"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

If you watch the vid, he charges with a small Honda EU gas generator (I think). constant RPM single cylinder combustion engine is the most efficient, not bearing any load. 3 1/2 hours to full charge he says and his solar rig takes a week to 1/2 charge.

So instead of an ICE with emissions controls, he's using an ICE without them? Is it at least a diesel generator? This just doesn't strike me as progress yet- and believe me when I tell you that I'm a big advocate for electric transportation!
So instead of an ICE with emissions controls, he's using an ICE without them? Is it at least a diesel generator? This just doesn't strike me as progress yet- and believe me when I tell you that I'm a big advocate for electric transportation!

How is that not progress? Its like going from 30-40 mpg to 150-200mpg. Big improvement in the interim IMO.
Yeah, that ended any thought of a serious discussion with him. Sad.

That's a damn shame, I was looking forward to thoughtful discussion in Politics on RIU and you, were a glimmer of hope.

Sorry, using the tax code to nudge behavior is something I don't approve of. I don't approve of it when The Donand uses it to skip taxes, which means I can't approve of it for subsidizing the market either. I have never placed blame on anyone who has taken what was offered them though.
So what do you buy then? Meaning, what kind of transportation are you using atm?

'Used', meaning that I'm not contributing to the continuing destruction of natural resources author a new car purchase, not matter how hybrid it is.

My dream car used to be a Lambo, now it's a Tesla Model S P100D. Powering it with solar or home based fuel cell tech will easily best any realistic numbers for ICE or hybrid cars, because fuel cells are dramatically more efficient converters of hydrocarbons into electricity than any iteration of the internal combustion engine.
That's a damn shame, I was looking forward to thoughtful discussion in Politics on RIU and you, were a glimmer of hope.

Sorry, using the tax code to nudge behavior is something I don't approve of. I don't approve of it when The Donand uses it to skip taxes, which means I can't approve of it for subsidizing the market either. I have never placed blame on anyone who has taken what was offered them though.

It's a time honored tactic to encourage public policy. You're hopelessly out of touch with political reality. WTF do you think subsidies ARE, genius?!

But telling you so is a waste of my time because you won't listen.
No one measures silver or gold by the gram you dumbass, it's by the oz.

do you not understand how math works? the bubble is there no matter whether you measure it by grams, ounces, or pounds of stupidity you heap onto this forum.

You have no proof of any racism, that's why you won't post it.

i already have you racist.

you even said that you did not think civil rights were a good idea.

you are hopeless.
'Used', meaning that I'm not contributing to the continuing destruction of natural resources author a new car purchase, not matter how hybrid it is.

My dream car used to be a Lambo, now it's a Tesla Model S P100D. Powering it with solar or home based fuel cell tech will easily best any realistic numbers for ICE or hybrid cars, because fuel cells are dramatically more efficient converters of hydrocarbons into electricity than any iteration of the internal combustion engine.

I buy used also. So many motorcycles sit in garages with practically no miles on them. Pardon my ignorance but what is ICE? So do you think a hybrid carrying 2 drive trains or a pure electric charged with non green is better than the electric samurai I posted that's mostly charged with the small efficient gas generator? Realizing that America by and large does not charge with green.

The original question remains: If you don't think the vid I posted is progress because the generator produces emissions, what are you driving specifically that produces less? Double jj drives a zero emissions, I could respect that statement coming from him although I would play the financial aspect. Buying used isn't cutting it, that sammy in my vid was bought used.
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It's a time honored tactic to encourage public policy. You're hopelessly out of touch with political reality. WTF do you think subsidies ARE, genius?!

But telling you so is a waste of my time because you won't listen.

Political reality is economic reality. I thought you knew that, that's why I engage you. So far it's fairly interesting, truly.

I'm not out of touch. Neither are most here. You realize this is a cannabis grow site and most here love the free market in that regard. Including lots of the liberals that preach the opposite. I am happy to listen to anything you have to say actually. I may even take a day or two to research things point by point and get back to you if you wish. If I won't listen, I will tell you, like I did earlier when you said Hillary was in the center as the goal post has moved to the right.
The will of the people outweigh what any fucking scientist thinks or says. Hopefully, the voters are educated enough to form a good opinion of the issues/candidates. With proper regard to science. But if not, then that's fine too.

The Constitution of the United States is for the people, not for the fucking scientists.

Again, I like and respect science. I'm a man of science. But when a relatively few scientists can override the will of the masses, then we're all fucked - regardless of climate consequences.
Can you tell me if there have been any public policies that proved to be good and were based upon a lie?
do you not understand how math works? the bubble is there no matter whether you measure it by grams, ounces, or pounds of stupidity you heap onto this forum.

i already have you racist fucktard.

you even said that you did not think civil rights were a good idea.

you are hopeless.

You claim there is a gold bubble. That's hilarious. You also posted 2014 data when spot price is available by the minute. A precious metal created in the super nova of a star has a constant value. The notes you use to acquire this precious metal is what fluctuates.

Please try not to seem so dumb.

Silver is at $17.55/oz right now. Minimum wage in 1950 was $17.55 per hour and now its $7.25. Good job Keynesian progress.

You have posted no proof of racism. You have tried and failed many times. You accused me of joining the RIU white supremacy thing, which I did not. Fail. You accused me of watching birther vids, which I did, then voted for Obama. Fail. Let's see now its civil rights....go ahead and post your evidence which destroys your accusation again. Then go to freedom of religion and building mosque's which is another fail.
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You claim there is a gold bubble. That's hilarious. You also posted 2014 data when spot price is available by the minute. A precious metal created in the super nova of a star has a constant value. The notes you use to acquire this precious metal is what fluctuates.

Please try not to seem so dumb.

Silver is at $17.55/oz right now. Minimum wage in 1950 was $17.55 per hour and now its $7.25. Good job Keynesian progress.

You have posted no proof of racism. You have tried and failed many times. You accused me of joining the RIU white supremacy thing, which I did not. Fail. You accused me of watching birther vids, which I did, then voted for Obama. Fail. Let's see now its civil rights....go ahead and post your evidence which destroys your accusation again. Then go to freedom of religion and building mosque's which is another fail.

engaging you is pointless, because you do not accept reality.

so all i will do is continue to mock you as the racist fucknut you are.
totally not, you just think that obama's birth certificate is fake and he's an african illegitimate usurper.

I said about the birth certificate: " it must be real because it's on the internet" then I voted for the man. Where is your proof of what you claim I think? Riiiiiiiight.
engaging you is pointless, because you do not accept reality.

so all i will do is continue to mock you as the racist fucknut you are.

Translation: I can't engage you so I will call you names. Such a shame man, really. You traveled up the I5 a lot when I was on here last. I could have shown you how to golf and grow and how to economics more gooder. Perhaps a fellow like you who bounces from job to job might be better suited to a Whole Life Policy in lieu of a the government controlled 401k....... Notice you left the minimum wage and your silly gold and silver chart out of conversation. We might not agree politically but lots of my friends disagree with me politically and we can still enjoy a Mt Shasta jalapeno ale together discussing politics. Get a fucking clue race warrior.
In summation, UncleBunk is not green, the opposite actually. And missed the Golden Hour with the old graph LOL!

Therefore, waceizm.
That's a damn shame, I was looking forward to thoughtful discussion in Politics on RIU and you, were a glimmer of hope.

Sorry, using the tax code to nudge behavior is something I don't approve of. I don't approve of it when The Donand uses it to skip taxes, which means I can't approve of it for subsidizing the market either. I have never placed blame on anyone who has taken what was offered them though.

Trump didnt skip anything. He paid income tax on a billion dollars and then the market tanked and his real estate lost that value.

What you and Hillary Clinton are unhappy about is that he didnt get taxed AGAIN when he made it back.

Doule and Triple Taxation For the LOSS!!!