Doc's Dank Seeds

Send me some good thoughts man, I'll take whatever positivity I can get. Enough positive energy and shit is bound to change.

What does not kill you will make you stronger brother. If you can tell us your problems its not that bad trust me . the situations where you can't even get out the bed over. Now thats that shit . think of all the poor souls all over the world who are living in hell literally. No water medical aide hell decent edible food, limbs being cutt off etc.. This is there reality. You will be OK man stay positive as possible ... This could be a test for something to come this may be preparing you to handle something in the future. Just some thoughts I hope I was of some help.
What does not kill you will make you stronger brother. If you can tell us your problems its not that bad trust me . the situations where you can't even get out the bed over. Now thats that shit . think of all the poor souls all over the world who are living in hell literally. No water medical aide hell decent edible food, limbs being cutt off etc.. This is there reality. You will be OK man stay positive as possible ... This could be a test for something to come this may be preparing you to handle something in the future. Just some thoughts I hope I was of some help.
Well, I appreciate the words man, but I sincerely hope this aint no fucking test for later times. I know we are fortunate to still have a roof over our head and a bag of rice in the cupboard, but thats not what I call living. There is no other place, so thats what I think about daily. My family and my wifes family live in this house and at any month end we could be kicked out on our arses for no payment, so thats what concerns me.
What gets me through everyday is knowing that others have it way worse; and have been in alot of 3 what we consider 3rd world countries on this planet, so I have seen it.