“I did try and f--- her. She was married,” Trump says.

Trump continues: “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

all this was caught on a hot mic a little bit after he maried melania (see: "vagina is expensive")

and here he is discussing his rape technique on the same tape:

"When you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything."

“Grab them by the p---y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”
and people are willing to vote for this this disgusting man hillary is no better wtf is going on america is falling big time it is an amazing place with good people but its a shame it is run by psycos that want to destroy i live in the united states of britain ohh we are all doomed lol
I know it's just a 'silly website feature' and all, but I'm just curious: Isn't it kind of pathetic/sad that none of your posts receive 'likes'? I bet it feels a lot like high school for you, eh? No friends, never getting laid or leaving the house much, forced to jack off while peeping at your sister through a crack in the basement door, etc.

Anyhow, I've blessed you with enough of my precious time & typing, so back to what suits creatures of your breed best - a careful balance of feces/vomit memes and outright ignoring! Cheers!

Dude, I got eight today, ten yesterday and a hundred pages of them. What I`ll do with them, I have no clue.
Do you like being proven wrong or something ?

How many does our honest rat have ? Not that it matters.
You guys do realize that nothing will faze the Trump supporters unless maybe there is a video of him murdering a virgin and drinking her blood, not even sure that would do it.
and people are willing to vote for this this disgusting man hillary is no better wtf is going on america is falling big time it is an amazing place with good people but its a shame it is run by psycos that want to destroy i live in the united states of britain ohh we are all doomed lol

hello, my name is unclebuck, but people call me zarabeth. i am bisexual, and a yoga instructor. i am a bisexual yoga instructor.
Dude, I got eight today, ten yesterday and a hundred pages of them. What I`ll do with them, I have no clue.
Do you like being proven wrong or something ?

How many does our honest rat have ? Not that it matters.
ok mate mate rofl thats your opinion thats ok i ask a very resonable question and this is the rubbish i get back i think you are the one who needs help bro wtf u judging prick
Opinion on what ? I was replying to Lou Lou. Then you you come and I don`t know what you are thinking but ,...shit.....

Please elaborate.
soz mate its cause am new to this site and i posted an opinion on the subject u had posted and i thought when i received alerts in my inbox on the subject it was meant for the question i had posted plus
You guys do realize that nothing will faze the Trump supporters unless maybe there is a video of him murdering a virgin and drinking her blood, not even sure that would do it.

There are things, but til he is in Office or at least held an Office, his sex life as a citizen is no biggie unless he is convicted of a sex crime or doing inhumane sex acts.
FDR was a women`s worse nightmare and he has all kinds of respect and even permanent statues/busts.

¡Ay, caramba! , from the Spanish interjections ay (denoting surprise or pain) and caramba (a minced oath, a euphemism for carajo, which comes from the Latin for stick and is used like "dick" or "fuck" in Spanish.),
There are things, but til he is in Office or at least held an Office, his sex life as a citizen is no biggie unless he is convicted of a sex crime or doing inhumane sex acts.
FDR was a women`s worse nightmare and he has all kinds of respect and even permanent statues/busts.

Suck it loser...There's no aborting this campaign in the third trimester, Republicans - you have to carry your baby to term. can't wait for the nov. 9th excuses...they're always fun to read