Things That Are Disturbing To You..

Stick around a while. You might get to like it here. I would suggest you stop calling respected members like Durden an asshole, though. It will only end bad for you.
What's with the new guys today? Well, they'll either make it or they wont, welcome to the Jungle ;)
Bad hygiene
Overweight strippers
Warm beer
Messy houses/dirty dishes
Low/soft/mumbling talkers
Messy cars/trucks
Unmade beds
Skim milk
Decaffeinated coffee


Beyond disturbing ^
Not at all..I just wanted to impress upon you, that I need no ones permission nor does anyone need mine when answering forum posts.
No, pin answered and you liked his post and were happy to leave it at that.
Then I called you out on it and you lost your shit and still failed to answer the question.