Well-Known Member
Helicopter, Feds, 84 year old woman, 1 plant, last week.
LOL that will just make people vote to legalize it.
Helicopter, Feds, 84 year old woman, 1 plant, last week.
You may be overestimating the sense of the American peepsLOL that will just make people vote to legalize it.
You may be overestimating the sense of the American peeps
I do not expect Kansas, Oklahoma, or Idaho, to legalize in my lifetime. When they do it will be from surrounding state supply and homegrow product/arrests.Not at all I think people are tired of the war on pot as there are much better things to spend money on.
I do not expect Kansas, Oklahoma, or Idaho, to legalize in my lifetime. When they do it will be from surrounding state supply and homegrow product/arrests.
I'll say this I'm originally from Louisiana and I know ole governors Bobby has started the transition to at least allow for medical use although it's very restrictive it's a start. Once one or two of the Bible Belt states fall in line the rest will follow. Kansas and Oklahoma are on the bill to vote for medical use this November I even got my mom willing to vote for it in oklahoma so I would bet you'll see before you kill over unless your knocking on deaths door ATM. Let stay positive!I do not expect Kansas, Oklahoma, or Idaho, to legalize in my lifetime. When they do it will be from surrounding state supply and homegrow product/arrests.
If the fed says it's legal they can't do a damn thing about it.
Do you remember the gay marriage issue?
And how that flipped almost instantly nationwide?
This is what happens when a Country becomes more progressive....sure you'll have states who try to fight it....but They will have to give in whether they like it or not. That's what will happen eventually.
a few years ago, the cops were in fact setting up outside of a some what local hydro store one state over from me, and they'd follow people home, then go through their trash to find evidence of a grow op and then bust people.. you might think you're being paranoid, but that's not always such a bad thing ime..
"smart cops"...HAHAHAHAHAHA....I saw a story a few years ago where they were watched people go into stores, then went to their house and found tea leaves in the garbage and got a warrant. When they searched the house the people were actually growing tomatoes. I think the police still tried to charge them with dope growing and endangering kids. Then they find out both the parents who lived there are retired CIA so the charges got dropped.
There was also a guy in Georgia who got arrested for growing okra because the cop thought it was marijuana.
The smart cops will just leave you alone if you don't bother anyone. Unless you do something stupid like grow okra or throw away tea leaves, then your screwed.
What have I done...!
I went to a local hydro supply store and bought some canna branded nutes and without thinking, paid for it with my credit card...
The concern:
Are these types of shops easy sources of grower info for the cops where they just have to get access to the shop's sales records every now and then to check the addresses of people who used bank cards at the store and follow up with busts on customers likely to be using the bought products?
I'm feaking out that the cops will forever have my address and just periodically bust me.
Should I be concerned? Has anyone done something similar and regreted it? Do the cops do this?
Gotta disagree Ub..Believe where gay marriage was concerned Supremes ruled Fed. law "occupied the field". Where ganj. is concerned, thanks to some long ago obscure Supreme Court decision on issues unrelated to weed, things are not set up that way. The Fed. does not "occupy the field" Thus the states can de-authorize their arrest-able pot offenses, and structure programs in med, hemp, and rec.. The Fed can order state and local cops to arrest peeps for breaking Fed. law but they must be tried in Fed. court (Cali med dispensaries) and housed in Fed prison, or the Fed must pay the state or private enterprise for housing the prisoner. As state borders link up like Wash and Oregon the only areas the Feds. will have any real clout will be taxes, banking ( that will change), and border control between states. They can order people arrested but that person is 100% on the Fed. tab. The opposite is also true, Fed sez legal, a state can say no. Doubt I'm 100% correct but that is the nub of the Fed. and weed.
It happens. Depends on where you live. That woman wont get anything for it.Helicopter, Feds, 84 year old woman, 1 plant, last week.
This site strips exif data on photos.i tend to feel that if the cops are on here looking for you in order to get some dirt on you, more than likely they've already been on to you for some time and are only looking for more stuff to add on so they can tack on some more charges, so there's really no reason to be hiding you ip addy.. i've been on this site, and many other canna related sites for close to a decade now, and i've never heard of a single case of anyone getting busted for posting things about cannabis online only..
of course you always want to be smart about your online activities on canna sites, and not give up too much information about yourself, when posting pix delete any and all exif date before doing so, when posting pix of a grow don't show any identifying things about your place of residence, or any car that you may drive, things like that..
and of course don't draw any attention to yourself irl to draw the popo's eye to you in the first place.. don't sell out of your home if that's where you grow, don't have a lot of foot traffic coming and going into the grow, don't have any big parties that neighbors might call the cops for and complain about noise and have them knocking on your front door, don't get into fights with your room mates if you have any.. watch out for vengeful ex'es who might know about the grow and who would be willing to drop a dime on you out of revenge. keep the smell down, don't have your house glowing from the lights in any one room, so on and so on.. just use some basic common sense really..
This site strips exif data on photos.
I fudge the truth a little. Like I say I live in KY. I was raised there but live in another state. I was in the military and say on here I was in the AF. I was in a different branch.
Things like that.