Yields, I have no idea. It's starts going when it's wet... You get the odd frown, but I'm quids in that way...

I never have it all to weigh when it's dry. Bought a low mileage Honda s2000 after the 1st grow with cmh, so quite good yields

I'm finding real quality with the cmh. The other day I had 3 rice crispy space cakes just before I fell asleep, I was in my campervan under the stars.
Next thing.. I wake up realise immediately I'm mid whitey

Look at my phone and it was 04:05am, opened to van door...
Next thing I woke up laid down on the car park floor with my face next to a puddle of my own sick

It was pissing down with rain too! I was covered in mud, had a bleeding knee and elbow from the fall out the van
Literally threw a whitey and I'm mid 30's... I really though I was past that tbh
Funny thing is, I checked the time when I went back in 04:34

So I'd been out for half an hour

The quality has improved. I think I'm getting better yields than under hps, mainly coz the environment isn't too hot, with a nice spectrum too.