who is growing some trees????

I have M.S. And guerrilla farm really does a number on me some days... If you really hand out free bud to M.S. Patients I applaud you bud helps so much when you have it regain some freedom to do things during the day besides sit
A few people I know in the area has it. A couple are very close friends. HORRIBLE to watch them suffer. One gets the "hugs" a lot and passes out. Cannabis really seems to calm them down so they can get through a day, or sleep at night. I never really knew how bad one can suffer from that til I moved here. My heart goes out to anyone living with it.
yeah wait until it gets where it should be at 2-300 a pound. Its only ever been at these levels due to prohibition. I'm all about people making a living, but there are also those who need to to have quality of life and they cant afford (nor do they need ot afford) 1000 dollars a pound....
yeah wait until it gets where it should be at 2-300 a pound. Its only ever been at these levels due to prohibition. I'm all about people making a living, but there are also those who need to to have quality of life and they cant afford (nor do they need ot afford) 1000 dollars a pound....
The best of the best growers will still be making over 300/Lb even 10 years down the road when it's legal on a federal level. Think of fine wine or fine cigars. I've seen some cigars go for as much as 300 each.
Yes of course there will connoisseur levels, but the norm will be less than 2-300 a pound. Same like you pay for tomatoes, those fuckers aint 300 a pound
Yes of course there will connoisseur levels, but the norm will be less than 2-300 a pound. Same like you pay for tomatoes, those fuckers aint 300 a pound
Tomatoes are easier to care for and virtually no processing after being picked. There is hours of processing alone to process a pound ganja. Not to mention, it has nearly zero water weight compared to a tomato that is nearly all water. How much does saffron go for a pound?
Tomatoes are easier to care for and virtually no processing after being picked. There is hours of processing alone to process a pound ganja. Not to mention, it has nearly zero water weight compared to a tomato that is nearly all water. How much does saffron go for a pound?
Nice try but cannabis is not saffron.....much more widely available than saffron brah and imo there's not that much processing with cannabis.....

"It is so expensive because it is an extremely labor-intensive crop. The saffron crocus, flowers in the fall. Each flower has three tiny, threadlike stigmas in the center. These must be removed by hand and carefully toasted to dry. More than 80,000 crocus flowers must be grown, cared for, hand-harvested and processed to make one pound of saffron."
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and.....the only reason the price was ever what it is is because some dickhead was/is saying it is illegal, no other reason.....
Worse part of legalization would be like what happened to the Tobacco industry....fn Monsanto yo....genetic modified to make you as passive as possible.......
Nice try but cannabis is not saffron.....much more widely available than saffron brah and imo there's not that much processing with cannabis.....

"It is so expensive because it is an extremely labor-intensive crop. The saffron crocus, flowers in the fall. Each flower has three tiny, threadlike stigmas in the center. These must be removed by hand and carefully toasted to dry. More than 80,000 crocus flowers must be grown, cared for, hand-harvested and processed to make one pound of saffron."
Takes an hour and oz to trim for me. That's after bucking the water leaves off for another 2 hours before I hang them to dry. Add in transportation time to market I have 20 hour into each pound just for processing. Not to mention the months of work before hand. And if it's in door I won't even get into those costs. Electricians make 50 a hour for comparison sakes.. if you don't want to pay fair pay for the work do it yourselves. Just like you do.
Takes an hour and oz to trim for me. That's after bucking the water leaves off for another 2 hours before I hang them to dry. Add in transportation time to market I have 20 hour into each pound just for processing. Not to mention the months of work before hand. And if it's in door I won't even get into those costs. Electricians make 50 a hour for comparison sakes.. if you don't want to pay fair pay for the work do it yourselves. Just like you do.
Agreed 110%! Although I do think in the future the market will unfortunately be going to all machine trimmed which will lower time.. I wish there was a machine trimmer that did as good as hand trimmed. I'd imagine they'll invent it one day.
Takes an hour and oz to trim for me. That's after bucking the water leaves off for another 2 hours before I hang them to dry. Add in transportation time to market I have 20 hour into each pound just for processing. Not to mention the months of work before hand. And if it's in door I won't even get into those costs. Electricians make 50 a hour for comparison sakes.. if you don't want to pay fair pay for the work do it yourselves. Just like you do.

There will always be a decent market for finely grown marijuana. I find most people have no desire to grow their own food, much less their own herb.