporters will look like fools

For Hillary, the “fix” appears to be in universally, but freedom of the press gives Assange more power than all other news outlets currently carrying her water. She’s a candidate not without a significant amount of baggage to begin with, and she’s a poor campaigner. She needs all the help she can get, and no trouble. If WikiLeaks posts something in October so devastating that Hillary becomes completely compromised, it may be too late for her to bow out of the race. Instead, she’ll have face a McGovernesque loss.

It can be safely assumed the Russians do have a very large data dump that could ruin both Clintons, and they could have passed it along to Assange.

While we as conservatives should find this a fitting end to Hillary Clinton’s political career, Putin is by no means a friend of the United States. It’s clear that he is cold, calculating, and longs for the halcyon days of the U.S.S.R., as few as they may have been. Putin may be thinking it will be easier to deal with Trump than with Hillary.

He likely envisions a meeting not unlike the one at which Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev ate President John F. Kennedy’s lunch in Vienna. Back then, JFK opined, “It’s going to be a cold winter.” If the Russians give Assange all they have on Hillary, the result could be a career-ending October surprise and a very cold and endless winter for Hillary Rodham Clinton.
I hear the Russian GoPro weighs less than 17 pounds now - without the battery backpack. Good job.

How are those sausage-like missles?

If you think about it it starts with Obama throwing Hillary a dog bone to become sec of state ,, was she not working for Obama,,
When Americans died in Bengaze ??? or her plotting the sale of american Uranium rights to the Russians ??? what about her Email scandal

Just shows with Obama how deep the corruption runs in your Government, and is sickening to the world let alone most citizens that actually care

Everyone is scared of Trump and why ?? because he is a man and ran for president out of his own pocket , cannot be influenced , so the big boys are doing what ever to make sure he does not win ..

If you think about it,, he is one of the last people that will be of the people not of the rich that have influenced by there donations changes of laws, taxes and new products like your beloved GMO's ..

You don't get it When the Clinton's left the white house they were bankrupt who do you think set them up the Banks ??? or some elites corrupt people with a scheme to get what they want through who they want
Just so happens Clinton and the Clinton foundation was a perfect front for corruption ..

Maybe you should read up on how Iceland cleaned up there banker corruption, and how they are doing well today .. by throwing everyone one of them in jail

Usa cannot keep doing what there doing its fucking obvious to everyone in the world
when are the people going to decide take back there country ??? when its to fucking late

Everything is a lie and fake from your stock market to jobs there is no fucking jobs, wages aare cut in half and another job added by giving another person half the wage they took

You think your going to do good this way or it shows job rate increased this month .

There are people working 2 - 3 part time jobs to make ends meet how fucked up is that ?? and you think your economy is doing well ?? sorry truth is its not ..

Only product leaving your country is whats growing in my back yard as for any else sorry we just do not make that any more ..

And that is the problem in USA just have to look at your trade Deficit if its any indication on what goods people want from us out in the world

Example why in the fuck would i buy 120 dollar pair of jeans made in USA when i can buy 6 - 7 exact same pair of jeans for less must be the red white n blue stitching that raised the price for that one pair of jeans lol

You wonder why American cars are being built in mexico ??? cause if it was all built in USA that bottom end car would eventually cost half a million dollars of garbage ..
and be another stock piled product when the likes of toyata , Nissan Volkswagan etc become the affordable , more dependent and most importantly more efficient choice for the average american that needs to count his pennies

Like i said Trump may not be the best candidate as president but if i was to put either Hillary or trump in charge of my FARM
i guarantee you I would pick Trump his business record way out performs Hillaries
and that is what USA needs

If you think for one min Hillary is going to be the savor of you all your sadly mistaken
Someone that will bring back work to everyone and not Bull shit with some make belief graphs

REMEMBER the Clinton's were Impeached and you want to bring her back into office WTF
Lol. Epic rant. Much kudos.
OH them Russians hey Testicles dont forget China and Russia are allies the best hackers in the world come from china, Russia , Turkey, Taiwan so surely they have dope on the Clintons..
And don't think for one minute after you stood back watching USSR crumble they do not have a vendetta
Hillary is going to Hang

And please don't forget to look at the pole on top of this thread who is leading you need glasses
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